
A crisp sound.

Instinctively, I covered my head. When I looked up again, the door had opened.

"Who are you?"

I was afraid to ask a sentence, they did not say a word, to me is a burst of punches and kicks, pulled me out of the car, two people with me, put me into their car, also sealed my mouth.

I don't know how long later, when they pulled me out of the car, I was in a very broken building.

From being caught on the road, until now, my head has been in a state of confusion.

A man ripped the tape from my mouth. They didn't wait for me to speak, and they began to beat me again.

Damn it!

Are these guys violent?

If you don't speak, you know how to beat.

I fell to the ground, holding my head, curled up, head more and more confused, and finally fainted.

A chill woke me up, and they splashed me with water.

I try to open my eyes, feel left eyelid is very heavy, may be swollen, OK, right eye is OK.

He was tied to a chair, forced to move twice, no use at all.

I look ahead, a middle-aged man standing in front of me, behind him stood a group of people.

"Why did you arrest me?"

I asked weakly.

"Boy, what have you done that you don't know?"

The middle-aged man's face was very cold and his tone was very flat.

What have you done?

Are they Guo Jinhai's people!

What happened to Guo Ling?

It's over. It's all over.

My body couldn't help shaking.

No, if they are sure that I did it, why don't they kill me directly? It's a trial.

Are they just suspicious of me?

If so, I have to work harder!

Take a deep breath.

My mood gradually calmed down.

"I don't understand what you mean."

"Boy, I don't want to tell you the truth, do I? I have plenty of ways for you to tell me."

The middle-aged man waved his hand to the people behind him, and then came two people. One of them pressed my head back to make me face up.

Another person took out a wet towel and covered my face. I just felt that there was water pouring on the towel, and my breathing became more and more difficult.

The feeling of suffocation is more and more strong, I struggle desperately, but the man's hand is like a mountain, pressing on my head, no matter how hard I struggle, I can't move.

Just when I was about to lose support, the man took off the wet towel and I gasped.

"Kill me!"

"Want to die, no, no, we haven't got any useful information yet. We won't let you die, we will only make your life worse than death."

"I remember you, you'd better kill me now, otherwise if you fall into my hands later, I'll make you regret coming to this world all your life."

I've never hated a person so much. Now I've eaten this person's heart.

"I'm so scared, ha ha!"

The middle-aged man didn't pay attention to my threat at all and laughed wildly.

"Are you Guo Jinhai's people?"

I asked suspiciously.

When the middle-aged man heard me, he was stunned and nodded.

"It's very smart. Since you know that we are the people of boss Guo, you should know why we arrested you."

It turns out that they are really Guo Jinhai's people. It seems that Guo Ling's affair has been exposed, that is, her own plan. Have you lost everything?

I'm not reconciled!

"You arrested me in Guo Jinhai's sphere of influence. It's nothing to guess your identity. I don't understand why you arrested me. If you kidnap me, forget it. I'm not rich."

"Boy, do you pretend to be confused with me? You did Guo Ling's business, didn't you?"

The middle-aged man made it clear.

They really come for Guo Ling's sake. If they don't admit it all the time, they will continue to torture me. In the end, even if they can't recruit them, they will be tortured to death.

If I do, I'm afraid I will die in the end.

If you don't want to be tortured to death, you have to die. What can you do?

Thinking about it, my eyes turned, and suddenly I had a way.

When they saw that I kept silent, they brought me a very thin iron drill, which was similar to those used for barbecue.

When I saw these things, my heart trembled.


They're going to torture me again?

"What are you doing?"

I gave two dry smiles.

"Since you still don't say it, I have to continue to use my method to force you to say it."The middle-aged man picked up an iron chisel, threw it at a piece of wood and stabbed it in.

Then, he picked up another one, came to me, held the iron drill in front of me, and touched the tip of the drill with his hand.

"You say, if I use these chisels and stick them into your fingernail cap, how would it feel?"

I'm in a cold sweat. This man is a change, a state, a madman.

"Big brother and big brother, I don't think it's enough. What a big thing it is, it needs such a big publicity."

Damn it!

Ten fingers linked to one's heart, Lagerstroemia indica was pricked by mammy Rong's embroidery needle. It was so painful that I didn't want to suffer those crimes.

I'm not soft hearted. It's my usual tactic to retreat.

When the middle-aged man heard me, he laughed and patted me on the shoulder.

"That's right. If you're good enough, you'll suffer less."

"Brother, can you let me go?"

The middle-aged man winked at his subordinates, who then came and untied me.

I finally got back to action, stood up, moved my body, and felt sore all over.

Eye son a turn, walked a step road, pretended to almost fall down of appearance, leg a lame a lame.

"Big brother, you are too cruel. If you don't say a word, you will beat me. If you had asked me earlier, I would have said it. As for the pain in my leg, I can't walk any more."

I quickly sat back in my chair and rubbed my legs with my hands. I was deliberately showing weakness and reducing their vigilance.

At the same time, secretly looked around.

We are in a big place with a row of concrete pillars in the middle. On my left, about 50 meters away, is the door of the building.

The gates are guarded. It's hard to escape at the main gate.

On my right, about six or seven meters away, is a stairway, straight to the second floor.

There is no special person to guard the stairway. Even if you escape to the second floor, you can't run.

Jumping off a building?

I don't have that ability.

What to do?

I'm very anxious. It's a dead end here.

"Tell me."

The middle-aged man spoke.

"I know one thing about Guo Ling. She's your eldest niece."

When I said this, I stopped and didn't respond to the middle-aged man.

"She and I only met once. Tut Tut, the little girl's skin is very white and her milk is not small. We drank a lot of wine that time."

The middle-aged man finally had a reaction. He frowned and said, "do you mean that you were drinking with Guo Ling that night?"

"Yes, you see I'm so handsome. Guo Ling got entangled with me as soon as she saw me. She insisted that I be her boyfriend. I would not agree because I knew my identity. I didn't deserve Miss Guo Ling at all. Oh, by the way, we are still a family after all. "

I began to talk nonsense, there are true and false words, if they want to verify the authenticity, they also need time, they can delay, see if they can escape.

"Are you also the man of boss Guo?"

The middle-aged man asked suspiciously.

"Yes, we are a family. You must have misunderstood."

"Then why haven't I seen you?"

"Big brother, the four industries of boss Guo, I'm in Mengdu. You go to ask sister Wen, and it's clear."

"You're driving to dreamland today?"

"Yes, I'm training."

"What's your name?"

"Lin Yang."

The middle-aged man waved to a man, who came quickly.

"You go to investigate and see if what he said is true."

After the middle-aged man arranged for the man to leave, he continued to ask me.

"You mean Guo Ling asked you to be her boyfriend, but you didn't promise. After drinking, you separated?"

"At that time, Guo Ling's drink was broken. I had to go with her. I didn't dare to go. This is Guo's niece. I dare not provoke her."

"I'll ask you again, why is your car still parked in the middle of the night across from the bar?"


Did they check the surveillance video nearby?

No, even if they watched the surveillance, why did they just focus on my car when there were so many cars on the road?

"Brother, how do you know where my car is parked?"

"It doesn't matter to tell you. We checked the monitoring nearby and found that your car appeared near the bar many times."

Many times?

When I think about it for a moment, the car was always driven by Wang long and them. They must have gone to the bar more than once, until they took Guo Ling away.

No wonder, how can I neglect such a big loophole, damn it!

"Answer my question."

The middle-aged man picked up an iron drill and shook it.Grass!

You're tough.


I covered my stomach and rolled on the ground in pain.

"What's the matter?"

"I may have colitis, stomachache."

I said in great pain.

"Don't play tricks, boy."

The middle-aged man gave me a warning.

"Big brother, your drill shakes my heart. How dare I play tricks? I have a real stomachache."

"That's troublesome."

"You, take him to the bathroom."

The middle-aged man pointed to a little brother.

I got up and limped towards the door.


I looked back at the middle-aged man and asked weakly, "what happened again?"

"This way."

He pointed to the stairs.

Well, I had to turn around and walk towards the stairway. It's very slow. I can't help the pain in my leg.

We walked through the stairway and went on. We saw two rows of rooms, some with doors and some without.

He took me into one of the rooms. I saw that there was a lot of poop, dirty and messy, and a window.

Unfortunately, the window was nailed to death by more than a dozen pieces of wood.

It's not demolition at all, it's a rotten end.

"Right here."

"Brother, can you wait outside the door? You look at me. I can't pull it out. Besides, it stinks inside."

The man frowned, turned around, took a few steps forward, but did not go out.

I saw a pile of wooden strips on the ground. I turned my eyes and bit my teeth. I gently picked up a thick wooden stick, held the stick in both hands, fixed my eyes on the back of the man's head and walked quietly towards him.

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