After thinking about this, Li Yixuan took Song Qi to Shunhai.

Shunhai clothing is a big company. It designs clothes and then gives them to the brands. If the brands like it, they will choose styles and place orders from them, and then send them to the garment factories to make ready-made clothes.

Youli garment factory is their downline.

At that time, it was well said that 30% of the money should be given first, and then 40% of the money should be given after finishing. If all the goods here are sold to the brands, the remaining 30% should be given.

But they only gave 30% deposit, as for the latter 40%, they didn't give any.

For a small Youli garment factory, this is a huge sum of money. For this reason, Li Yixuan has been here several times, but she can only see the front desk, not even the person in charge here.

In the car, Li Yixuan had already said all these things.

"Is that shipment out yet?" Asked Song Qi.

"I heard that it hasn't..." Li Yixuan replied, "but I inquired about it. It seems that the customers from the brand company have come here. They are in their company these days. They should be able to ship."

"How much profit can you make by taking such an order?" Song Qi asked.

Li Yixuan shook her head. "It's a small profit. Most of them are made by Shunhai clothing. Their ex factory price is more than 100 yuan per piece. As for us, all the processes and raw materials are from us, but the most is 50 yuan per piece. Apart from these artificial raw materials, we earn very little."

"What's the value of that shipment?" Song Qi asked again.

"If they go out, they should be worth seven or eight million."

Song Qi nodded, "OK, I understand. Let's go and find someone they can talk to. "

After arriving inside, Li Yixuan parked her car, came to their company and found the front desk.

The front desk already knew Li Yixuan. Seeing her coming in from the door, she called the manager's office and got the same answer as before.

"Hello..." Li Yixuan came forward.

"Hello, boss Li!" The front desk said with a smile, "sorry, manager Tao is not here."

"It doesn't matter if you're not here!" Song Qi replied, "let's get the goods."

The front desk was stunned for a moment, didn't understand what it meant.

Song Qi called out and said, "monkey, do you know the truck driver? Yes, get me some. I'll send you an address. By the way, I'll invite some porters to come here. Come here at once and come as soon as possible. "

The front desk doesn't understand what's going on.

"Sorry..." Song Qi put the mobile phone away and said with a smile, "it's said that our factory has made a batch of goods for you, but you haven't given us the money, right? Mr. Li has been here several times, and you haven't given us the money, and your manager hasn't even met. That's OK. We recognized the goods. I remember paying 30% at that time. That's it. I'll convert 30% of the money into 30% of the clothes. How many clothes are there altogether? "

"A total of more than 30000 pieces..." Li Yixuan felt a little confused, but immediately replied.

"Thirty percent is less than ten thousand pieces of clothes... OK, we'll leave ten thousand pieces of clothes for you, and the other twenty thousand pieces, we have to transport back." Song Qi said.

The front desk turned white.

She has seen a lot about the manager's move. When a small factory comes to them, she has to be humble. Who dares to play roughshod with them.

I didn't expect that this time I met a hard stubble.

"Wait..." the front desk's face was not good, and immediately said, "the manager is not in, but I can call him and ask him to come back. Well, you can wait."

With that, the front desk has called manager Tao again.

It wasn't long before manager Tao appeared outside. After seeing Li Yixuan, he was obviously dissatisfied, but he still managed to smile. "Boss Li, I'm so sorry. I've heard from front desk Xiaomeng that you've been here many times, but I'm too busy recently. I really can't get away from you to see you."

Li Yixuan can't help but look at Song Qi beside her. He is still powerful. Just one phone call forced manager Tao out.

As for what manager Tao said just now, those are excuses.

"Manager Tao is really too busy!" Li Yixuan said, "it's really hard to see one side."

Manager Tao laughed and said, "come on, let's sit in the office."

Having said that, the three have already arrived at manager Tao's office. From here, we can see the warehouse below.

Look at those warehouses. They should be where they stock.

"Mr. Li, I have asked the financial department to pay for you." Manager Tao said, "I'm really sorry. I've been so busy for such a long time. I haven't sent the payment to you all the time. It's really not good."

so nice?

Li Yixuan listened to him and felt that she had heard him wrong.

I haven't opened my mouth yet, but the other party has already asked for money?

Just at this time, the cell phone has been ringing.

Li Yixuan took a look, and then felt that she had been fooled.


There's only one hundred thousand!

If it is calculated at 40%, there will have to be more than 400000 yuan, nearly 500000 yuan. The other party should give such a little!

Song Qi came forward, saw the amount above, also frowned.

It seems that those of you who owe money are not willing to give up. You have reached such a level that you still use the money to send people away.

"Manager Tao, that's too little." Li Yixuan said, "no matter how you say it, 40% should be given. According to our previous contract, we will ship the goods for you, and that 40% should be given to me."

"It's hard for our company." Manager Tao shook his head and said, "this is the most I can give. Well, when our company has enough money on hand, I'll give you the rest."

"Of course not!" Song Qi said lightly, "manager Tao, they are all businessmen. It's not easy. There's no need to do that."

Manager Tao takes a look at Song Qi. He hasn't seen Song Qi before.

"What about that?" Manager Tao spread his hands. "I really can't afford it. Can you force me to lend you money?"

At this time, Song Qi's phone rang, and then he heard the monkey saying, "brother song, we're here. Five trucks are behind me, but they won't open the door and let us in."

"Rush in!" Song Qi said lightly, "don't run over the dead, just rush in."

"Come on!" The monkey is a little excited.

They are all people who have been in class. If we really want to say that there are no good people.

Especially like monkeys, big things may not dare to be provoked, but small things are his occupation. When he heard that, he was excited and inexplicable. He turned back and yelled at the drivers and said, "come on, brothers, if you don't let us in, just rush in!"

Those drivers are also used to it. As soon as the monkey said that, he stepped up the gas and broke the other driver's electronic door.

The security guards didn't dare to stop them. They had to run around and let them rush in.

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