Song Qi smiles, as if he had known that he would agree, but he still has some doubts, "what about 20% shares?"

Kanye was a little embarrassed. How could such a person possibly come to the 20% shares, so he had to reply, "even if the shares are OK, I only get back 10 million."

"Kanye's business is straightforward!" Song Qi laughs and reaches out his hand to shake with Kanye. "Then we'll have a good cooperation. By the way, you have to act quickly. I'm in a hurry."

Kanye stood up, nodded and said nothing more. He soon went out.

"I say..." Lin Zhanpeng didn't speak all the time, and then he said with a smile, "it turned out that you had such an idea. Now as long as Kanye is tough enough, Jiang Leshan can't help it, and we will become his only God. Then he will certainly sell shares with us."

"Don't worry, Kanye doesn't dare to do anything to powerful people, but he can still bully them." Hei Jie took over the conversation. I don't think it will be long before you can buy back the shares.

Song Qi laughed and said to heijie, "heijie, thank you very much today."

"Thank you for what..." Hei Jie said with a smile, "I have to thank you for cleaning up Wang Ran. Now his place has been taken over by me. I have bought many nightclubs and bars there."

"Congratulations..." Song Qi quickly congratulated.

"OK..." sister Hei shook her head and said, "don't tell me these empty things. If I need help, don't hide."

"How can that be?" Song Qi shook his head and said, "if sister black has a word, I will never shrink back."


The next time, Song Qi and Lin Zhanpeng left here, driving the car to study another information from the driver called Liu Yingtian.

At this time, Song Qi's mobile phone rang.

A look, found that it is a strange number.

Song Qi and Lin Zhanpeng both laughed, then they got through and turned on the handsfree.

"Song Qi, right..." there came Jiang Leshan's hasty voice, "where are you? Do you... Do you mean what you just told me? "

"What's the matter?" Song Qi asked deliberately.

"It's about buying my shares!" Jiang Leshan quickly said, "20 million, I'll sell you half of the shares."

Song Qi tut said, "half? That's not good. I heard that you have 12% shares in Cheng's group, half of which is only 6%. It's too small to buy. "

"You..." Jiang Leshan was obviously in a hurry. "Do you know how valuable Cheng's shares are? You're just robbing! "

"Is Cheng's shares valuable?" Song Qi shook his head. "Now Cheng's group is going to collapse. How can it be worth money? If it's really worth money, why can't you pay for it and ask me to sell shares to you?"

Jiang Leshan suddenly stopped talking and had to say in a low voice, "brother, really, I can only sell you half, 20 million. This is already a very good price. You should know that if you don't want to say 20 million in normal time, it's another 20 million, you may not be able to buy so much..."

Just when he said that, song QIPA hung up his mobile phone.

"Hello..." Jiang Leshan was stunned, but Song Qi didn't even have time to negotiate with him.

"Jiang Shao..." Kanye was in front of Jiang Leshan at this time, and said impatiently to him, "is that ok? If not, then we will not be polite."

"Kanye, Kanye..." Jiang Leshan quickly said to Kanye, "Kanye, give me a week, and I will definitely settle this matter for me. Believe me, really..."

"A week?" Kanye said with a sneer, "I say Jiang Shao. It's not good for you to say that. We've given you a lot of time, but you haven't got any money at all. The money in our casino is limited. It's unfair to other people if you drag on like this, right?"

"Then I don't have it now!" Jiang Leshan cried out, "Kanye, you don't know me. My family has money. You can definitely pay it back..."

"Cheng's group is going to collapse. Do you really think I don't know?" Kanye snorted, "when Cheng's group collapsed and your own company collapsed, what would you give me back?"

Jiangleshan immediately flustered up, did not expect this thing to let Kanye know.

"Cut off his leg..." Kanye saw that Jiang Leshan didn't speak, so he ordered his men to say, "don't mention it. We'll come back one day later. If we haven't, we'll cut another one. Anyway, we'll come once a day. I don't believe it, or we won't get the money. Of course, if you don't get there, you'll have to cut off all your limbs... "

Hearing this, Jiang Leshan trembled all over.

Kanye is a cruel man. Of course he knows about it.

He had seen Kanye clean up the people who owed him money before. It was very miserable, but he didn't expect that one day it would come to him.

What the hell is this.

"I'll give it back, I'll give it back..." seeing that someone had picked up the axe, Jiang Leshan was nervous all over. He quickly said, "I'm going to take the money from him now. I'll take it back, I'll give it back to you. I don't have to cut my leg..."

Kanye waved his hands to stop, looked at the time and said, "I'll give you two minutes. If I don't have money, then I can't manage so much. You should know Kanye. I do what I say."

"Good..." Jiang Leshan immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Song Qi's number again.

Pick up

Just now this business card was picked up by him from the garbage can. I didn't expect that I had to ask others.

The phone rang for a long time, but there was no answer.

"Half a minute..." Kanye said coldly behind him.

"Pick up quickly..." Jiang Leshan was sweating and kept chanting.

What's the matter with this guy? He doesn't even answer the phone.

After about 45 seconds, Song Qi finally got through.

"Sell, I sell, 20 million, all sold to you, if we can, we can sign the contract now..." Jiang Leshan cried there.

"What did you say?" Asked Song Qi.

"I said sell..."

"No..." Song Qi shook his head, "how much do you say for sale?"

"Twenty million!"

"Sorry!" Song Qi laughed, shook his head and said, "now, I can't buy 20 million, 15 million."

"Why don't you rob it?" Jiang Leshan is so angry that he dares to take the opportunity to lower the price.

PA, Song Qi hung up the phone.

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