Back at the company, Song Qi looked at the above information, then laughed at Lin Zhanpeng and said, "see, it's all money, five million!"

Lin Zhanpeng was also happy. Tut tut said, "Wow, you say you can pit people. I found that you can pit both opponents and teammates."

Song Qi couldn't help but sniff, "what's pitching people? If I really want him to get the 50 million yuan back, the 5 million yuan reward is not much. They can't even think of it, which means it's hard to get the money."

"It is!" Lin Zhanpeng nodded, "how can we do that?"

"What else can I do?" Song Qi thought, "then go directly to ask for it. By the way, driver, did you check this person's information?"

"I checked!" The driver came over and said, "Lin Beihai is really a big man. He has been doing business with Cheng's group all the time. He is engaged in import and export trade. Many goods of Cheng's group have been transported abroad through his hands. He is a very well connected person. The most important thing is that he has both black and white food. He is very energetic."

"No wonder..." Song Qi thought about it, nodded and said, "the people who can make the Cheng family have no way are certainly not ordinary people."

"It's hard to deal with. It should be a hard stone." The driver rubbed his hands and said, "how to start?"

"No matter how hard the stone is, we'll have to chew it down in the face of five million yuan!" Song Qi smiles, and then says, "let's clean up and go to boss Lin and ask him for these debts."

"I'll go with you." The driver thought for a moment and said, "there's a helper."

Song Qi thought it was right, "well, you go with me, and brother Peng, let's go. Other people are in the company or in the base."

After driving away from here, Song Qi took them to the site of Lin Beihai.

Lin Beihai has a hobby, that is, like to play golf course, so they came to the golf course at this time.

For woodlouse, such a sport is extremely boring and forced, so it's better to play a big basketball PK between men in the field.

After entering it, he soon found the location of Lin Beihai. He was playing ball with a friend and had several bodyguards at his side.

"The bodyguard is good..." Lin Zhanpeng took a look, then laughed and said, "it seems that he should be a bodyguard with some skills. The person who can afford this kind of bodyguard shows two problems. First, he is very rich. Second, he may have done many bad things."

Song Qi listened to all Leng for a while, then exclaimed, "I didn't expect brother Peng to have such a research on this."

The driver said seriously, "he's right. It's true."

"It's nothing to do with us..." Song Qi shook his head and said, "we're not here to fight with him. We're just here to ask him about the payment for goods. We don't have to talk about anything else."

"Let's go, now it's stopped. I'll go and ask..." Song Qi saw that the other party seemed to have stopped, so he hurried over.

But just a few steps, two bodyguards have stopped him, do not let him near Lin Beihai's side.

Song Qi quickly said, "Mr. Lin, we have something to look for you. It's from Cheng's group."

Lin Beihai, dressed in casual clothes, turned his head to look at him, then waved.

Then the two bodyguards let them pass.

Lin Beihai sat down on one side of the chair, picked up a cup of coffee and took a sip. Then he took a look at them, and then he was not interested. "Cheng's group has come here... Hasn't Cheng's group collapsed yet?"

Song Qi can't help complaining. It seems that you know everything, but you just don't want to give money.

What a shameless man!

"No, Cheng's group is fine." Song Qi smiles, and then goes forward and says, "Mr. Lin, this time we're here to discuss something with you. Do you think it's convenient to settle our previous payment for goods?"

Lin Beihai smiles, shakes his head and says, "I want to, but I'm short of money recently. What do you say to do if I have no money?"

Song Qi said with a smile, "for boss Lin, the money should not be too much. Besides, now our Cheng group is really encountering some difficulties, otherwise it is impossible to urge Mr. Lin for the money, right? We are all business partners, otherwise we will understand..."

"Before you, someone had asked me to take out the debt, but I thought he didn't have a good tone, so I was given a beating, or would you like to see if he was from your company?"

With that, Lin Beihai snapped his fingers, and then saw two big men coming out there, one dragging a guy to this side.

The two people who were dragged on the ground did not have any spirit, just like a dead dog. They could only let them drag.

It's not until he gets to the front that Song Qi realizes that it's Cheng Qian and Gangzi.

Song Qi understood that most of the two people wanted to solve the problem, so he came to Lin Beihai to pay back the money, but he didn't know how to talk about it, so Lin Beihai had them cleaned up.

However, it is very easy to be beaten when he talks about these things with Cheng Qian's personality, because he is totally a man without brain and strength. What do such people do when they don't fight?

Song Qi didn't have any sympathy for the two men being beaten, and he was even a little happy.

But I still have to do my own business. After all, it's five million.

"It turned out to be Mr. Cheng's younger brother..." Song Qi said with a smile, "yes, I've met him. I didn't expect that they came here to ask for debts. I don't know where they offended Mr. Lin, so they were beaten like this."

Lin Beihai looked at the expressions on their faces and found that they were all relaxed. It seemed that they were not surprised to see these two guys. He was stunned. The three guys looked very calm. There should be no way.

But when I think about it, it seems that I have a great future. No, I should say that my future is the most correct one.

So he just gave them a faint smile, and then said to them, "where did you offend me... Oh, by the way, I don't like people asking me for debts, just like I'm a drag skin. It's very bad, right?"

Song Qi frowned. He was very polite to Lin Beihai. He always said this to you politely, but you don't have to face me everywhere.

"Of course..." Song Qi nodded, "no one is willing to do this, but... If the money is returned, I believe they will not come to you, right?"

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