"Very good!" Song Qi gently breathed a breath, "I've never seen such a cheap request from you. I beg others to beat you. But I'm in a good mood today, so I'm ready to help you. "

With that Song Qi had rushed to the front of the sunglasses boy.

The sunglasses kid is still laughing. He thinks it's the funniest thing he's ever heard.

You told me douye was going to break my hand?

It's naive. I'm afraid you don't know how many hands I've wasted.

Just you?

Then in a flash, he felt dizzy, and the guy went to the front.

Sunglasses boy heart surprised, so fast!

But his reaction was quick, and he stepped back in an instant. At the same time, his fist had been smashed down.

Boy, I'll see how you get in my way!

Sunglasses boy is very confident in his fists, because he has to train every day, which is also a helpless thing, because he is in such an environment that if he doesn't practice, he may fall down.

So for this punch, he has enough confidence and can definitely bring down the opponent.

But he didn't know that Song Qi had enough confidence in himself.

After seeing the other side's fist coming, Song Qi just took a deep breath and then smashed it out.


So the two fists met, and then we heard a scream.

Sunglasses boy stepped back a few steps, his left hand has been holding the right hand, the whole right hand can't move.

At the same time, he looked at Song Qi incredulously with a look of horror on his face.

How can... The power just now... How can it be so terrible!

Song Qi's hand was straight in front of him, as if nothing had happened.

"Next, one more punch."

With these words, Song Qi stepped forward again.

The sunglasses boy felt the threat of death and wanted to escape.

But Song Qi's fist let him hide and hit him on the head quickly.

The sunglasses boy screamed and fell to the ground this time.

"You..." he shakes his head and wants to stand up, but Song Qi has come to him and stomps on his right arm.

"Ah..." it was like a whole mountain pressing on his hand. The sunglasses boy felt that his hand was about to waste and kept screaming.

To be honest, at this time, the people in the club have been stunned, and everyone is looking here.

What's going on?

Song Qi just kicked the sunglasses boy away. His hand has been broken, and he has fulfilled his promise. Such waste will not be paid attention to any more.

"Now it's your turn." Finally, Song Qi looked at Wu ye and said seriously.

Five Ye Zheng is there, whole body up and down all feel cool idea.

It's horrible!

Douye's power is known to him. That's why he took so long to fight against Song Qi. But he didn't expect that a face-to-face fight would not be enough.

He couldn't figure out how Song Qi could be so powerful.

"You want to do it to me?" The fifth master sneered and calmed himself for a moment. Then he said, "this is sister Hei's territory. What she doesn't like most is that others make trouble in her field. If you dare to move..."

As soon as the moving words came out, Song Qi came in front of him and hit him in the face.

The fifth master only felt a surge of blood gas, and his head was a little dizzy. After several steps back, he found that his nose was already full of blood, "you..."

Suddenly, he saw a beautiful figure appeared in front of him, so he yelled, "Hei Jie, look at him beating people in your field... Quickly... Quickly get him up!"

"Good fight!" But five Ye's words just finish saying, but hear that a dress Qipao's woman open mouth, and still coldly say, "continue to fight."

The fifth master was shocked and looked at black elder sister in disbelief.


Song Qi also felt that the voice was familiar. When he looked around, he saw a woman in a cheongsam. Now he was standing there with a strong air.

In fact, she is quite old. She should be in her thirties and fourths, but she is well maintained and her skin is very good. She looks much younger.

The most important thing is that her figure and appearance are top-notch. Now it's even more attractive to wear cheongsam.

"You are from my blue crystal club. It's reasonable for him to beat you." Black elder sister to Song Qi smile, "do it."

Song Qi was not polite to him. Since the black elder sister said she could do it, there was no need to worry about it.

Song Qi came forward and slapped him in the face.

Five ye a stagger, did not stand firm.

He suddenly turned back, "give Lao Zhang to my mother..."

Another look, I suddenly found something wrong. The two men who were holding Lao Zhang didn't know when they had fallen down, and Lao Zhang now stood with the monkey.

Needless to say, it must be Hei Jie.

"I'm not timid!" Black elder sister says slowly, "dare to take a knife to hold me in my black elder sister's field, fifth master, I see if my black elder sister hasn't said hello to you for a long time. You all think my black elder sister is easy to bully, don't you?"

"Sister black, it's all a misunderstanding." The fifth master couldn't figure out the relationship between these two people. According to the truth, they shouldn't. the last time we met here, we didn't find any sign that they knew each other.

How can Hei Jie protect Song Qi now.

"Go away!" Black elder sister to five Ye pick pick eyebrow, "later came to my field, give me remember my rules here, otherwise next time can not so easily let you."

The fifth master is so happy that he will get up and leave.

"Wait..." but Song Qi spoke at this time.

The fifth master immediately settled his figure. In fact, he was afraid. Damn, what else does this guy want to do.

The point is that Hei Jie didn't object to it. Instead, she asked with great interest, "is there anything else that I have said clearly?"

Song Qi nodded and said to the fifth master, "fifth master, since we have made clear our words today and have shown our weapons, then I'm not polite. Mr. Li's remaining 1.8 million yuan should be returned now. "

Five Ye immediately glaring at Song Qi, damn, want to borrow black elder sister to pressure me.

But when he saw it, he found that there was a dagger in Song Qi's hand.

Look at the expression of black elder sister again, a face seems to smile not to smile, also didn't seem to stop his meaning.

The fifth master trembled and knew that he had messed up this time.

"OK, just give it back!" As soon as he gritted his teeth, he made a phone call to the finance department.

After that, Song Qi made a phone call to Li Yixuan.

"Have you received the repayment from the fifth master?"

"Yes, 1.8 million. What's the matter?" Li Yixuan asked in shock.

Song QIPA turned off his mobile phone, and then said to the fifth master, "you can roll now."

The fifth master stood up, gritted his teeth to Song Qi and said, "boy, I remember today's things."

"I advise you not to remember..." Song Qi retorted mercilessly, "otherwise, you will be more miserable next time."

The fifth master snorted, but he couldn't speak hard to Hei Jie, so he had to take people away.

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