Song Qi was a little surprised. It seems that people have known each other for a long time.

"Who used to be in the factory?" Asked Song Qi.

"Former factory director!" Li Yixuan gritted her teeth and said, "my husband recruited him personally, promoted him from a parking space, and finally became the factory director. But after my husband died, he left our factory immediately, and robbed many of our customers when I just entered the factory. Not only that, he had made a lot of money in our factory before, And when we finally left, we got rid of all the people who can do things in our factory. "

Song Qi could see how hard Li Yixuan was living, so he patted him on the shoulder and said, "it's OK. This kind of person will be punished sooner or later."

Li Yixuan nodded.

The front desk came over, "two, manager Hong, please."

Two people then led down to the manager's office in the front desk.

When I went in, I found a man in his forties. When I saw them two coming in, I nodded and said, "Mr. Li, I haven't seen you for a long time. Please sit down."

Li Yixuan sat down.

"Manager Hong, at that time before, I was just reorganizing the internal affairs of the factory. I didn't have time to come to you to talk about business. Now it's almost done. I'll come and have a look." Li Yixuan said.

Manager Hong laughed and sat there still. He looked up and said, "Mr. Li, it's not very interesting. You're late. You should have seen boss he when he went out just now. We just talked with him. We will send the goods to him in the next quarter. "

When she saw boss he going out, Li Yixuan had already guessed the result, but she was not reconciled. For her, it should be all her own. Why did he Yang take it away.

"Manager Hong, I remember that my husband had an agreement with you before he left, right..." Li Yixuan pondered for a moment. "At that time, he told me that you had promised, and you would give us the goods for the next two quarters. This year, because of my own reasons, I can't blame you, but now our factory has recovered. I want you to give me a chance... "

Manager Hong sat up straight and said with a smile, "Mr. Li, I have to make it clear. I did say that to him at that time, but... Things have been going on for so long, and we have already negotiated with other people. It seems that it's not easy to change."

"Really not?" Li Yixuan felt powerless.

"Really not!" Manager Hong sneered in his heart. Of course, I can't. people give me a five yuan rebate. I don't know who Li Yixuan is?

Can you afford it?

Li Yixuan sighed. Knowing that it was impossible to change things, she said, "well, since we can't talk about it, please ask manager Hong to solve one more thing."

Manager Hong raised his eyebrows. "What's the matter?"

"You borrowed money from my husband." Li Yixuan said seriously, "when you bought a house, you were not the manager here at that time. My husband lent you 200000 yuan, right?"

Manager Hong's face changed and he stared at Li Yixuan, but he immediately said with a smile: "Mr. Li, this is not good. The borrowing of money... Has never happened. I'm a gentleman's friend with him. This kind of thing involving money has never happened. You can't talk nonsense."

Song Qi frowned. Unexpectedly, there was such a thing hidden here.

"He is my husband. Although he lent you the money privately, do you think I don't know?" Li Yixuan took a deep breath. "At that time, you had a good relationship with him. He lent you 200000 yuan without telling me. At that time, I didn't say anything. I just mentioned it to him afterwards, and he admitted it. Now that my husband is gone, you want to default, don't you? "

In fact, Li Yixuan came here with two hands.

In the first hand, if business can be concluded, she will not mention the 200000 yuan for the time being.

If the business can't be done, it will have to be mentioned, and she will have to pay back the debt.

But Manager Hong didn't give her a chance, so Li Yixuan wanted to get the money back. Unexpectedly, manager Hong was so shameless that she just said there was no such thing.

Li Yixuan can't stand it. What are these things? If you say no, there won't be any!

Li Yixuan is very angry. The other party is just playing with herself. She can't stand it.

Manager Hong's face was a little grim. He thought Li Yixuan didn't know about it at all, because he borrowed it from her husband in private. When her husband died, he was happy for a long time and felt that the 200000 yuan didn't have to be returned.

Facts also proved that Li Yixuan never mentioned it once, so he thought it was over.

But how can I expect Li Yixuan to come up with it at this time, which makes him feel very uncomfortable.

I have already determined that there are no things, you even tell me these?

"Mr. Li, I know your Youli garment factory has not been easy this year!" Manager Hong is also a man with a deep sense of the city. He is not in a hurry to show any expression. On the contrary, he says with a serious face, "he is also short of money, and it is difficult to collect the payment for goods. It is difficult for the factory to operate. But you can't frame me up just because of this. Since you say that I borrowed money from your husband, you should take out the IOU or other strong evidence. If there is any, I will admit it. If not, I think you are framing me up. "

This belongs to playing a rascal. It's the same virtue as the fifth master.

But the fifth master wrote the IOU, but Manager Hong didn't, so he was really able to make sense of it.

Li Yixuan was very angry. At that time, her husband really took Manager Hong as a good friend, so he lent it to him directly. But he didn't think it was a white eyed wolf. He didn't admit it in a second.

"Actually, I can give you a chance too!" Seeing Li Yixuan like this, manager Hong laughed in his heart. Do you still want to fight with me?

It's so young. You don't know who I am.

Let me tell you this, Li Yixuan is just like a child. She can't compete with me at all.

"Although I can't give you the goods now, Huida can't do so much..." Manager Hong said with a kind face, "they will send more factories. If you have no goods, you can't continue. You can ask them for the goods. Don't worry. I'll say hello to boss he about this. He still wants to give me face. "

"You..." Li Yixuan was sad. What kind of people did she meet. Now you are insulting me by telling me this?

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