After going out, Song Qi strolled for a long time, and didn't go to Cheng's house until after dinner.

When he asked Cheng Xue for a divorce before, Cheng Xue seemed to have told him not to mention it, but Song Qi thought it was necessary to make it clear again, otherwise he would be hanging here.

Just came to the Cheng's community outside, suddenly heard a disorderly sound of footsteps, and then saw around a lot of people.

There must be seven or eight of these people, and in an instant, they arrived around the song and Qi dynasties and surrounded him in the middle.

When the first one was my brother-in-law Cheng Qian, another guy came over with a stick, clapping his hands and smiling.

Song Qi frowned and soon understood.

"Boy, that's good. I've got courage!" Cheng Qian came to him with a sinister look. "I haven't seen you for three years. I dare to talk to my sister and my mother with such an attitude. Three years ago, did you forget how I taught you then? "

Three years ago, Song Qi was beaten by Cheng Qian. At that time, Song Qi was as timid as a mouse. He couldn't be bullied.

But now it's different. He picked his eyebrows, shook his head and said, "Cheng Qian, no matter what attitude I have towards your mother or your sister, I've been in prison for three years. Are you talking to me like this?"

"The top bag goes to jail?" Cheng Qian sneered, "boy, do you really think I'll thank you? I tell you, even if you don't pack, can't I find anyone else? Damn, I gave you 300000. What else do you want? Do you really think I owe you? I think you've been in prison for three years, and you've forgotten what your life was. OK, I'll let you remember it today. You're not good enough for my sister! "

With that, Cheng Qian waved his hand and said to the guy behind him, "give it to me, hit it!"

"Cheng Qian, I advise you not to do it." Song Qi stepped back two steps and said seriously.

"Boy, you talk so much nonsense!" It's Cheng Qian's faxiao and hitter Gangzi who holds the stick. When he hears the words, he laughs and smashes down on Song Qi.

Song Qi was quick with his eyes and hands, so he quickly used his hand to block it.

Bang, the stick broke all at once.

Song Qi's hand hurt a little, so he quickly stretched it back.

But his hand was fast enough to pick up the other half of the stick when he pulled it back.

Just at this time, the people behind had already come up. Without thinking about it, Song Qi's stick had already hit the guy's head.

The guy just felt dizzy and fell down in an instant.


Cheng Qian didn't expect that he had such skill in Song Qi three years ago. It seems that his speed and strength are very powerful.

Don't talk about Cheng Qian. Other people are stunned. We have to reevaluate this opponent.

Song Qi waved his stick and said to them, "I don't want to fight with you now. You'd better not annoy me. If you annoy me, I won't be polite to you!"

This is the truth of Song Qi.

"Fight!" But where can Cheng Qian swallow this breath? He roared and said, "beat me hard!"

As soon as Gangzi gritted his teeth, he went up.

Since I want to fight, I'm not welcome.

Song Qi sneered and looked at them. They were as agile as a leopard. In a moment, they rushed to the guy in front of them and smashed them down with a stick.

His speed and strength are the best. The guy who goes down to fight is directly on the ground. He doesn't even have the ability to fight back.

More than that, song and Qi instantly entered the crowd.

Although he will also be beaten, the strength of those people beating him is far less than that of him beating them. That is to say, if you hit me, I will hurt at most. If you let me hit you, you will be embarrassed. You may have to fall to the ground and can't get up.

Within two minutes of the battle, Gangzi was left standing.

Song Qi's body has been a lot of sticks, but relative to them, it is still full of spirit.

Gangzi was confused and stood there, "you..."

Song Qi kicked him, and Gangzi immediately flew out.

Cheng Qian already felt that it was not good. He turned around and wanted to escape.

But how could Song Qi let him escape and catch him.

Although Cheng Qian is a jerk, in terms of fighting, none of the ten are Song Qi's opponents. He is caught in such a way.

"You let go, or I'll kill you!" Cheng Qian is like a chicken in front of Song Qi.


Song Qi slapped him hard.

This slap fell on the face, Cheng Qian was all muddled, and then settled there, I can't believe it.

Song Qi released him and said with a sneer, "Cheng Qian, I'd better warn you not to offend me again. I'm a husband, but if you offend me, I'll make you regret it."

With that Song Qi has entered the community.

"Song Qi, you wait for me!" After that, Cheng Qian responded and yelled at Song Qi, "you've got a lot of abilities. I won't kill you!"

Song Qi didn't pay any attention to Cheng Qian at all. Although this guy looked horizontal, he was just a little gangster.

Song Qi was afraid of you in those days, but now he won't be afraid of you.

Thinking of this, Song Qi shook his head and went into Cheng's house.

After entering, Cheng Qian went directly to the second floor.

The gate is closed. Cheng Qian pushes it and finds that it's locked.

He frowned and knocked.

After a while, I heard a movement inside, and then two minutes later, I opened the door.

Cheng Xue stood at the door, frowning at him, "where have you been?"

Song Qi didn't answer, so he wanted to go in.

But Cheng Xue puts her hand on the doorframe and doesn't let him in.

Song Qi didn't even think about it. He pushed her hand away in an instant.

Cheng Xue was unprepared and almost fell on the doorframe. Then she turned her head and looked at Song Qi angrily and said, "I'm so capable. I dare to shake my face, right. Song Qi, you'd better see clearly for me. You're a son-in-law coming to the door! "

"Divorce!" Song Qi looked at her and said coldly, "since you look down on me so much, divorce."

Cheng Xue almost roared, but finally she calmed down and looked at Song Qi and said, "want a divorce? Do you think you can leave if you want? I tell you, divorce should be proposed by me, not by you, because you are not qualified at all! "

Song Qi sneered, "Cheng Xue, don't put on such airs for me. If you really don't want to leave, don't give me advice."

"You can do it. When your father is well, he wants to leave our Cheng family, right? I tell you, our Cheng family's money is not so easy to get. You can't even get divorced without my permission! "

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