Just as Song Qi was able to find these people through other people, in fact, these people have a wide range of contacts, and they can also find a lot of things, otherwise they could not fight back so soon.

"Is it you who laid hands on director Wan?" When Song Qi came in, there was blood on the knife.

The man was a little surprised, but he still pretended to be calm, at least it seemed to be very calm.

"Song Qi, if you offend us, you should know what will happen!"

Song Qi laughed. "I'll guess if it's because director Wan has investigated you and led you to have some reactions, so he followed this line to find our Qinghe, and finally found that my friend was not dead, and then he came to our side and wanted to kill my friend, right?"

"At least you don't have a chance." The driver came in, too, in a calm voice.

The man's face can no longer keep calm, the other side of the three people, it means that his side of the people have all died.

"You really have a lot of courage. I thought you didn't dare to mess around with us. But from now on, it seems that you have misunderstood us. That's why you dare to come to us and play these tricks with us. But I can tell you this time, it's really a mess."

Song Qi smile, everything has been in their own hands.

"You..." the man swallowed a mouthful of saliva, now such a situation is that he has never encountered.

"You guys are here this time, aren't you?" Asked Song Qi.

The man is silent for a while, may be to feel resist also have no meaning, then nod.

"Attacking director Wan, that's just a warning, right?" Song Qi asked again.

The man nodded again.

"The next thing you think is to tie up my friend and then threaten me. By the way, my brother must be on your death list, right?" Song Qi asked again.

The man nodded again.

"Haimeng... It's awesome." Song Qi laughed, "you say, I should let you go or kill you."

The man was shocked, and finally he could not help saying, "I... those you killed are just ordinary players. Killing is killing, but I'm not. If you kill me, maybe..."

With that, Song Qi's knife had cut his throat.

The man stroked his throat in horror. He could feel the blood flowing from it, which made him feel very scared and stare at them with big eyes.

"Originally, I wanted to let you leave here and go back to give a warning to Haimeng, but you are so knowledgeable that you don't think it's necessary. It's better to kill you here. In this way, Haimeng in the capital should know your end, which is the best warning."

After listening to these words, the man could no longer stop, so he fell down heavily, and finally he was so unwilling to die.

"You are not afraid to offend them..." the woman asked, looking at Song Qi playfully.

Song Qi said with a faint smile, "there is nothing to offend. Since they are not afraid of offending me, why should I be afraid of offending him?"

The woman tut tut said, "Song Qi, actually you are very suitable to be with us."

"You?" Song Qi asked in surprise, "who are you?"

The woman gave a mysterious smile, but didn't answer any more. After a while, she said, "we don't even know who we are. We used to know who we are, but... When we get to the back, we don't know who we are."

There was a trace of sadness when he said this.

After a while, Song Qi replied, "I don't know who you are, but because you are protecting Li Yixuan, I think you are a friend. By the way, if you need anything in the future, you can tell me. I don't dare to say anything else, but in terms of fighting, I can definitely help."

Women smile and don't talk.

"By the way, when are you going to protect her?" Song Qi asked again.

The woman shook her head and said, "I don't know."

Song Qi was a little surprised and said, "why?"

"First, I don't know when the sea soul will let her go. Second, I want to wait for someone here." The woman said sincerely.

Song Qi thought about it, then nodded and said, "OK, I know."

Having said that, they have settled the matter, and they have nothing to talk about.

Song Qi and the driver soon said goodbye, and did not even disturb Li Yixuan's rest.

In the car, Song Qi makes a phone call to Gao Lu and only says one thing: the Haimeng in Qinghe has been cleared.

After Gao Lu arrived, he was silent and didn't speak. After a while, he only said that he knew.

After that, Song Qi and the driver went to the hospital again.

Wan Dongliang is still there and still not asleep.

It's Mrs. Wan who is here with her, but she has already gone to sleep. After all, she is too tired to have a rest there. Fortunately, there are other policemen here, so there is no problem.

When Song Qi went in, Wan Dongliang saw him.

In this regard, Wan Dongliang Leng for a while, now what time, this guy even ran here, do not have to sleep ah.

"I've come to tell you two things..." Song Qi said slowly. "First, you can rest assured that there are no people who hurt you."


Wan Dongliang's face changed. He looked at Song Qi in horror and asked in a low voice, "what have you done?"

Song Qi shook his head and said, "you don't care what I've done, but they have disappeared here and will never appear again, so you can rest assured that you are injured here, and no one can disturb you."

Wan Dongliang is about to be furious. He can tell from Song Qi's words that most of those people have been killed by Song Qi.

Of course, it's just speculation, and he doesn't want to investigate the fault of Song Qi's killing them. Those people in Haimeng are also full of blood. It's not a pity to die, but the most important thing is that those who killed them may be retaliated. That's what he worries about most.

"The second thing is that I found Gao Lu. She has given me the information you investigated." Song Qi said again.

"What are you doing?" Wan Dongliang couldn't help it any longer. He said to Song Qi, "do you know what you are doing?"

Song Qi nodded and said, "of course, I know what I'm doing, and I can tell you that I know very well. Of course, you can rest assured that I won't make trouble. I'm a businessman and I'm not an outlaw, but... I'll definitely get revenge."

Then Song Qi nodded to him, "OK, you can take care of yourself. There should be nothing wrong recently."

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