Fortunately, Song Qi didn't wait here for long. About ten minutes later, he heard footsteps outside.

Then, he saw several people coming in from outside.

The one in front is in a white suit and looks totally different from those behind.

Needless to say, he should be Mr. Wednesday.

On Wednesday, the young master looked like he was in his twenties. From his walking posture, we can see that he is absolutely a person who is used to being praised by others. His walking posture is really rampant. When he reaches the extreme, he almost walks horizontally.

They soon came to the front of Song Qi. Instead of sitting down, they looked down at Song Qi.

Song Qi'an sat there motionless. Seeing the young master staring at him on Wednesday, he just gave a smile.

On Wednesday, the young master sat down, looked at Song Qi and said, "I called you here today. You should know why."

Song Qi smiles, shakes his head and says, "I really don't know."

On Wednesday, the young master sneered and said, "last time you made trouble here, didn't you even have this force?"

Song Qi shook his head again and said with a serious face, "I don't think I was making trouble here that day. It should be your manager who was making trouble with me."

"Making trouble out of nothing?" On Wednesday, the young master looked at Song Qi with a playful look and said, "do you know how funny it is when you say this to me? How many people are here with me. I'm the only one who speaks, and they're the only one who listens. And you dare to contradict me. I guess you don't know our strength. "

Song Qi laughed again. "I really don't know how powerful Mr. Wednesday is, but I don't mind talking to Mr. Wednesday."

On Wednesday, the young master looked at him and said, "go ahead."

"Do you know what kind of mood I felt when I first heard the name of Mr. Wednesday?" Song Qi asked solemnly.

On Wednesday, the young master laughed and tut tut said, "that must be a different feeling. This should be a big man, right. What's more, the title of Childe... Should have a very talented feeling. "

"You think too much!" Song Qi Suli said, "think about it. What time is it? There are still people who call themselves childe. What a stupid person. So as soon as I hear this name, I know that this guy will never be a guy with normal brain. Most of them are idiots."

On Wednesday, the young master was stunned for a moment, and then he burst into a rage. He pointed to Song Qi and yelled, "Damn, you don't want to mix, do you?"

On Wednesday, when the young master roared, the other paparazzi immediately looked at Song Qi with a murderous look on their face. They wanted to get up again and kill Song Qi.

Song Qi laughed and didn't care about their actions.

"OK, OK, don't be so excited..." Song Qi was there to comfort them. "What's the matter? There's no need to do this. Come on, everyone calm down..."

With that, Song Qi waved to them, indicating that they should not be so excited.

But these people have no intention of calming down. They stare at Song Qi. It's very simple. If you talk again, don't blame us for being rude.

On Wednesday, the young master's face was really not good-looking. I think he was a man with a head and a face here. When he saw someone, he was not polite to him. But this guy dared to say so. He really didn't know how to die.

"You will pay for your ignorance." On Wednesday, the young master just uttered such a sentence.

Song Qi laughed again, but he didn't deny whether it was right or not. Anyway, he just wanted to laugh.

"By the way, don't play tricks here. If you call me here, you can't chat with me here. If you have anything, just tell me. I still have a lot of things to deal with, but I don't have time to boast and fart with you here."

"The last time you made trouble here, it needs to be explained." On Wednesday, the young master said.

"What do you want to say?" Song Qi asked very simply.

On Wednesday, the young master laughed, looked at him and said, "I'm not unreasonable. What I want is very simple. First of all, you have to compensate us. Second, you have to apologize to us."

Song Qi thought about it, then said with a smile, "this may be a bit of a bad meaning. I'm not used to apologizing to others, and I'm not used to paying compensation to others. Besides, I think you should apologize to me that day. After all, the manager's tone is really arrogant to the extreme."

"You're looking for death, you know?" On Wednesday, the young master's face sank. "I'm a businessman. I thought about it before. As long as you accept what I said just now, I don't mind letting you go. But now it seems that you are not convinced. You still want to die. Don't regret it."

Song Qi laughed, shook his head and said, "you can rest assured that I'm not surprised at anything, but I will never regret it. By the way, how are you going to apologize to me and compensate me? "

When this sentence came out, those people were very angry.

Your mother, they all said that they asked you to apologize and compensate. You mean that you are not prepared to apologize and compensate, right? You are also prepared to let us do such things, right?

These people are really angry to the extreme. They want to do it according to their appearance.

On Wednesday, the young master had been holding his temper and negotiating with Song Qi. On the one hand, he had heard that Song Qi seemed to be a figure on their side. On the other hand, because he was a businessman himself, it was better to deal with these things by doing business. But he didn't expect that Song Qi didn't know how to live or die. He was so surprised that he made himself like this, At this time, no matter how good his temper is, he can't help it.

"Damn it He was so angry that he felt insulted that he said angrily, "I want to die. OK, I'll help you today. Otherwise, you think you are so great!"

Then on Wednesday, the young master immediately stood up, stepped back a few steps, waved his hand to the people behind him and said, "give me a call!"

There is already a big man in black with an iron bar behind him. He sneers at Song Qi.

Song Qi still sat there, motionless as a mountain, looking at the iron bar, said faintly, "if I were you, I would pay attention to the iron bar, be careful not to hit myself."

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