It was about ten o'clock when they returned to the Song Qi family. When they went back, they found that their parents had not gone to bed.

"Xiao Qi, how did you come back?" Seeing Song Qi back, song de and his wife were also surprised.

"Parents..." looking at the old couple here, Song Qi felt sad.

The family is so poor that he is not happy to be a son.

"Uncle and aunt..." the monkey said hello to them.

Lao Zhang doesn't mean much. He's not much younger than these two.

"Sit down..." mother quickly asked them to sit down.

"Did you quarrel with Xiaoxue?" Song de said anxiously, "don't quarrel with her. In fact, she is really nice..."

"No!" Song Qi shook his head and said, "it's only after I've been back so long that I came home once, so I'll come back to see you this time. By the way, this is for you. "

Then Song Qi put 20000 cash on the table.

"What do I want the money for..." Song de shook his head and said, "where did you get the money?"

"Uncle, we started a company." As soon as the monkey saw it, he immediately explained, "I made some money today, and brother Song said he would come back to honor you."

"Start a company?" Song de and his wife were stunned.

"Yes, I started a company." Song Qi nodded and said, "today I made an order, so I'll come back to see you. By the way, put the money away."

The couple looked at each other and put the money away. At the same time, their faces were all smiling.

When their sons are promising, they are naturally happy.

"Xiao Qi, we thought about it and sold the house." After putting the money away, my mother said.

"Sell the house?" Song Qi was stunned, "what are you doing selling a house for?"

"You have a bad life in Cheng's family. It's hard to avoid being looked down upon by their family." Song de hesitated for a moment, "although we know little snowman is good, her family may give you a look. After all, we are door-to-door sons-in-law, and it's normal to be looked down upon. So I thought, otherwise we'll sell this house and buy you a house in the central area, so that their family may not see you like that

It's over. "

Song Qi's heart is even more sour, looking at this pair of old couple who even want to sell their houses for themselves, they feel that their eyes are a little wet.

Parents are not stupid, guess can guess that they will definitely be looked down upon over there.

Their parents can't help, so they want to buy a house for themselves.

Song Qi is a filial son, otherwise he would not go to the top of the bag for 300000 life-saving money.

So it's even harder to hear parents think about themselves like this.

"Dad, mom..." Song Qi thought, "buy a house. I'll think about it myself. You don't have to think about it. Besides, if you sell this house, you can live with me, but can you get used to it? This is our old house. It can't be sold. "

"But if you buy a house in the city, they won't treat you badly." Mother said immediately.

Song Qi shook his head and said, "forget it. There's no need to talk about it any more."

"Xiao Qi, think about it again." Song de said, "I have already agreed with Xie Jinhe that our house will be sold to them for 500000 yuan, and then we will be able to pay a down payment in the central city."

"Xiejin river?" Song Qi was stunned, "500000?"

Xie Jinhe is also a member of his village, and he is also a college student. He is one of the better ones.

"Yes, half a million." Song de said, "as long as we are willing to sell, then they will buy."

"Where are Xie Jinhe people?" Asked Song Qi.

"Not him!" Song de replied, "his father Xie Yuncheng is talking to us, but Xie Jinhe also agrees."

"Dad, there's no need to think about it any more." Song Qi shook his head and refused, "if I want to buy a house, I will buy it myself."

Just then, suddenly I heard a voice coming from outside, "I said, old song, do you think so?"

The man came in while talking, and was stunned when he saw Song Qi inside.

"Oh, Song Qi is back." This is Xie Yuncheng.

Song Qi nodded, "Uncle Xie."

"Well, after three years in prison, I think it's ok?"

Song Qi frowned and said, "it's OK."

"That's it!" Xie Yuncheng said, "it's not so easy for me to come out and find something to do. Now I work in a real estate company. Would you like to introduce me to you? Although the requirements of their company are college graduates, but... It's OK to be a cleaner or a security guard. "

"How can you say that?" The monkey is not happy to hear, "what, it seems that your son is capable of it."

Xie Yuncheng laughs, "at least my son won't be a door-to-door son-in-law..."

"You If the monkey had not been stopped by Lao Zhang, he would have beaten this guy.

What a mouth.

"Uncle Xie, we won't sell the house." Song Qi gave a faint smile.

The village has already known about how to be a door-to-door son-in-law, and many people have pointed out.

Song Qi didn't say much about it.

I hope you won't be forced to lose your choice by life.

"Not for sale?" Xie Yuncheng was stunned and said to song De, "old song, we have agreed before."

"That's what you said. I won't sell the house." Song Qi said calmly, "if you want to buy a house, go and buy someone else's house. My house doesn't sell."

"Song Qi, don't follow me Xie Yuncheng is angry, "I just want to buy it to help you because of your financial difficulties, but you have such an attitude. Let me tell you, don't be ignorant of good people."

Song Qi said happily, "that's not true. Uncle Xie can really help me. My father was ill for a few years. I don't want to borrow money. Before you went out to work together, you couldn't get back the two thousand yuan. You're really kind."

"You..." Xie Yuncheng made Song Qi angry, pointed to him and said, "well, I didn't expect that after three years in prison, you are very proud, but you wait for me, don't be so arrogant!"

With that, Xie Yuncheng left immediately.

"Uncle song, this man is not a good man." The monkey was sorry and said to song De, "isn't it strange that he suddenly bought your house? This is not a downtown area. What can I buy? "

Song Qi's heart moved. He didn't think of a problem before. A word from monkey made him think it was not easy.

Xie Yuncheng's family, he is very clear, no profit, no early.

Before, my father was short of money for surgery, and I didn't see them borrow one or two thousand yuan, so it was nonsense to help their family.

Then he must be profitable. That's why he wants to buy his own house.

"Yes, Dad!" Song Qi thought for a while and said, "I think that's it. Don't think so much. By the way, I'll take you to the hospital for a review tomorrow. "

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