There were seven of them. Five of them died in a flash. Now there is only one ordinary security guard left.

That an Wei is all muddled, after seeing the eldest brother fly out, just react to come over, want to shoot at Song Qi.

Song Qi didn't give him any chance. Just as he was about to do it, he was in front of him and killed with a knife.

Anlie reluctantly stood up, biting his teeth and looking at Song Qi.

Song Qi stood there and looked at him faintly.

"You should know me."

Anlie sees Song Qi clearly, and immediately scolds him, stares at an Haowei and says, "you... You betray me!"

An Wei stood there nervously. Although there was only an lie left now, he still felt afraid because of years of awe for an Wei.

"There are eight of them, and he is the only one left. What else can you do?" Song Qi said with a smile, "thinking about it, I can only betray you. In this way, I will let him go, right?"

Andre was shaking all over.

Finally, he looked at Song Qi and said slowly, "it seems that we have lost again this time. Well, I don't care with you any more. I have only one request. Let me go, and what I have done with you is that it has never happened."

Song Qi laughed, "you really know how to play. You've come so far and tried to kill me. Now if you can't kill me, you'll tell me not to investigate. But have you ever thought about it? I want to investigate."

"Don't irritate us to settle down. You can't bear the anger of settling down!" Said Andre with a fury.

"I'm really sorry!" Song Qi shook his head with regret and said, "I don't believe anything. Now you say that you have such a strong family, but I just want to see how strong you are."

Andre is on fire and wants to move.

But Song Qi was in front of him, and a dagger went into his heart.

Andre hardly moved, and then she was dead.

He didn't believe it when he died, because he couldn't believe he was killed so easily.

"Come on, chat..." Song Qi said to an Wei.

The only Anwei is shaking all over, because he doesn't know what's going on. What's more, he's afraid that Song Qi will kill himself.

"Dispose of the body..." Song Qi pointed to the front, where is the factory area, some waste factories, "half an hour later, dispose of the body, and then come to me there."

Although Anwei didn't want to deal with it, he knew that he had no choice, so he had to nod his head and then he went to deal with the body.

Song Qi came there and sat there.

About half an hour later, Anwei came in exhausted.

It's not that he didn't want to run, but that he knew that he couldn't run now. As long as he ran, Song Qi absolutely had a way to find himself, and at that time, he was dead.

In this case, then he simply did not run, directly meet with him, have a good chat, maybe there is a chance to live.

Song Qi threw a cigarette to him, and then he said, "when I was an Wei, I didn't expect such a day."

Anwei lit a cigarette and took two puffs. Then he felt a lot of peace in his heart. He nodded and said, "it's everyone to settle down in the capital. We Anwei seldom do activities there, but when we do activities outside, basically no one dares to do anything to us. You are a special case."

Song Qi laughed, "well, it's true, so I want to ask you, how many people are there in your Anwei?"

An Wei was stunned for a moment. After a while, he thought about it and replied, "I don't know exactly, but there should be hundreds of people."

Hundreds of people!

Song Qi Tut, in fact, if it were in ancient times, it would be a private soldier raised in the courtyard.

"There are many hundreds of people, but I should have killed dozens of you." Song Qi asked again.

Anwei gave a wry smile. Now song and Qi are the enemy of Anwei. There has never been such a person who can kill their whole Anwei. Obviously, song and Qi are the only one.

"Where is the security headquarters?" Song Qi asked again.

"In... In Tongzhou." Anwei had to answer, and this is not a very confidential thing. "In the capital, these Regulations are very strict. In fact, people generally dare not be too ostentatious, because this may cause other people's dissatisfaction. After all, it is an important part of the country, so we usually take these places outside. This is how our Anwei moved its headquarters to Tongzhou, It's not only close to the capital, but also away from it. "

Song Qi nodded, "who is the leader of Anwei?"

"Yes..." an Weizheng wanted to answer, suddenly found something wrong, suddenly looked up at Song Qi, "you... What do you want to do?"

I was really surprised. Song Qi asked what he was doing so clearly.

Song Qi said with a smile, "why, you know that I am Song Qi, can't I check you?"

"Do you want to... Want to find them? You are really crazy. I tell you, the security there is totally different from the security here. There is no way to find them..." security feels a little crazy.

How dare he think such a thing? This idea should not exist at all.

"You don't care what I'm going to do, just answer my questions. And I can tell you that if you answer well, maybe I'll let you out today. But if you don't want to answer these questions with me, I'm sorry. I won't be polite to you."

Song Qi's words can be said to be a threat.

Anwei immediately lost his temper. What can you do? People have already told you so clearly, so you can only be obedient.

After a while, an Weicai said slowly, "we have a head and a deputy head of an Weicai. The head of an Weicai's name is an Chongshan, and he is an important person in settling down. The deputy head of an Weicai's name is Wei Xi, and he is..."

"An Qinghai's brother-in-law, right?" Song Qi answered.

"Yes, it's anqinghe's brother-in-law. By the way, you killed his brother-in-law. He has given the order to die. As long as you see him, there will be no amnesty."

Song Qi laughed and didn't care at all.

In fact, there is no need to say more about this kind of cruel words, because even if an Qinghai is not killed, there is no way to reconcile the contradiction between him and settling down. This is his present situation.

"Yes, I'll wait for him." Song Qi said lightly, "in addition to them, who else can be regarded as an important figure in Anwei."

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