Weixi just looked at him, and then said faintly, "when, my Weixi's name is also what you can call directly?"

The gatekeeper was stunned for a moment. He seemed very dissatisfied with Weixi's tone of speaking to himself, so he sneered and said, "now that the wings are really hard, I dare to talk to our Ann family like this. I tell you, I don't care whether you will be the leader of ANN Wei in the future, but you should remember that Ann Wei is just the guard of our family, that is to say, No matter what you do, you are just protecting my family. In front of us, you'd better not play tricks, otherwise... "

However, as soon as the word was finished, an Anwei came forward and stabbed him in the stomach.

The old guard was full of horror. He wanted to call for help or warn, but no one gave him the chance. Even his mouth had been blocked.

"Maybe from today on, it will have to change." Wei Xi looked at the old man with no expression. "I'm sorry that you made such a big news for you before you died. I'm afraid that when you get to huangquan Road, you will feel resentful. Soon, soon someone will come down with you. Then you can have a chat. "

With that, Weixi had already stepped here.

It's all right to settle down. After all, although Anwei has been burned, their base camp is still calm.

However, some of the young people who have settled down are already patrolling inside. They are at a loss when they see Wei Xi bringing so many people in.

Soon, there are young people to report their home.

Anfan came out first, and when he saw this, he was furious.

You Anwei, if you don't go to Song Qi well, now you're hiding in your own house. What do you want to do.

"Weixi, what do you mean, why do you come to our house with so many people?" Anfan had already opened his mouth from a long distance and roared at Weixi, "do you have a problem with your brain? Where is this? Is it where you can come? Get them out of here

In fact, there are rules for them to settle down. If there is no old master, they can't bring an Wei in.

Now Weixi has broken the rules with so many people.

Because of the large number of people and complicated relationship, the rules are very important.

"We work hard to settle down for you. Why can't we even get in?" Weixi looks at anfan with a sneer.

An fan Leng for a moment, feel today's Weixi seems to be a little different, ah, this voice is not the same.

So he immediately stopped, looked at Weixi and said, "what do you mean by that?"

Weixi slowly approached, "there is no other meaning, that is, my brothers say that although they are security guards, they never take a serious look at security, so they want me to bring them in to have a look and fulfill their wishes."

"Who are you? Get out of here!" An fan was even more angry when he heard that. It seemed that Wei Xi was a little self respecting.

But just now, Weixi came to him, and the knife stabbed his chest in an instant.

Anfan was stiff and looked at Weixi in shock.

He would never have thought that Weixi would attack himself.

"You can't blame me if you're dead, can you?" Weixi looked at him coldly.

"You... You're crazy..." anfan feels the fear. What's the matter with Weixi? He dares to attack himself. Is he crazy.

"I'm crazy!" Weixi said with a sneer, "however, you haven't seen me really crazy. Maybe, you're going to die now. You can't see me."

Finish saying Wei Xi draws a knife again to plunge in, an fan so died.

The onlookers were so confused that some of them even lost their things and froze there that they didn't dare to move.

Although they are usually very horizontal people, but now it is their own people who die, and they are also the old man's favorite son.

This... Wei Xi is really crazy, dare to do so!

Wei Xi turned his head and yelled at them, "if you want to live, just stay here. Don't go anywhere. I'll explain it to you when I solve the problem here. Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite."

With that, Wei Xi ordered a small team to guard here, and explained that if these people dare to resist, they will all be killed.

In this way, those young people who settle down are even more afraid to move.

It's just frightening. They don't have the courage to say no to those who really play with knives.

Weixi's murderous spirit took people inside.

The old man didn't have a rest last night. He was supposed to have a good rest this evening. After all, he is so old. It's great to stay up one night. If he stayed up another night, he would never be able to stay up.

So he's ready to go to bed.

Wei Xi's footsteps were loud when they went in. Although Wei Xi and his two men were the only ones who really went in, they still woke the old man up.

The old man just fell asleep, and his sleep was very shallow, so he was in the innermost house. He just didn't want to be disturbed.

Besides, I didn't sleep yesterday, so I was very angry.

Tengteng, old man an had come out from the inside. Seeing Wei Xi here, he was even more angry. "Wei Xi, get out of here. What are you doing here?"

It's false to say that Lord ANN has no opinion of Weixi.

The headquarters of Anwei was burned, but Song Qi couldn't be found here. In the end, he had to ask for help himself.

Now I still use you, Weixi, just because our young people are more useless than you. If there were really capable people, I would have replaced you a long time ago.

"Old master, no matter what we say, Anwei has done a lot for settling down. It's so hard to say that it makes our brothers feel a little cold!" Weixi approached step by step and said calmly.

After all, Mr. an is not an fan. He is well-informed and has experienced many things.

Just now he was rude, just because he just fell asleep and was disturbed, in a bad mood, so he burst out that anger.

Now it seems that this situation is not right, so I was shocked immediately.

"OK, ok..." old man an felt something was wrong in his heart, but he didn't say anything on his face. "Brothers have been busy for several days, and everyone is tired. Well, you can let them rest for a night and take them to relax. After all, it's not the way for brothers to get so tired."

Weixi sneered. This old man is really not an ordinary person. He even knew how to comfort our brothers so soon.

But you still wake up too late. We've all started now. How can we stop.

"Mr. an, there's a saying. I don't know whether to say it or not." Weixi said in his mouth.

Old master an was shocked in his heart, and he already felt the murderous spirit.

No, Weixi, it's counter productive!

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