Weixi waved to him and said naturally, "uncle, come here!"

An hou looks at Wei Xi with a face of fear, and then looks at the old man who has been injured. He knows that he may not be able to live this time.

He is different from Lord Ann. Lord ANN is the one who brings home. Although he has reached this point, he will not give in. But he is different. When he saw it from afar, he felt that his knees were soft and wanted to kneel down.

I can't help it. It matters!

"Wei... Wei Ye..." an hou came forward and even changed his address to Wei Xi.

Weixi laughed, but also some sad, "it's really funny, I've been in your Anwei for such a long time. When I came here, I was not teased by the young people who settled down with you. I didn't even dare to say one more word, for fear that I would make you guys angry. I didn't expect that I could earn a title today. It seems that I'm really worth it."

"I Pooh!" Lord an roared, "you traitor, we can't live in an's house."

Anhou looks embarrassed. Father, you are so old. You may feel nothing when you die. Anyway, you've enjoyed it all your life. But I'm different. I'm still young. I don't even sit in the position of the host. What can I do? Naturally, I want to live.

"Here you are..." Weixi handed the dagger to anhou. "I know that anhou has been thinking about it all his life. All he wants is to be the master of the family. Weixi has nothing to say. He just wants to fulfill your wish. Now the old man is with you. As long as you kill him, the master of the family will be you. What am I Weixi? After all, I'm just an outsider. I can't kill the old man and let you sit down? Then why do I kill people? "

Anhou felt confused.

For the old man, he naturally has a lot of dissatisfaction. The old man is so old, but he is not willing to retreat easily. All his things are in his own hands, which makes his brothers very dissatisfied.

But when it comes to killing him, I still feel afraid.

Looking at the tragedy of human relations, Song Qi said to Wei Xi, "I was afraid you were not cruel enough before. Now it seems that I've lost my sight. You are the most cruel one."

Weixi Senran said, "if they don't give them some real deterrence, they really think they can control everything."

"I... I dare not..." although an Hou was scared to death, he still did not dare to do it.

Song Qi stood up and said faintly, "it's up to you to deal with the things here. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me. I just hope you don't have to compete with my Cheng group to settle down in the future."

With that, Song Qi will go out.

"Kill him!" But at this time, Mr. an roared at Song Qi, "if you help me to kill this white eyed wolf, then your grudge with us will be wiped out. We promise that we won't have anything to do with your Cheng group in the future, as long as you kill him..."

Song Qi looks at him.

Weixi's face changed a little.

This old man is really treacherous. He gave himself a hand at this time.

"If you don't think that's enough, I'm willing to give you another billion yuan as long as you kill Weixi." Mr. an should have hated Wei Xi's betrayal so much that he bit his teeth when he said this.

Song Qi laughed, and then said, "old master, I trusted you once. When I gave you something, you gave me a billion yuan. We have already agreed. After that, we will laugh and die. But in the back, didn't you let the people of Haimeng chase me? You can't believe it

Old man an's face changed greatly, but he refused to give up. "I was wrong before, but I won't be like this now. I can guarantee it with my personality."

"When do people like you have personality? It's too high of you." Song Qi shook his head disdainfully, "Weixi, remember it for me."

With that, Song Qi left here without looking at them again.

Lord ANN is desperate.

"You thousand knife killers, I will never let you go as a ghost..."


Speaking of this, anhou had already rushed to the old man, and the knife was inserted in his chest.

Anhou screamed and quickly took his hand away, "Dad, I..."

Mr. an glared at Weixi.

Anhou really didn't dare to do it. He just rushed over, but Wei Xi pushed him.

Weixi came forward, whispered and said, "old master, are you very unwilling? I'll tell you something more unwilling. Next, anhou will be in the top position, but I'll soon set up a big company, and then I'll get all the things you settle down in that company. When your family is so poor, I'll kick you out. Die, die in your own eyes, for a man like you should have such a result. "

Mr. an raised his hand as if he wanted to strangle Weixi, but he couldn't get it. He could only make a whine sound from his mouth.

Finally, he was unwilling to fall down and die completely.

"I didn't kill him, I didn't kill him..." anhou didn't know what happened, and he still defended himself there. "It's not me, it's really not me, I didn't mean to..."

Weixi pressed his shoulder and said, "it doesn't matter whether you are now. Once the old man dies, the settlement may fall into chaos. Now you are the eldest son, and the great cause of settlement will fall on you. You should go to pacify these people and make the settlement stable. Otherwise, the settlement will lead to civil war. If you want to be the master of your family, I will support you. It depends on whether you are willing or not. "

"I'd like to..." an Hou's mind was very confused, but when he heard this, he subconsciously agreed, "I want to be the owner of the house. This position is mine, and others can't take it away..."

Wei Xi Yin smile, "yes, this position is really yours, I support you very much, you can rest assured, as long as you own water to die, then this position is yours, I Wei Xi support you, so others can't rob you."

"Yes, yes..." an hou said seriously, "you're right. You have to support me. I'm the owner of the family. I'm the most suitable person to manage and settle down."

"Very good, go and explain to them. The first thing, don't have any relationship with Cheng group. This is what I warn you. If you mess with them again, you won't be able to stay in your present position. Please remember!"

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