Sun Dashao was a smart man. He immediately recognized his implication, then laughed and said, "yes, it's not a good thing for him, but the problem is that he doesn't know."

Song Qi said with a smile, "sun Dashao, it seems that we don't know each other, right? If you have anything to say, you invite me here so that I don't know why."

Sun dasheo had already made the tea and poured it to Song Qi. Then he said with a smile, "don't call me sun dasheo. My name is sun Jiuyuan. I'm an ordinary businessman. By the way, I just like people like you, so I don't mean anything else. I just want to make friends. "

Song Qi laughed and took a sip of tea. Then he said, "make a friend?"

Sun Jiuyuan nodded, "yes, just make a friend."

Song Qi looked at him, his face was full of doubts, but also the kind of undisguised.

Sun Jiuyuan said with a bitter smile, "yes, their Zhou family is really powerful, especially in our capital. It's just a huge thing, but so what? Sun Jiuyuan is not a good person to cause trouble. Since he dares to trouble you, it's no big deal for me to make friends with you."

"Why?" Song Qi seriously replied, "the Zhou family should have a lot of opinions about this. If you do that."

Sun Jiuyuan laughed, nodded and said, "it's natural, but they have opinions. So what? I'm not familiar with them."

Song Qi understood that sun Jiuyuan absolutely wanted something from himself.

"You don't want to think so much..." Sun Jiuyuan looked at Song Qi and immediately understood, so he immediately said, "although I'm a businessman, I'm not as complicated as you think. Sometimes I just want to make a friend."

Song Qi looked at him, then said with a smile, "is that true?"

Sun Jiuyuan laughed, nodded and said, "that's almost what I mean. This capital is so boring. A lot of so-called aristocratic children only know how to play with women and lose their families... They never do anything serious. To tell you the truth, during my years in Beijing, looking at these people like this, I feel that they are idiots. Today, it's hard to see you, So I want to get to know each other. I don't have any other ideas. "

"Then I will believe it for the time being!" Song Qi said lightly.

Sun Jiuyuan laughed, but immediately said seriously, "although that's true, I have to remind you that the Zhou family is really willing to challenge you, but their strength may be beyond your expectation."

Song Qi nodded and said, "yes, it means so."

"It's not good. It's just Thursday. After all, it's just a little guy, so you beat him, that's why you beat him." Sun Jiuyuan said.

"You know their Zhou family very well?" Song and Qi asked.

Sun Jiuyuan shook his head and said, "I can't say that I know it very well. I'm just familiar with it."

Speaking of this, I found something wrong. Song Qizheng looked at himself with a cold face.

Sun Jiuyuan said with a bitter smile, "don't look at me like this. I'm not familiar with the Zhou family, but I'm really good friends with Wednesday. When you entered the city, Wednesday told me to make friends with you if I had the chance to see you. The people he can look up to on Wednesday are certainly not bad. "

Song Qi said faintly, "do you know that their Zhou family's needling for me today is all because of Wednesday."

Sun Jiuyuan was even more helpless. "Of course, I know that these Zhou family members are really mean. When did this happen? They had been rushed to Qinghe on Wednesday. I didn't expect that there were still people staring at him. This is something I didn't even think of."

"Since I want you to meet me on Wednesday, why don't you come out in the first place?" Song Qi asked again, "if you come out in the first place, maybe we don't have to fight like this. Maybe under your mediation, we can solve the problem peacefully without any hands!"

Song Qi's words were like questions about death. Sun Jiuyuan had no way to answer them. After a while, he said with a bitter smile, "I'm sorry, I wasn't here just now. If I were here, I would have come out."

"To put it bluntly, I just want to see if I'm brave enough, right..." of course, Song Qi doesn't think he was really not here just now. He really thinks I'm a few years old.

Sun Jiuyuan looked at Song and Qi formally.

Looking at Song Qi's methods just now, at most, he thought that the young man was ruthless, brave and skillful.

But now that such a series of problems are at the center of the incident, it is necessary for him to reevaluate Song Qi.

Yes, the young people in front of us not only have those qualities, but also are very considerate.

Even smart.

"Ha ha..." Sun Jiuyuan was silent for a moment, and then he laughed and said, "brother song, I'm just a little selfish. I don't mean to expose me like this."

Song Qi said lightly, "there's no good meaning. I'm sorry."

Sun Jiuyuan quickly poured him another cup of tea and said, "I don't like them either. I really feel good watching you beat them. Of course, if my brother thinks it's wrong for me to do this, you can beat me up. You can rest assured that I won't bear the grudge as they did in the Zhou family. After that, it will be over. How can I remember the grudge for such a long time? "

Song Qi didn't doubt the truth of his words. In fact, people like sun Jiuyuan are more terrible than Zhou Chen and Zhou Yuanyou.

Song Qi believed that even if he really wanted to beat sun Jiuyuan, he would never have any opinions. At most, he would let himself use a little force, and he would not have any opinions at all.

And after the fight, this guy can definitely talk to himself with a smile, as if nothing happened.

Such people are the most terrible.

"You think too much..." Song Qi suddenly patted him on the shoulder, "I will not remember this revenge."

This seemingly simple pat on the shoulder, but let Sun Jiuyuan feel a huge force on the shoulder down, and even will soon sink him.

Sun Jiuyuan took a cool breath at that time. Sitting there, he felt it was difficult to reach out.

Fortunately, Song Qi just took his hand away with a pat, which made him recover slowly.

Otherwise, maybe his hand will be broken.

It was a moment before he felt his recovery.

In this regard, with a wry smile, he gave Song Qi a thumbs up.

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