There is no turning back at all.

Xie Jinhe is out of his wits. He may feel that these things are strange today. How did he become like this?

He... How did Song Qi become the partner of general manager mu!

He couldn't figure it out. He just left there.

Not to mention Xie Yuncheng.

Until they left, song de and his wife felt that they didn't believe it and they were still confused.

How could it be like this... How did Song Qi suddenly become the partner of boss Xie Jinhe?

He couldn't figure it out. According to the truth, it shouldn't be like this.

But Song Qi just gave a faint smile and said to his parents, "if they dare to show off in front of you in the future, don't mention it. They'll die."

Song de was already very happy and couldn't close his mouth. "Then you don't have to. You just have a good life."

"Xiao Qi, you've offended Xie Jinhe. Otherwise, you'd better tell Mr. Mu and let them..." mother Wu Xiuqing thought about it and advised Song Qi.

Song Qi interrupted his mother and said seriously, "Mom, do you know why their family always said that about us before? It's because we are too honest, what others say is good, we even dare not return a word, so they are unscrupulous and think that we are easy to bully. If it goes on like this, they will turn the world upside down. So if we offend, then we offend. We think that nothing happened. If they still say hello to our family, let's treat it as if nothing has happened. If they want to say that to us, you're welcome. Some people are cheap. They have to be treated by others. "

Looking at their son like this, the couple felt relaxed.

They are the good people that their son said. They have never offended anyone in their life, but this has not brought them any benefits. Many people in the village feel that their family is easy to bully, so they have suffered a lot.

Of course, the couple understand, but their character is so, and they can't change it.

So when they saw that Song Qi's character became tough, they were very happy.

The next day, after having breakfast, Song Qi drove back to his residence.

Two days later, the news came from Li Yixuan that their company had been registered and could officially open.

After all, this is their first career, so they have great expectations.

Of course, decoration and other things still need time, and they are all done by Li Yixuan and Lao Zhang.

On this day, Song Qi received a phone call from Mu Yan, so he rushed to the Royal real estate.

"This is a reward for you!" When she arrived, Mu Yan handed an envelope to Song Qi.

Song Qi touched it, and there was about 30000 yuan in it.

"The old village of Donghu has been demolished. It's very smooth. I have to thank you. This is my personal thanks." Mu Yan said with a smile.

"This..." Song Qi pondered for a moment, "we are a cooperative relationship. I've collected money to help you solve that matter. It doesn't seem very good."

"I said, this is my personal thank you." Mu Yan shook her head and said, "just put it away."

Since they had already said that, song and Qi could not say anything, so they had to put it away.

"By the way, I have to let you go with me to a place." Mu Yan said again.

"Where to?" Asked Song Qi.

"Haiying city." Mu Yan took a deep breath and said.

Haiying city?

Haiying city is actually next door city, but it's a big city, and it's close to the sea, so it's less developed than where they live.

"Our royal estate has a project to develop over there." Mu Yan said, "of course, it's not in the most central area of Haiying City, but it's pretty good. But... There may be some trouble. "

Song Qi knew that it is absolutely impossible to find one's own way to go together.

"What do you say?"

"In fact, we just want to march into Haiying this time..." Mu Yan thought about it before she said, "our focus has always been in Qinghe, always. But our development in Qinghe is just like that. It's time to go out for a walk. This time, Haiying has a piece of land to be auctioned. Our company is going to cooperate with two other Haiying local companies to take that piece of land down, but to tell you the truth, it's not easy. "

Song Qi stopped talking.

"Remember when I was almost taken away in the old village of Donghu?" Mu Yan asked again.

"Got a clue?" Song Qi asked in surprise.

"Well." Mu Yan nodded and said seriously, "I suspect it was some real estate enterprises in Haiying."

Song Qi was stunned, "how dare they do such things? What time is it now

Mu Yan said with a bitter smile, "don't overestimate their bottom line. Some people will take risks even in the most advanced society. Besides, Haiying is far less developed than Qinghe. In some places, it may have forces you can't imagine. "

Song Qi nodded, but he had no way to refute.

"I suspect that the news of our royal real estate entering Haiying has made some local real estate enterprises feel uneasy, so they want to stop us." Mu Yan frowned and said, "but we really need to rush out of the Qinghe River, so I really have to go to Haiying."

"Then I'll go with you." Song Qi thought about it and said it seriously.

Mu Yan said with a smile, "you don't have to be so nervous. Although you say so, it's still a society ruled by law. Even if they are dissatisfied with me, they still dare not say anything. What's more, Haiying municipal government has made great efforts to attract investment, that is, those who think they are the local emperors want to keep us out. "

"When shall we go?" Song Qi wanted to ask.

"Tomorrow." Mu Yan nodded and said, "we are going to meet two local real estate companies in Haiying tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, they will auction the land. We have to discuss it first and take the land down."

"That's fine!" Song Qi said, "I'll get ready and come to report to you at eight tomorrow."

Mu Yan smiles, nods and says, "what's up at noon? Please have a meal. Last time you saved me and Xinxin, I didn't thank you very much. "

Song Qi hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "OK."

"Well, you wait for me here for an hour, and then we'll go out for dinner." Mu Yan said with a smile.

Song Qi nodded and had no opinion.

Next, Mu Yan began to work. She was very efficient and organized, and arranged many things very well.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was 11:30, and Mu Yan finally finished her work, "OK, now we can go to dinner."

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