Mu Yan's eyebrows picked, and then said, "Haiying wants a lot of people to take this land, but who can take it depends on his ability. What about Mr. Zhao? "

Xu an said with a bitter smile, "Mr. mu, I can say something unpleasant first. I know better than you what kind of person Mr. Zhao is in Haiying. He can do anything to get the land."

Mu Yan thought about it and asked, "can he kidnap me?"

Xu an Leng for a while, but immediately reaction came over and said, "can do it."

"How many people can do this here?" Song Qi was silent all the time. After all, he was just a cooperative security guard. He couldn't say anything else, but when he met his own business, he could ask more questions.

"Not a few..." Xu an pondered for a moment, "generally speaking, they are more civilized now, especially in business. The most important thing is to be friendly and make money, but Mr. Zhao is an exception."

"I see." Song Qi nodded.

Mu Yan naturally understood what he meant. In fact, she doubted whether Mr. Zhao had been kidnapped for the first time.

They met before, and even Mr. Zhao pursued Mu Yan because she was really beautiful.

Unfortunately, Mu Yan refused.

At the beginning, when they said that they wanted to take the land, Mr. Zhao immediately contacted Mu Yan and said that they would cooperate with her. However, the reputation of Zhao's real estate was not good, so mu Yan refused without much consideration.

These signs make Mu Yan have a kind of alertness, he is really more likely.

"No matter how much..." Mu Yan thought for a while and said, "by the way, I'll make an appointment with them now and join them together. It can not only reduce the pressure on our business, but also make many people in Haiying shut up. After all, they are local real estate companies."

This is also the way that Mu Yan thought of later. If they are really so exclusive, they will cooperate with two local real estate enterprises to develop together. Isn't that ok?

After dinner, Mu Yan and Song Qi go into the car, while Xu an drives in front of them.

"Hello, Mr. an!" Mu Yan first made a phone call to president an of Tianyi real estate, "I'm Mu Yan."

"Hello, Mr. Mu!" Ann said over there.

"Well, now that I have arrived at Haiying, the land will be auctioned the day after tomorrow. Our cooperation..."

Just now, Mr. an interrupted Mu Yan and said with a bitter smile, "Mr. mu, I'm sorry."

Mu Yan Leng for a moment, "Mr. an, what do you mean?"

President an is now sitting in the office, and a young man is sitting in front of him.

It's just that the young man is wearing a red suit, which makes him look pretty.

The most important thing is that after hearing Mr. an's phone call, he was playing with the lighter, turning it on and off. He was still playing very hard.

"Mr. mu, our cooperation may come to an end." President an sighed in his heart.

He is already about 60 years old. The real estate company says big or small, but no matter what, it's all his hard work.

In Haiying, he felt that he could no longer make great progress, so he cooperated with Mu Yan. He wanted to use Mu Yan to open Qinghe's market, so he hit it off. But now

"Why?" Mu Yan is really stunned, "no, Mr. an, we have already agreed before. How can we terminate the cooperation now? Shooting will start the day after tomorrow! "

"Mr. mu, I'm really sorry. This time it's a matter of our Providence real estate. I apologize to you. Well, after the auction, I'll invite you to dinner and apologize." Mr. an said helplessly.

Mu Yan doesn't know how to answer this sentence.

In terms of age, president an is of his father's generation, older than her. Moreover, the cooperation between the two sides is only a verbal agreement, and there is really no contract signed. Now that he wants to quit, it's no problem in any way.

"In that case, I respect your opinion." Mu Yan was silent for a while, then she continued, "after the auction, I'll treat you to dinner."

Mr. an was relieved and said with a smile, "I'll thank Mr. Mu first."

With that, Mr. an hung up the phone.

With a bang, he put his cell phone on the table.

"Mr. an is really a smart man." The man in the red suit clapped his hands and said with a smile, "is it really reasonable that ANN can always do such a big business?"

"No matter how big a business we do, Tianyi real estate is not as big as Zhao group." Mr. an's face is not good.

The young man is Mr. Zhao. His real name is Zhao long.

Zhao Long said with a smile, "I'll take it as a compliment. I will keep in mind the kindness of president an to our Zhao group this time. Mr. an, let's make an appointment for dinner next time. "

With a smile, Zhao long stood up smartly and said to the three bodyguards in black who were always tight behind him, "go, what are you doing here? Don't scare people. By the way, does Mr. an's little granddaughter take good care of her? Send her little sister to us as soon as possible! "

"Grandfather..." as soon as the voice fell, I saw a little girl running in.

Mr. an stood up and quickly picked up his granddaughter for fear that they would take her away again.

"Mr. an..." Zhao long looked at Mr. an with a smile, "you'd better pay attention to it later. After all, there are so many bad people outside. This time, our staff will help you to hold your little sister. Maybe they will be sold by some peddlers when they go out."

With a smile, Zhao Long said to the little girl, "little sister, don't run around in the future. If you meet bad people, you will be in trouble."

After that, Zhao Long laughed and soon went out.

President an's granddaughter's heart relaxed.

"Grandfather..." the little girl said, "I didn't run around. Someone took me out of school... I didn't run around at all..."

"I know, I know..." Mr. an quickly appeased her little granddaughter, "you are the best. It's all my grandfather's fault..."

Zhao Long went out with three bodyguards in black, like a real-life big man in the Jianghu.

"Young master, what about president Dong?" A bodyguard asked quickly.

"He?" Zhao Long laughs, sits in the Lincoln extension, takes out the phone, dials a phone and goes out.

It's just a ring. Yes, it's answered.

"Mr. Dong!" Zhao Long said with a smile, "how about the pictures I sent you? But it's wonderful. I don't know that Mr. Dong is so strong. He can be so brave and powerful when dealing with two pretty girls by himself

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