It's easy for the maintenance personnel to find out more. It didn't take long for them to find out the nearby repair shop.

At first, Dong Gu was a little vague about Song Qi's ability, but now seeing his clear thinking, he can't help but feel that this young man is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He may indeed have some brushes.

Came to the repair shop, the address of a report, you can quickly find the person.

"This is the person who went out for maintenance on this day..." at the beginning, they were unwilling to investigate, but Dong Gu said he wanted to complain. He had no choice but to show them, "Huang Xin, yes, that's him."

There are also contact information and address on it. Soon they have found Huang Xin.

When he found Huang Xin, this guy was playing cards there. When he saw Song Qi and Dong Gu coming in with a bad face, he knew it was not a good thing.

"Huang Xin, right? I want to ask you something." Song Qi waved to him.

Huang Xin looked at them in his twenties and sevens. He looked at them and said, "you two, we don't seem to know each other."

"I know." Song Qi nodded and said, "I found you from your store. There were some problems in the things you helped us repair, so I have to ask you."

Huang Xin was dubious, so he followed them out.

"Tianshui garden 31 single family villa, a few days ago, did you repair TV there?" Huang Xin asked.

Huang Xinyi patted his head, "that villa, right? I took the order, but I didn't repair it."

"What do you say?" Dong Gu's face was a little gloomy.

In fact, as soon as he saw Huang Xin's expression, he knew something was wrong, because the other party didn't know him at all, which means that the other party didn't see the photo.

What does this mean? The person who started the operation may not be him or even have nothing to do with him.

"I..." Huang Xin didn't want to say it at first, but looking at the two guys' bad looks, he thought it was better to be honest. "I did receive such an order that day, and I was going to repair it, but just after I went out, I was stopped and asked him to repair it for me."

"Do you know him?" Asked Song Qi.

"I don't know!" Huang Xin quickly shook his head, "driving the car, is a strange face. Of course, I refused, so I refused, but they... "

At this point, Huang Xin said with a wry smile, "another person came down from the car. He said that if I didn't agree, I would have to appear in the river tomorrow... Floating corpses. I was timid, and they were not good people. So he agreed and let them pretend to be me. After that, they even returned the things to me, and gave me 500 yuan to stop telling me about it. "

"Don't you doubt it?" Asked Song Qi.

"I doubt it's any use." Huang Xin swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "I'm just a common people. Besides, I also went to the outside of that house. I didn't find anything wrong, so I didn't make a sound. Besides, if I tell this story, I can lose my job. So... "

Song Qi nodded, which was expected.

"What about that car..." Song Qi asked, "since you have some doubts about them, you should remember the license plate number?"

"Remember, remember!" Huang Xin immediately nodded and said, "I remember everything. I wrote it to you."

Then Huang Xin wrote down the license plate number.

Song Qi took a look and gave it to Dong Gu.

"Now that you are so honest, you are not afraid that they will trouble you?" Asked Song Qi.

Huang Xin said with a bitter smile, "both of you are not ordinary people. I... I still have this insight. Besides, if I don't say it, I'm afraid I'll have to float in the river."

Song Qi laughed, patted him on the shoulder and said, "we are not the bad guys before. Come on, let's go back quickly. We will not tell you what happened today even if we haven't met."

"Thank you Huang Xin was very happy and ran away immediately.

"It seems to be true." Song Qi then said to Dong Gu, "someone intentionally interferes with your signal or something, and then they will call someone to repair it, so that they can come in and set up the camera."

"Damn it Dong Gu is very angry. He is not a bully. He is naturally very angry when he is attacked by others.

"How's it going?" Song Qi said lightly, "the license plate number has been found. You are familiar with Haiying. It should not be difficult to check the license plate number."

"Go and find out at once!" Dong Gu Senran said, "if I find them, I have to kill them."

Song and Qi believed that, and they didn't think that Dong Gu was bluffing people.

The business of real estate was all started with blood and sweat. These people can achieve today's status. I don't know that they stepped on the blood of ordinary people.

Song Qi didn't like them, not at all.

But life is so helpless that we have to move on.

Dong Gu really has some contacts here. He soon found out the owner of the car. "The owner of the car is sun Zigang. He is a boxing coach, but on the other hand, he is also a boxing lesson and bodyguard of Mr. Zhao."

"Oh Song Qi laughed, "that makes sense. They did it. Well, where is the grandson now? "

"It should be in his own ring." Dong Gu pondered for a moment and said, "let's go to his boxing hall. If it's really there, the bottom of the picture may also be there. Even if not, you can ask sun Zigang. "

Song Qi nodded and said, "that's OK. It's settled. Let's go to the boxing center together."

The boxing center is only half an hour's drive away from here, and soon they have arrived there.

It's not very big, but it's not small.

Dong Gu didn't go in because he had a familiar face. If he went in, he might be recognized by his grandson, so he didn't go in and let Song Qi go in alone.

After Song Qi went in and looked, he found that many people were learning boxing.

Soon a man came forward and asked Song Qi politely, "do you want to learn boxing, too?"

"That's right." Song Qi nodded, "I'm more interested in boxing. I want to learn it, but I don't know what your strength is. After all, the cost of learning boxing is not low. If I pay money, but I don't have any real Kung Fu, then my money will be wasted."

"Understand The man said with a smile, "but you can rest assured that we are all taught by the most powerful boxers here. We will never teach indiscriminately..."

"I saw the poster saying that your boss Sun Zi Gang is a boxing champion in a certain city. Otherwise, I'll talk to your boss, OK?"

The man was stunned for a moment, but seeing that his purpose is so strong, it may not be that ordinary people can deceive him, so he said, "I have no problem, but I have to tell the boss first."

"No problem!" Song Qi said with a smile.

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