In fact, their speed is very fast, and they have reached the front of the song and Qi Dynasty. One after the other, two iron bars hit the song and Qi Dynasty.

It's really practiced.

Song Qi bent down and the iron bar swept over the front door.

But the other one has come back.

Song Qi immediately put his hand in.

There was a dull noise, which hit him on the arm. It hurt.

Song Qilian took two steps back. It was really painful. After all, it was an iron bar.

The two men laughed with pride. I thought how powerful they were. I didn't expect that they could not help fighting.

They rushed to Song Qi again.

This time, they are going to abolish Song Qi.

Song Qi's face is cold. Since there is no other way to solve it, I'm sorry. Today I have to put you down.

Song Qi saw the right time. When he saw them coming, he immediately went to meet them.

It's just that he's a sweeper.

The other side's two directions were in their hands. They didn't expect Song Qi to come here for a while. They didn't have any defense at their feet, so they were kicked by Song Qi. They lost their center of gravity and couldn't stand firm any more. They fell down one after another with two plops.

Song Qi's speed is very fast, the first time to go forward to the iron bar to get the hands, and then hit the two men's feet.

With two clicks, Song Qi broke their leg bones.

The scream sounded instantly, and the two even rolled on the ground.

What a pain!

Song Qi, left and right, stared at them with two iron bars.

"There are two sons!" Leader is also a stay, did not expect that the two men should lose so thoroughly, "give me up, kill him!"

In addition to himself, there are still five people left, and now they have all rushed to Song Qi.

Boy, the more powerful you are, the more I will send two more people to deal with you. In such a narrow alley, I see how you fight with five of me.

The leader has already laughed.

Song Qi retreated step by step. After all, there were five of them, and they all had weapons in their hands. He didn't need to be so close to them all of a sudden, otherwise he would be hurt easily.

But the closer they got, the more they retreated to the wall.

"I'll see how you can go back!" They all know that Song Qi has no way back. One of them laughs and the iron bar in his hand has been smashed out.

At this time, Song Qi suddenly pulled a wire on the wall, and immediately it had been swept up. The whole person seemed to spring up and swept up from their heads.

Those people Leng for a moment, just reaction, Song Qi has let go, the iron bar in the hand hit hard.

One of them is looking up, as if he was watching a play.

Song Qi suddenly hit him on the bridge of his nose, and then he heard a clear sound, and the blood flowed out of his nostrils.

Song Qi didn't care about him at all. He kicked him away, and his iron rod flew over and over, constantly approaching those people.

Just for a moment, he has become an attacker.

Those people are confused, especially Song Qi's hand is very fast, accurate and ruthless.

So those people almost have no ability to resist, all of them have been brought down by Song Qi.

Of course, in the chaos, Song Qi also suffered a few blows, but their strength is really not worth mentioning, and Song Qi was not threatened at all.

Song Qi goes up to a guy and mends his leg.

The guy screamed on the ground, his eyes full of fear.

Too cruel, Song Qi as long as they are knocked down, all have to give him waste legs.

This is what song Qi learned from Li Haihe. Li Haihe said that if the two sides of the enemy are really immortal, then if they can kill one, they must not be soft handed.

Now it's against the enemy. Although they don't kill people, it's the same if they waste their legs.

The leader's face has changed. This time, he is very confident. He even thinks that Mr. Zhao is exaggerating. But now, it seems that he is not like this. He is really strong.

"Did you think about the consequences when you moved me?" Song Qi turned the iron bar in his hand and beat so many people, but his voice didn't seem to change. He was still calm, calm and terrible.

The leader retreated slowly, "I don't know what kind of trouble you have with Mr. Zhao, but to tell you the truth, I'm not his man, I'm just the one he hired."

"What does that have to do with me?" Song Qi asked seriously.

"I mean, I don't have a problem with you. Now that you win, I can let you go. After all, we have no personal grudge, right?" Said the leader.

"It's really funny..." Song Qi was silent for a while, and suddenly laughed, "we have no personal grudge, so if I lose, I'll have to lose my legs. If you lose, I'll have to let you go. What's the logic?"

The leader swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but he still insisted on his own logic, "yes, I was entrusted by others. If I lose now, we will withdraw."

"I won't allow you to return it?" Song Qi asked seriously.

His face changed, staring at Song Qi and saying, "I said, we have no personal grudge. I hope you don't turn this matter into personal grudge, or it won't do you any good."

"Sorry, just when you stopped me, we already had personal grudges, and I don't like you very much." Song Qi said coldly.

The leader was obviously very angry, but looking at the iron bar in Song Qi's hand, he didn't dare to be angry, so he said, "you'd better give it to me..."

So far, the iron bar in Song Qi's hand has been waved out.

Bang, just hit on his face.

The guy didn't even react and then fell to the ground.

His face was covered with blood because his nose was broken.

"You just said that you want to abolish my legs. Now I want to cut it by half and abolish you. Isn't that too much?" Song Qi looked down at him.

The leader felt a chill and said to Song Qi, "you... Don't move. If you dare to move me, Haiying won't be able to accommodate you..."


Before he finished, Song Qi's iron bar had been smashed down.

"Ah The leader kept screaming and felt a pain from foot to head.

He never felt that it was the feeling that his leg was abandoned.

"Haiying can't hold me, so I'll fight until they can hold me." Song Qi came together to his ear, "this time just to give you a warning, but remember, if you dare to appear in front of me next time, I will abolish you."

Then Song Qi threw the iron bar on the ground, and left here with a sneer.

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