Song Qi was chatting here, while Zhao returned to his villa.

Mr. Zhao's face was very ugly, so he lay there and asked a beautiful woman to massage him.

If it was normal, the beauty would tease Mr. Zhao with her plump place from time to time, but now she dare not, because everyone can see that Mr. Zhao is in a bad mood now, so she will follow the rules and dare not think more.

But at this time, one of his men soon pushed the door in and said to Mr. Zhao, "Mr. Zhao, it's not good..."

Mr. Zhao closed his eyes. Although he said he was very angry, at least he didn't show it. He was also receiving the massage safely. However, this man's words angered Mr. Zhao. He suddenly stood up and kicked the guy down. He said, "Damn, what I heard today is not good news, You come here and tell me that it's not good. You're trying to block me, aren't you? "

Then the man realized that he had said something wrong, and he immediately regretted, "young master, that is... The people we asked to block Song Qi just now have not moved!"

Mr. Zhao was stunned. "What do you mean? That is to say, the one who went lost again? "

The man laughed awkwardly twice.

"Damn it Mr. Zhao roared and kicked him. "I told you, let your mother find me some experts. Who are you looking for? You have to be beaten."

"I'm really looking for someone who can fight!" His subordinates were terrified and didn't dare to dodge, so they had to let Mr. Zhao kick him. "That guy also promised me that he would let Song Qi remember him all his life, but he even lost. I know he took eight people with him. Who knows what song Qi is made of? He beat them all

"Trash... It's all fuckin 'trash!" Young master Zhao was already in a state of rage. He said angrily to his subordinates, "I asked you to clean him up, but you found a group of rubbish!"

His subordinates did not expect that Song Qi was so powerful. In the face of Zhao's fury, he had to keep silent.

"Get out of here!" Mr. Zhao roared.

If they met with amnesty, they went out quickly.

"I..." the beauty looked at this young master Zhao, and she was a little scared, so she wanted to go out with him.

But she just walked two steps, see Zhao childe a to hold her, ruthlessly pull to own in front of, hiss of a tore open her originally not thick clothes.

The beauty was startled. Although I would like to have sex with you, you are so scary.

After listening to the voice inside, the men outside went forward to close the door as fast as they could. Then they stood outside and breathed a sigh of relief. That's good. After master Zhao vented his anger on her, it would be much easier to do.

After a while, there came the roar of young master Zhao like a wild animal, and the voice of a woman who couldn't tell whether it was a scream or a cry.

About half an hour later, master Zhao finally came out.

He even put on his suit and walked out calmly.

As for the inside, the beautiful woman was lying on the bed and couldn't move any more. Even her face, hands, legs and back were bruised, which was a little scary.

She was nearly disabled and had to lie there to rest.

"The old man called..." and he quickly gave Zhao long his mobile phone.

Zhao Long took a look, it was his father who called, so he got through.

"Has the Royal real estate continued to cooperate with Dong Gu? And he made it clear that he was going to take that piece of land! " There is Zhao Long's father Zhao Youtai's voice, listening to some gloomy, "this matter I give you full power to deal with, when you told me at the beginning, you said that you would deal with this matter very well, I believe you, but now you?"

"Dad, give me more time..." Zhao Long's voice is very calm, "I will definitely do this thing well."

"What to do?" Zhao Youtai asked, "cooperate with them? Will Mu Yan of Royal real estate let you participate? You should have proposed that for a long time, but she won't, right. So what else? "

Zhao Long was asked. He was.

"Since we can't stop it now, let's bid with them at the auction." Zhao Youtai said again, "it's just that if they are determined to take that piece of land, even if we stop it, it's useless."

"What about that?" Zhao Long was not reconciled, "no matter how strong the real estate of his monarchy is, it's good. But this is Haiying, not Qinghe. Are we going to lose to them like this?"

"Who said he was going to lose?" Zhao Youtai said with a sneer, "winning the land is just the beginning. There are still a lot of things to do next. Who told you that we have already lost?"

Zhao long understood, "father, I know."

"Of course, we can't just eat this loss." Zhao Youtai said again, "when you should make a move, you can make a move directly."

"Well, I see!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao long looked at his men and said coldly, "I'll give you another thing to do."

I'm so flustered that I'm not supposed to beat that guy again. I really can't beat him!

"Nervous what!" Seeing that his subordinates were so nervous, Zhao long had a fire to come out. "I didn't ask you to fight song Qi. Didn't they have a branch here? With the strength of our Zhao group, if we want to get land with them, it should be impossible, so this land is definitely theirs. But I can't bear this tone. Well, you can get some little ruffians, pay more money and smash their branch. Remember, make it clean for me, and don't let people know that we did it. "

"Well, I see!" I'm relieved. It turns out that this is the same thing. It's much easier to do.

Soon he was out on business.

Zhao Long sneered. Muyan, Muyan, you can't blame me for being cruel and ruthless if you don't drink a toast.

If this woman is willing to cooperate with her, Zhao long will not refuse, but he must be the dominant side. Maybe he will even try to get Mu Yan.

Now, I'm sure people still have to. As for that company, I'll try my best to take you down now!

In the dark, no one knows that a destruction team composed of thugs has rushed to the branch of Royal real estate, and they are smashing with iron bars in their hands. There is no pity at all.

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