After dinner, Song Qi and Mu Yan went to the demolition area to have a look.

The compensation scheme for the demolition area has been put forward. The villagers can get a lot of money for this land, but it is certainly impossible to satisfy everyone. Especially in the aspect of money, the more the better. So even if there is a compensation scheme, Song Qi and Mu Yan think that there will be some objections here.

But when they went in, they found that it was quiet and nothing happened.

Mu Yan has seen many places that will be demolished. Generally, villagers will gather there and discuss with each other. However, there is no such scene here.

"It seems that it's OK to talk directly with them..." don't say, this kind of situation is not easy for mu Yan to deal with. She said with a bitter smile to Song Qi, "it seems to be very calm, but I'm actually a little nervous."

Song Qi nodded and said, "yes, it is. I think so. We don't have to think about anything else. Let's wait for tomorrow, and then let director Chen Zhihai of the demolition office go together to see how the situation is. "

That's all we can do.

The next day, Chen Zhihai came to the demolition area with them.

"Villagers..." Chen Zhihai has already asked people to call the villagers to the village committee, "we should all know, ah, this land has been sold out now, and now we have come out the compensation scheme. Let's see, it's unified."

Having said that, Chen Zhihai has given the compensation scheme to the villagers.

The villagers are watching there.

In fact, there is nothing special about this. They have known about this compensation scheme for a long time, just to confirm it.

"There are all relocation houses..." Mu Yan said, "and according to the corresponding, if there is a shop, then we will try our best to supply you. If not, then we can only make up the money."

In fact, the land acquisition this time is not carried out by their developers, but by the relevant departments here. In other words, even if they want more money, the developers can't afford it. What they want is the relevant departments of the land transfer.

Mu Yan is in such a hurry because she wants to develop the land.

"It's a little too little..." the village head, Wan Limin, said to Mu Yan after looking at it. "I think it's a little bit less. We just demolished a small village not far from here not long ago, and the compensation there is not much less than what you gave. Now it's been a few months, so we have to increase it, Moreover, there is no way to compare the position there with ours... "

"Mr. Wan, you are talking about Huihai village." Chen Zhihai said with a smile, "I came to demolish that piece of land, so I know something about it, but... The price of that piece of land is almost the same. Now, although it has been said for the past few months, how can the land price rise? I see you..."

"It's really too few. Let's go back and discuss with the villagers. What do you think?" Wan Limin said.

Chen Zhihai thought, "how long will we discuss it?"

"Then I don't know." Wan Limin laughed, "of course, if you are willing to add 50% on this basis, then I can agree on behalf of the villagers now."

Fifty percent!

Mu Yan suddenly stood up, too lion big mouth.

"No way." Chen Zhihai immediately refused, "I think that's it... By the way, if you want to discuss it, then discuss it. But I tell you, ah, this land has been photographed, so naturally you have to move out early. I'll give you three days. After three days, you have to move out, and then we have to demolish it."

With that, Chen Zhihai and they have withdrawn.

Mu Yan hesitated for a moment, but she didn't say much, so she followed.

Three days passed quickly, but Chen Zhihai did not act.

Mu Yan is already very anxious. The more she delays, the worse she gets. So she goes to find Chen Zhihai.

"Director Chen, how is the demolition work over there now?"

"Their asking price is really too high..." Chen Zhihai said with a smile, "we have no way to agree, so let's leave them alone for a while and hang them up. After a while, they will know how outrageous their requirements are."

"Director Chen, that can't be like this." Mu Yan looked at Chen Zhihai and said, "director Chen, you can't say that. They're not in a hurry, but we're in a hurry. We want to tear it down early and supply them with money. In this way, we can start construction earlier."

"Mr. mu, it usually takes a few years to make a real estate project. We are not in a hurry, and the main reason is that we are not in a hurry. Now if we agree to their terms, how much will we lose? This time we sell the land, so we have to pay all the compensation money here. Tell me..."

"If you think it's high, you can talk about it." Mu Yan has already felt something wrong, "let's talk to them and try to come up with a price that both sides are satisfied with."

"Hard!" Chen Zhihai laughs, "they just want money. I'll tell you, but it's not easy."

Mu Yan looks at Chen Zhihai and finds that although the man with a smile says he can handle affairs, in private, who knows whether he can handle affairs or not.

Such people are the most terrible.

"Director Chen, this project is very important..." Mu Yan took a deep breath, "it's not good for us to drag it down."

"It's true." Chen Zhihai nodded, "don't worry, I'll do it as soon as possible."

Mu Yan didn't speak any more, and soon she turned around and left.

Looking at Mu Yan's excellent figure leaving from his eyes, Chen Zhihai's eyes finally showed a trace of greed. He finally understood why Mr. Zhao liked the woman in his thirties so much. She was really beautiful.

After going out, Mu Yan went back to the car.

"No, all right?" Seeing Mu Yan's face, Song Qi understood and asked.

"It seems that president Dong is right..." Mu Yan sighed, "this guy is deliberately there to delay our time, I suspect Zhao Long let him do it."

For them, it's natural that the earlier they start, the better. But that's not the case now. Time is no longer in their hands, so the more they delay, the more money they will lose.

"Then I'll have to do it." Song Qi said with a wry smile, "I should take charge of this kind of things, otherwise my job is too good."

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