Chapter 107 - "Mr. Luo Xiu is an angel, not an awful man." (2)

Gu Nian had already struggled out of bed and looked over at Qin Yuanyuan, who was both annoyed and helpless, then at Jiang Xiaoqing, who was still in bed with a there-is-no-way-you-can-make-me-go look, she slowly let out a long yawn.

“It’s fine if Xiaoqing doesn’t want to go.”

“Huh?” Qin Yuanyuan turned around. “What about the production team then?”

“We are never meant to be the onsite screenwriter. This is free work on our part. I am doing it for personal reason. You two had already gone above and beyond. There’s no need to feel any obligations.”

Qin Yuanyuan said with slight awkwardness, “I understand that as well. I just have a difficult time putting my foot down.”

“It’s fine. I’ll take the day off for her.”

“Alright. Then you go and wash up. Let’s hurry?”


Gu Nian finally regained some of her ability to use her brain after she had finished washing up.

On their way to the conference room, she casually looked over the notification on the screen shown to her by Qin Yuanyuan. After looking at it for 2-3 seconds, Gu Nian frowned slowly.

“According to this, this is an internal screenwriter meeting?”

Qin Yuanyuan took it back and reread it. She then nodded. “I guess so. But it sounded like someone from the director team will send someone over to make an announcement as well?”

“… I sure hope that is the case.”

Gu Nian returned to her languid state and handed the cellphone back to Qin Yuanyuan.

Qin Yuanyuan was baffled when she took her cellphone back. “What else could it be?”

Gu Nian said languidly and expressionlessly, “It’s Zhuo Yixuan.”


“Yesterday. No, the day before? I had no idea what I have said or done that had offended her. But all the way until I took off, she looked like she wanted to lung at me and bite my head off. I was wondering when she is going to make a move…”

Gu Nian finally couldn't help but let out a big yawn. It brought tears to her eyes. She then returned to her listless self. “Hmm, such an impatient person.”

Qin Yuanyuan, “So this meeting is an equivalent of the Hongmen Banquet?”

“Right. But it’s fine. I’m the one that she’s after. You have nothing to worry about.”

“… …”

Fighting back another yawn, Gu Nian’s face was sullen as she patten Qin Yuanyuan on her shoulder in a supportive fashion.

Qin Yuanyuan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry from Gu Nian’s response.

Sure enough, when they arrived at the conference room, the first thing they saw after they have opened the door was Zhuo Yixuan sitting at the host’s spot.

Qin Yuanyuan wasn’t entirely convinced before but she couldn't help but gave Gu Nian a “you are mighty” look. Gu Nian, looking languid, gave her a “I knew it” look.

Hearing the noise from the door, Zhuo Yixuan looked up. Her voice was cold, “7:58? You guys sure timed it perfectly.”

Gu Nian pulled out a chair and seated herself as though she didn’t hear her. Qin Yuanyuan cautiously sat down next to her.

Zhuo Yixuan looked even colder. “I am talking to you. Did you hear me?”

“… …”

In the silence, Qin Yuanyuan gave Gu Nian an uncomfortable look. She scooted forward a little and was about to say something.

“Had you wanted us to show up earlier, you should have mentioned that in the messae.”

A languid voice rang before Qin Yuanyuan could say anything.

Qin Yuanyuan paused a little and turned to look at Gu Nian appreciatively.

Gu Nian looked up a little and met the eyes of Zhuo Yixuan, who was looking at her coldly. She curved her lips in a perfunctory manner and passed that off as a smile.

“Your notice said 8 AM but you expected us to figure out that you meant 7:30… What is this? Are you an emperor and we have to try and figure out what you really meant to say?”

Qin Yuanyuan, “Puuf…”

It took Zhuo Yixuan two seconds to figure out what had just happened. Her face turned red immediately, “You-- ---”

Gu Nian retracted her business smile and lowered her head again.

She had no interest in arguing with someone like Zhuo Yixuan. It was obvious that she was born a pampered girl and had never met anything who dared to go against her wish in her 20 years of life. She had no idea how to be in an argument or even scold someone.

She would not have bothered wasting her time on someone like that had she not been fielding the attack for Qin Yuanyuan.

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