Chapter 115 - Body double for the kiss scene. (4)

Before they got to the filming area, though, the director team had sent over a field service personnel. “Mr. Luo, Director Geng and Director Lin asked you to meet them at the director team’s office.”

“Right now?” asked Luo Xiu as he put down his jacket, not bothering to even look up.

“Yes,” said the field service personnel. “Director Geng said it has to do with the last scene and asked you to go over as soon as possible.”

Luo Xiu paused for a little.

He looked up in a little bit and his eyes flickered some. “Is he having anyone else meet with him other than me?”

The field service person was taken aback a little, then replied honestly, “There’s also Screenwriter Gu from the screenwriter team.”

“… …”

Luo Xiu did say anything but the corners of his lips curved upward some.

At the same time.

In the office of the director team.

Gu Nian, standing next to the couch, sounded very languid, “Director Lin, you can just go ahead with what you wanted to talk about. I still have other matters to attend do. I really don’t have time for your pleasantries.”

His big mug in hand, Assistant Director Lin smiled and said, “Oh, look at you youngster, so impatience. What’s the rush? Besides, all of the scenes were almost done with only follow up promotion and post production remaining… besides, your team is not even the screenwriter by name. What more do you need to attend to?”

This silent dagger was vicious and deep. Unfortunately, the girl next to the couch acted like she didn’t hear that at all.

She was still her languid self who looked groggy. The only reason she tried to stop herself from yawning was out of the respect she had for someone like Assistant Director Lin, who was an elder to her.

“I really have matters to attend to. Someone spread untrue rumors around the production team on Tuesday. It took me an entire week to go over everything and was finally able to narrow down the culprit. I must go and look into it and take care of it.”

“Untrue rumors?” Assistant Director Lin’s hand that was holding onto his tea mug paused a little. “Oh, oh. You mean that one about Luo Xiu being fond of you?”

“… …”

Even though it had already been a week but hearing that so directly still made Gu Nian’s look froze on her.

After pausing for a few seconds, Gu Nian looked up solemnly, “You can just refer to it as ‘untrue rumors’. There is no need to repeat it.”

Assistant Director Lin busted out laughing. “What is it? Are you offended that Luo Xiu is fond of you?”

Gu Nian looked even more solemn now. “This was an attack to both Mr. Luo Xiu… and me.”

“Right. If it is untrue. That could really deal some damage.”

“Of course it’s untrue!”

Gu Nian was fully charged in less than a second, her look a languid meanness.

Startled by her sudden surge of energy, Assistant Director Lin’s hand shuddered and the tea sloshed all the way up to the rim of the mug and a few drops even flew out of it and landed on the table.

Assistant Director Lin looked up helplessly. “Alright. Alright. We all know you have a boyfriend and your reputation is very important. But there is no need to overreact still.”

Gu Nian wanted to explain herself but finally decided against it. “It doesn’t matter who it is for. We must clear it up!”

Assistant Director Lin smiled, “Why are you so anxious it if Luo Xiu is not?”

“The less he is anxious about it, the more anxious I am…”


“Nothing.” Gu Nian was back to being languid again. “Is there anything else? If not, I really need to go talk to that person who started the rumor… the filming is almost over and there aren’t much time left for her to clarify the matters.”


“What is it that I need to wait ---?”

Before she was done talking, she heard knocking coming from the door behind her.

Assistant Director Lin raised his voice, “C’mon in.”

The door was opened.

A tender, familiar, and melodious voice came from behind Gu Nian, who had yet to turn around, “Assistant Director Lin.”

“Ah, you are here, Luo Xiu. C’mon in. C’mon in.”

Unlike how he was in front of Gu Nian, when Assistant Director Lin saw Luo Xiu, he immediately looked very enthusiastic. So much that it was like he had just donned a mask on himself.

Gu Nian recollected herself and turned around, surprised, “Mr. Luo Xiu, how come you are also…” Half way through saying that, Gu Nian turned toward Assistant Director Lin and gave him an alarmed look.

Assistant Director Lin saw just that when he turned back around. He found that both annoying and humorous. “Just why are you giving me that look? Do you think I am going to sell you off or something?”

Gu Nian remained silent.

Assistant Director Lin did not waste time in bantering with her. Putting down his tea mug, he cleared his throat. “It is a simple reason why I have both of you here. I want to talk about the last scene.”

“… …”

Gu Nian was visibly relieved.

She waited for two more seconds and Assistant Director Lin did not say anything else. Gu Nian found that disturbing. “Okay, you can stop with the secrecy. I really need to go talk to this other person.”

Assistant Director Lin was happy to comply. He quickly said, “The very last scene, in which Yun Tan and Ding Qiao kissed, we are still going to use you as the body double, Gu Nian. You are okay with that, right?”

“Sure,” said Gu Nian without processing what she had just heard.

There was dead silence in the room for several seconds.

Gu Nian recollected herself all of a sudden, “? !”

Which scene did he just say??

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