Chapter 135 - "Yes, I can tolerate alcohol very well!" (1)

“The production team is still cheap though.” Jiang Xiaoqing complained. “They only give us a deluxe bedroom with two beds. Couldn’t they have just given us two rooms?”

“It’s fine.”

Gu Nian, sitting on the couch, didn’t even look up. She raised her hand and said, “I will sleep on the couch.”

“No, no. Guru Gu Nian should share a bed with me. We can get closer with each other.”

“No. I want to sleep with Gu Nian.”

“I said it first!”

“I said it before you in my mind!”


The two grade school students went at each other. As it was just the fight between two very weak opponents, neither one of them gained the lead on another. Finally, the two collapsed from exhaustion, shook hands, and made up.

Jiang Xiaoqing, collapsed onto the bench at the end of the bed, turned and said, “Guru Gu Nian, our celebratory dinner is not starting until 6:30 PM. That’s an hour from now. Do you want to go walk around and bring some souvenirs back?”

“No, I’m find. You two can go.” Gu Nian still didn’t look up. “I am meeting up with my precious son.”

“? ?”

Both of them whipped their head around at the same time.

It was dead silence in the room.

As though noticing something, Gu Nian looked up and finished the second half of her sentence. “We will be meeting up as he had promised me to help me review the script from the perspective of an actor.”

“Pssst~ ~ ~”

The two turned back around, disappointed.

Gu Nian, resting her pretty face on her palms expressionlessly, looked at them languidly from the couch, “What were you two expecting to hear earlier?”

Jiang Xiaoqing grinned, “What were we expecting? Let’s see here. A super handsome man, a private meeting, a man and a woman, alone in the hotel…”

Gu Nian interrupted her with a stiffed face. “That’s my precious son you are talking about.”

“Psst. I’ve said it a long time ago that given Luo Xiu’s face, being his mother fan is a waste. It makes no sense. Jiang Xiaoqing nudged Qin Yuanyuan. “Am I right?”

Qin Yuanyuan, for once, saw eye to eye with Jiang Xiaoqing and nodded.

Gu Nian fell silence for a little while then said solemnly. “Stop defiling my pure motherly love.”

“Yes, yes, yes. We know that your motherly love will never turn. We just feel that that is very regretful is all. Okay, you keep reviewing your script. Yuanyuan and I are going to shop for souvenirs.”


After some more shuffling noises, the room door closed and the room returned to silence.

Gu Nian lied on the couch for a while. Her eyes moved back and forth on the same line and never got past that.

A few seconds later, the girl slowly rested her chin on her palm again and mumbled to herself.

“Meeting inside the hotel room…

“Did seem a bit inappropriate.”


5:28 PM.

Gu Nian arrived Luo Xiu’s room 717 2 minutes before their meeting time.

The door was ajar.

Hesitated a little bit, Gu Nian walked up and knocked lightly.

Luo Xiu’s little assistant’s voice came from inside. “C’mon in.”

Gu Nian pushed the door open and walked inside.

Their eyes met and the little assistant didn’t seem surprised to see Gu Nian there. He addressed her as Screenwriter Gu and went back to packing Luo Xiu’s suitcase.

Gu Nian looked around the room and asked, “Is Luo Xiu not here?”


The way she referred to Luo Xiu made the little assistant’s hand froze in midair.

After a little while, the little assistant turned back around in desperation and said, “No. Brother Luo is taking a shower.”

Gu Nian nodded, then turned and looked at the suitcase. She was taken aback a little then she asked, slightly anxiously, “Are you two planning on leaving tonight?”

“Not the both of us. Just me.” Zhu Hanyu frowned. “Something came up at home so I need to head back a day early. As such…”

“Oh, I see.”

Gu Nian let out a sigh of relief.

After zipping up his suitcase, Zhu Hanyu stood where he was as though he was hesitating about something. He glanced over at Gu Nian from time to time.

Gu Nian really wanted to ignore him but his stare was too intense.

After putting up with it for three times, Gu Nian finally looked up. “It seems there’s something you want to ask me about?”

“… Well, not exactly.”


Gu Nian nodded. If he didn’t want to share then she wouldn’t––

“Screenwriter Gu, can I ask you a favor?”


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