Chapter 156 - "It's reasonable to assume that Luo Xiu had been kidnapped and killed." (1)

June 26 @ 7 AM

Inside room 717 of Xingyue Hotel in some unknown little town. The morning sun was already shining in through the window and onto the wooden floor by the bed.

The blanket piled up high in bed and between the light and shadow were the figures of two individuals.

During a certain quiet moment, Gu Nian, lying on the left side, suddenly opened up her eyes with a frightened look.

She had a dream, a nightmare.

The dream was odd and in pieces, as though one was watching a television show that had no logic whatsoever to follow. She couldn’t remember the storyline or characters at the start of it. The most memorable part was the very last part toward the end……

Inside a room that had nothing but a dim yellow floor lamp, she pounced on her precious son and pushed him into an European style couch that she had never seen before.

The arm rest of the couch was wrapped in delicate silk fabric and the touch of the fabric was very realistic. What was even more realistic than that was the touch of her son’s abdominal muscle under his shirt.

Gu Nian shuddered. She pulled her paws out from under the blanket and she looked mortified.

In her dream, the “crazy woman”, after she had inadvertently came into contact with the muscle, mumbled incoherently, “why are you so muscular when you look so skinny?” as she reached out her evil hands and carefully went over the entire area of the clean and thin shirt. Then, another pass, uncertainly.

She wasn’t sure why that the lower right-side of her son’s shirt was wet in her dream. The area was quite large, like water that spread. The high-end fabric was transparent when wet and his alabaster skin could be seen unhindered.

In her dream, the “crazy woman” even poked where it was transparent after stroking the body twice and said, “Perfect abdominal muscles. You attract a slew of body fan if your photographs are published in a magazine.”

The “crazy woman”s head dropped after she was done saying that and


She felt asleep lying on the abdominal muscles that she approved of.

After calling the last bit of her dream, Gu Nian, “……”

How did she have such a scary dream out of the blue?

Lucky it was just a dream.

As Gu Nian thought, she peeled the thin blanket off of herself and got up slowly.

She had subconsciously lightened up her movements even though she had no idea why. It was like a bizarre form of survival instinct.

Gu Nian rubbed her head that pounded occasionally from the alcohol the night before and, right when she was about to put her feet on the ground, she suddenly saw what was next to her out of the corner of her eye.

Under the blanket that she had pulled off was a pretty, defined, and slender hand.

The hand of a man.

Gu Nian, “––! ! ? ?”

Froze at the same spot for tens of seconds, Gu Nian finally started recollecting herself. Her stiffened body slowly, slowly pulled her legs from under the blanket and placed them onto the floor.

She could feel the coolness coming from the floor.

Curling up, she stood up silently and, when the last of her skin had separated from the bed, she turned around with the speed of a otter.

The morning sun, not too bright and not too strong, casted gently onto the bed.

Beneath the soft pillow, his short front hair fell over his temple. The man, with his eyes closed, had perfect facial features. Under his fierce chin and the contour of his neck, half of his sunken collar bone could be seen.

The thin blanket covered up what should not be seen and the best part of a human body was hidden in the dark.

Such a picturesque scene of a Beauty Sleeping in Spring Time framed by the morning sun. This was either a crime scene or the scene of an entrapment.

Gu Nian, current suspect who was about to set the bait, visualized the sad, sad scene of having her mugshot taken while holding up her name in front of her standing in front of the height chart.

Gu Nian, “…………”

Wuwuwu. She was still so young and have her entire life in front of her. Was this the end of it all?

Gu Nian wiped her face painfully.

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