Chapter 167 - "I have seen true tenderness once and I will never forget what it is like." (3)

Director Lin quickly followed behind her. “Hey, hey, hey. Wait for me. I am going downstairs as well!”

“Director Lin.”

A cold and clear voice stopped Director Lin.

Director Lin paused, turned around and laughed dryly. “I’m sorry, Luo Xiu. I didn’t mean to interrupt the two of you. This really is the only path between my room and the elevator.”

“It’s alright. It didn’t bother me.”

The man lifted his cold eyes and smiled warmly.

Director Lin’s body stiffened a little.

If that was the look when he was not bothered. Would he be able to walk out of there alive if Luo Xiu was bothered?

Director Lin may have thought about all those but he did not let it show. Smiling, he said, “Well then, I……” He pointed in the director of the elevator.

Luo Xiu nodded. “Have a safe trip.”

“Alright. Laters.”

Director Lin turned back around but before his foot even hit the ground again.

“By the way.”


Director Lin suppressed his annoyance from feeling fooled and looked around. He said that the man by the door had already turned slightly.

The cold and handsome face was hidden in the shadow and could not be seen clearly. All he could hear was the man’s tender low voice as though he was smiling––

“I know you have looked into me, more than once.”


The man pushed open the door in front of him. The very last words coming out of him were soft and low.

“Please –– don’t tell her.”

The room closed in front of Director Lin.

Director Lin, remaining where he was, broke out in cold sweat.

After a little while, he wiped away the sweat on his forehead.

He had an idea that this day would come when he had more or less confirmed of Luo Xiu’s identity. He hadn’t anticipated that it would be two simple sentences like this nor that he just the two mere sentences would have intimidated him so.

But…… “Please” don’t tell her?

Or else I will have you killed?

Director Lin shook his head as he joked with himself. He then turned and headed toward the elevator.

He was surprised after he had gotten inside of the elevator. Even though the girl was so languid that she didn’t even want to look up at him, she held the elevator and waited.

Director Lin was very touched. Walking inside of the elevator, he said to her, “Oh, you are such a nice child. There are a lot of nice kids like you at this day and age.”

Gu Nian pressed the button expressionlessly. “You are overthinking this. I merely worry that you will retaliate.”

Director Lin, “……”

The elevator door closed and started descending slowly.

The smile on Director Lin disappeared slowly.

Truth was, anyone who had spent enough time in a certain field would become a suave person in the field and luxurious items such as one’s conscience would disappear slowly. At most one would only be able to retain just a small piece of it and it had to be hide in a corner that nobody knew about. One would not want that to bring about trouble.

At least, that was what he thought when being reminded by Luo Xiu.

Why get involved into something that he didn’t need to.

Young people are meant to be fooled. Either tricked by others or over organic reasons. Does it really matter which one they fall for?


Before Director Lin could even looked over at the girl who’d become dispirited whenever she was away from Luo Xiu, the elevator stopped on the 4th floor.

The elevator door opened and Gu Nian, languid, bowed seriously at Director Lin and said, “Thank you for every thing in the last few months, Director Lin.”

She turned and exited the elevator without further ado after she finished saying that.

Director Lin’s eyelid twitched, “Wait.”


Gu Nian turned around.

Director Lin held the elevator door open and the struggle on him looked gloomy, “I want to ask you something.”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“What do you like about Luo Xiu?”


Gu Nian had no idea where that came from but she answered him nonetheless. “Mr. Luo Xiu is a very tender person.”

Director Lin stopped himself from sneering. He tried to make himself seem friendly when he mentioned, “Tenderness. That’s all I’ve heard you said the last few months. Anyone can feign tenderness. Of all the actors in the entertainment circle, they may not be good actors, but anyone can fake tenderness.”

Gu Nian paused for two seconds and busted out laughing. “What’s the matter, Director Lin? Where is that coming from?”

“I, am just curious so I thought I’d ask,” said Director Lin with a guilty conscience. “You are you still and you will have to face many issues in the future. You shan’t just judge a person by how they seem. Besides, there are a lot of tender people out there; it really isn’t much of a strong suit……”

“That’s where you are wrong,” said Gu Nian. Her voice was soft but she was firm.

Director Lin was taken aback a little and he looked up at her.

The girl had a pair of beautiful black eyes. She was dispirited normally but, when she looked up at you seriously, her pair of eyes looked like the clearest of all crystals.

There was not a shred of dirt or flaw within them.

“Real tenderness is priceless, much like Mr. Luo Xiu.”

Gu Nian’s eyes were curved. Her seriousness and her firmness hidden by her.

“Real tenderness……” Director Lin was thoughtful. Lifting his head up, he said, “You have seen that on Luo Xiu?”

Gu Nian’s eyes flickered a little, as though stirring up the ripples of memories. She recollected herself, smiled, and nodded.

“Once. And I will never forget about it.”


True tenderness is a treasure in this world.

It was the only soft net that caught you when you were about to plummet to your death from 10,000 meters above.

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