Luo Xiu was taken aback a little.

The car that was on its way to pick him up was his private ride at his own company. Even a fraction of its cost was not something a “little actor” like him could afford.

For the sake of avoiding any hassles, he had the chauffeur waited for him downstairs for a while longer. He hadn’t expected such a huge and pleasant surprise was waiting for him downstairs when he thought he had already waited long enough.

Gu Nian interpreted the few seconds of silence from Luo Xiu as him not knowing what to say to her. She worked the scenario over in her head in the next few seconds and quickly arrived at a very doom and gloom scenario––

“Your agency did not arrive for a nanny van for you and the production team had also overlooked it?”

Luo Xiu looked up.

The girl looked up at him from the couch and she had a solemn look on her when she said those words. There seemed to be little flames dancing around in the girl’s dark, deer eyes.

Luo Xiu’s eyes flickered and his lips curved. His voice was tender, “Yeah, they probably forgot.”

The girl balled up her fists. “How could they? How could they pay so little attention to their own actor……”

“It’s fine. I can get my own ride.”

“This is the countryside and it is a ways on the mountainous road before you will be able to get back into the city. Illegal taxicab is too dangerous!”

Gu Nian frowned from worry then, something occurred to her suddenly. Her brows unfurrowed. “The last bus only has part of the field workers and the three of us from the screenwriter team. There should be extra room –– Let me go ask for you. Wait here!”


Before Luo Xiu could say anything, Gu Nian had already ditched her suitcase, turned, and ran over to the other rest area on the other side of the lobby.

Luo Xiu stayed where he was. He saw the girl running up to the responsible person, said something to him. The other person nodded and the girl burst into a bright and beautiful smile.

The responsible person of the field workers was a young man in his 20s or 30s. He was obviously stunned by that smile. He was dazed for a few seconds and finally slowly recollected himself after Gu Nian had turned around.

Standing and watching from behind the couch, a cold light reflected off of his thin lens.

When Gu Nian returned to where he was, the gloominess hidden in the deepest part of his eyes were already gone.

Gu Nian walked briskly in front of him and said, “Okay, all sat. The person responsible said there are quite a few extra seats. You riding back to City M with us will not be a problem at all.”

Luo Xiu smiled tenderly at her. “Thank you.”

“No problem!”

Another 20 or so minutes later, the bus coming to pick up the remaining of the crew had finally arrived.

The responsible person walked in the lobby and announced to the remaining workers. “Alright. Grab your stuff and get ready. As it is difficult to back the bus to the front of the hotel, they would not be doing so. We will have to walk about 100 meters or so to the bus.”

“What? Are you serious?”

“They ran late by so much andthey wanted us to walk to them lugging our suitcases with us?”

“My suitcase is very heavy. It was difficult enough just to get it downstairs. Couldn’t they have told us this sooner?”


Everybody grumbling at the same time before they started leaving the hotel with their suitcases behind them.

Gu Nian was probably the only person whose reaction was very different from everybody else’s.

“Guru Gu Nian, please control yourself.” Jiang Xiaoqing took the opportunity when everybody was getting up to scoot close to Gu Nian. “The corners of your mouth are just about to touch the corners of your eyes.”

Gu Nian looked at her with a big smile. “Was it that obvious?”

“Mmhmm. We know that you are happy because you get to ride with your son back in the same bus. Anyone who didn’t know better will think that you are getting married today.”

Gu Nian tried to control her look. “Oh, I’ll try to rein it in some.”


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