Chapter 186 - "I'm glad you've decided against joining the temple." (3)

“They don’t have to be her enemies. All they need to have something to gain from it.”

“Gains? What sort of gains?”

“Demonshad just finished filming. This was the time that they wanted to drum up their popularity.”

An Yi paused for a little and finally figured out what Luo Xiu was talking about. “How could they possibly benefit from the main screenwriter being involved in this kind of scandals?”

“You don’t understand this circle. The director team and actors care about the image of the program. Before that, the investors only care about how much attention could it draw.”

“Even if it’s scandals?”

Luo Xiu’s tone was calm and almost indifferent. “As long as it above the bottom line of morality, attention is attention, negative or positive.”


An Yi was stunned silent for a while then, smiling and shaking his head, said, “Is that what the scary world of capitalists is like? You are the group of people who were scheming and plotting from the roots in the mud up after all.”

Luo Xiu smiled lightly and called him up ruthlessly, “Oh yeah? If we want to go down that path, your background isn’t that much cleaner either.”

An Yi put on a serious look immediately and said, “Please, this believer, don’t say such an awful thing. My root lies with Doaci Temple, not elsewhere.”

Luo Xiu gave him a smile that wasn’t a smile. “Is that so?”

Before An Yi said anything else, something resembling an argument came from outside of their room.

Both of them inside the room stopped at the same time.

An Yi turned his head. “What is going on? Who could be fighting within the Qi’s place?”

Luo Xiu put down his tea cup, lowered his head and said casually, “Probably Qiao Xi and Qiao…. Dong?”*

An Yi busted out laughing. He turned back around. “The name of the proper young master of the Qi family is Qiao Linan, not Qiao Dong.”


Luo Xiu didn’t even bother looking up. Apparently he could not care less whether that purebred son’s name was Qiao Dong or Qiao Linan.

An Yi recollected himself quickly. “How did you know that Qiao Dong, pei, Qiao Linan, is here?”

Luo Xiu, “It was just a guess.”

An Yi, “?”

Before An Yi could ask anything else, the door to the room was opened up. It was still the young girl who had spilled the tea earlier. She came inside of the room with a panicked look.

“Mi, Misters. Can you please go take a look?” She pointed at the door and lowered her voice in worry. “Young Master and Second Young Master got into a fight.”


An Yi turned his hand and gave Luo Xiu a complicated look.

Luo Xiu looked up, “What is it?”

An Yi, “Are you a ghost?”

Luo Xiu, “?”

An Yi, “How else could you know that Qiao Xi and Qiao Linan were fighting outside when you were just sitting there in front of me?”


Luo Xiu glanced over at the helper who was panicking, nodded at her, and said, “We’ll go right now.”

The helper let out a sigh of relief and quickly turned around.

Luo Xiu stood up and said before he started walking away, “Because, this is the Qiao’s place.”


An Yi looked up but Luo Xiu had already walked outside. An Yi, too, walked out after him after he figured out the logic behind it.

He was still saying while they were walking down the corridor, “I’m so glad that you have decided against joining our temple.”

“?” Luo Xiu turned and looked at him.

An Yi, “All of us a the temple are pure and simple people. You will be like a scourge around them.”

Luo Xiu smiled and didn’t comment on that.

The two of them walked down the windy corridor under the girl helper’s guidance.

At the third turn, the helped turned and said, “They are right over there.”

As soon as she finished talking, they heard a sneer from behind the moon gate.

“Like I have told you before, you need to understand what you really are and don’t touch what doesn’t belong to you – you shouldn’t be coming to the Qiao’s mansion like this.”

Qiao Xi tried to suppress his anger and said to him coldly, “I am just getting together with a few friends and caused you no trouble. Is that really necessary, Big Brother?”

“Big Brother? Haha, did you guys hear that? He called me Big Brother.”

The other chimed in with their awful laughter.


Translator's notes:

Xi = West. Luo Xiu did not know Qiao Xi’s brother’s name, so he just picked the antonym, Dong, (East).

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