Son, This Is Your CEO Daddy

Chapter 273: : Felix, you have come to China

"Well, I'm not kidding you anymore."

"Hurry up and go back to work, I'm leaving too." Chen Xi took advantage of the free time to chat with Zhang Yuanyuan after translating the manuscript of the last few chapters, and then prepared to pack up and leave.

"Sister Xi, where are you going?"

"I find you are really busy these days."

"The busy people don't have time to worry about me and Marshal." Zhang Yuanyuan really found out that Chen Xi was busy recently.

I still want to know what Chen Xi is up to lately.

"I'm going to practice piano for a friend."

"Recently a friend is going to have a concert in our city. She invited me to play the piano for her." Chen Xi said with a smile.

"My God~ Sister Xi, would you arrange too many things for yourself like this?" Zhang Yuanyuan showed a surprised expression on her face when she heard what Chen Xi said.

Chen Xi wanted to translate some documents in the translation department, and also translated the manuscripts for He Shuhao: Now he has started to provide others with piano music.

If it weren't for knowing that Chen Xi was born to be busy, Zhang Yuanyuan would really wonder if Jiang Mochuan often didn't give Chen Xi money, so Chen Xi would work so hard.

As long as there is money to make money for the work she has done, she has done almost all of it.

"Well, I won't tell you anymore."

"I'll go on with you, it's time to be late, I'll leave first: If there is something wrong with Marshal, you can give him more support and maintenance." After Chen Xi packed her things, she carried her bag He stood up and finished speaking, patted Zhang Yuanyuan on the shoulder and prepared to leave.


"Have you eaten yet?" After Chen Xi left the translation department, she did not take the elevator down the garage to leave the company.

Instead, he went to Jiang Mochuan's office again.

"Not yet, wait for you to eat together." Jiang Mochuan heard Chen Xi's voice before putting down the document still being reviewed and said.

"Have you called He Mingrui to ask when the information of the four employees will be completed?" Chen Xi walked to Jiang Mochuan and asked.

"Not so fast, believe me, this matter will definitely give Chen Yi an explanation." Jiang Mochuan shook his head and signaled that he did not call He Mingrui.

"Chen Yi also called me this morning and asked if I could not let her mother know about it after I found out."

"It seems that this time is really going to grow up." Chen Xi said with a smile sitting on Jiang Mochuan's lap.

There was a hint of emotion in his tone, as if finally keeping the sky clear, and finally looking forward to the day when Chen Yi was sensible.

"Okay, let's go out for dinner."

"Aren't you going to find Zhu Ping after eating?" Jiang Mochuan smiled and stretched out his hand to pinch Chen Xi's face.

By the way, remind Chen Xi to go to Zhu Ping's studio to play the piano at noon.

Jiang Mochuan also suddenly wanted to drive.

Even Chen Xi likes to do what she likes to do, as long as he doesn't overload Chen Xi with physical work, he is willing to let Chen Xi do it.

If Chen Xi was tired that day, turn around and take a look, he Jiang Mochuan has always been standing behind Chen Xi.

After eating, Chen Xi and Jiang Mochuan went back to the company. After Chen Xi drove away, Jiang Mochuan went upstairs to the office.

"Xi'er, come here." Chen Xi drove to the downstairs of Zhu Ping's studio. As soon as he went upstairs, he saw Zhu Ping chatting with a man.

"Xier, this is~"

"Mr. Felix?" Just as Zhu Ping was about to introduce Chen Xi to the man she was talking to, Chen Xi first called for someone.

There was also a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Mrs. Jiang, I'm really fortunate to meet you here." That's right, the man who talked to Zhu Ping was the Felix who helped Chen Xi and Jiang Mochuan when they encountered problems in Europe.

Felix was also a little weird when he saw Chen Xi.

I didn't expect to meet Chen Xi here.

"Do you know each other?" Zhu Ping heard Chen Xi calling someone in English, and knew that Chen Xi could also speak English: she turned her head and continued to look back and forth between Chen Xi and Feilisi.

"Yes, when I was in Europe with my husband, because there was a small problem, Mr. Felix was the one who helped us out." Chen Xi nodded and said with a smile.

It is really not easy to meet Felix here.

Only a few days after returning home with Jiang Mochuan.

"Mrs. Jiang, didn't your husband come with you today?" Feilisi looked at Chen Xi and asked.

Jiang Mochuan left the deepest impression on him that day.

It’s because of Jiang Mochuan’s words that day, ‘she is my wife, and I’m her husband. She has a problem: I should be the first to stand in front of her to protect her. ’

"He is busy working at the company today."

"By the way, didn't you say that you would contact us to entertain you when you came to China?"

"You are really an uncle who doesn't count." Chen Xi explained, and then asked Feilis with a deliberately pretending expression on her face.

"No, no~ Madam Jiang, you misunderstood me."

"I just came to China to meet Ms. Zhu. I originally planned to call you after dark at night and say that I am coming to China. We can make an appointment to meet together tomorrow daytime."

"That's why I haven't told." Felix thought Chen Xi was really angry, and quickly waved his hand to explain.

"Okay, I was joking with you."

"Then I will go home tonight and talk to my husband. You must have dinner with us tomorrow night."

"Otherwise, we won't give face to our husband and wife?" Chen Xi saw Felice apologizing so cautiously, smiled and hurriedly stopped teasing Felice.

"I didn't expect the world to be so small, we met again when we turned around." Feilisi just chatted with Chen Xi.

Zhu Ping, who was standing aside in order to be able to play with Chen Xi a few more times, felt a little anxious about this situation.

Zhu Ping really wanted to play with Chen Xi again.

No matter how hard he was, he was also a very capable man. Zhu Ping did not dare to disturb Felice's interest in chatting with Chen Xi at this time.

"Mr. Felix, I'm going to practice the show with Sister Ping."

"If you are interested, you can wait a moment and drink our Chinese tea by the way." Chen Xi naturally noticed Zhu Ping's anxious look.

The conversation with Felix was interrupted abruptly by Chen Xi.

Felix was also very interested when he heard that Chen Xi was going to play with Zhu Ping.

"Xier, do you want to get used to it first?" Zhu Ping worried that Chen Xi would forget the score after a night.

So I reminded me specially.

"No need for Sister Ping, let's start now." Chen Xi shook her head with a smile, and said with confidence in her eyes.

Zhu Ping saw that Chen Xi was so confident in herself, so she didn't say anything.

Picking up Hyun who was playing the violin, he slowly pulled it on.

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