Son, This Is Your CEO Daddy

Chapter 289: : Zheng Wei should still be in touch with You Ruxuan

"By the way, I suddenly remembered something."

"He Mingrui has not sent the information of several employees there. Even if we caught You Ruxuan, there is no full evidence that she was involved in the frame of Chen Yi." Chen Xi suddenly remembered that He Mingrui had agreed to this three days ago. Several employees’ information will be found in a few days.

Send it to yourself.

But three days have passed, and there is no news yet.

"Don't worry about this, he has been checking it these days."

"The one who ran away should have known in advance that something would happen, so the ID card information has not been used to register in public." Jiang Mochuan said with a smile.

Even if He Mingrui can't find it out at that time, he can find it out with confidence himself.

It's just that He Mingrui volunteered that he was going to investigate. Jiang Mochuan thought about He Mingrui's investigation, and he saved a lot of energy and time: he didn't participate in this matter.

"You mean that Zheng Wei knew that something would happen a few months ago?" Chen Xi was a little confused.

How could an ordinary employee think of so much.

"That Zheng Wei should still be in contact with You Ruxuan in private."

"Otherwise, we won't know that something will happen so soon and we will find him in the end." Jiang Mochuan nodded and said.

"Let me call He Mingrui and ask."

"Even if you have caught You Ruxuan, there are not a few people who come forward to prove the things You Ruxuan asked them to do, it will be useless if you catch them." Chen Xi raised her head and said to Jiang Mochuan who was a head taller than herself.

"This matter is actually not that complicated."

"Did you forget that we have surveillance video on hand?"

"At that time, just take a few useful screenshots and send the information to the troops, and the troops will send people out to capture them." Jiang Mochuan thought for a while, and he and Chen Xi had better not come forward.

To come forward, wait until the eight of them are in prison and no one can be contacted.

Jiang Mochuan is worried that if they see Chen Xi before they go to prison, it is very likely that they will inform other people, then even if they are in prison: there will still be their people outside, so don’t leave them behind. That's not good.

"But what if they don't admit it?"

"The surveillance video showed that You Ruxuan was just chatting with them beside the ship, and there was no video of Chen Yi's accident."

"It's been so long since this time, and we couldn't find any proof that they harmed Chen Yi that day." Chen Xi still expressed the doubts in her heart, and then walked to the sofa in the room. Sitting.

"No proof is needed, as long as the three family children admit it."

"Don't forget, the richer people are, the less courage they are." Jiang Mochuan knew that Chen Xi was worried that even if these people were caught at that time, it would be useless if they resisted and refused to admit that the troops would take them.

Then he opened his mouth to solve Chen Xi's confusion.

"You mean~Wan Gaoyi and the others will admit it first?" Chen Xi asked while looking at Jiang Mochuan.

"Yes, if I guess correctly, these people have a bit of strength in the family: a person who has been spoiled by the family since childhood will not be in any danger."

"Suddenly doing something like this, the troops will find them, and they will all confess because of psychological pressure." Jiang Mochuan nodded and said.

In fact, Jiang Mochuan still didn't say a word in his heart.

‘Even if they don’t admit it then, as long as he goes to the army to testify, the army will do everything possible to force them to tell the truth. ’

"Suddenly I feel that we have a lot to do." Chen Xi said with a sigh.

It was arresting people and checking information.

I really found that suddenly there were things that I couldn't finish.

"Okay, don't worry about it, after all this is handled, there is nothing to be busy."

"Didn't you always want to give Chen Yi back this justice?" Jiang Mochuan saw Chen Xi's melancholy appearance, walked to Chen Xi and touched Chen Xi's head.


"Sister Xi, you and your brother-in-law are very rare today. You got up so early." When Chen Xi and Jiang Mochuan went downstairs for breakfast, they happened to meet Xiao Ruo serving Xiao Nan. Xiao Ruo saw Chen Xi jokingly. A sentence.

"Not to stare at you yet."

"Look at what little brother Miss Xiao was picked up by in a sports car." Chen Xi smiled and looked at Xiao Ruo and said.

"Sister Xi, that's a trainee from a company."

"He went on the road every day, so he took me to the company by the way." Xiao Ruo heard Chen Xi's words and knew that Chen Xi saw him when he got in the car yesterday.

He lowered his head and explained.

"Who knows whether it is true or false."

"I've heard a sentence: People who love you, no matter how far they run, are not too tired, but in order not to worry you, I will tell you to go along." Chen Xi joked Xiao Ruo until he turned Xiao Ruo on both sides. Only when his cheeks were red did he give up.

No matter, Xiao Ruo is not ready to tell her the truth now, so it is enough for her to play Xiao Ruo's joke.

Maybe people are really on the way, maybe it's not what you think it is?

"It's really rare for Xi'er to get up so early, didn't you sleep well last night?" Jiang's mother and Jiang's father usually have breakfast at Jiang Mochuan, so Jiang's mother just came in from the door with Jiang's father. I saw Chen Xi busy serving Jiang Yuechen and Jiang Mochuan at the dinner table.

Seeing that Jiang Mochuan and Chen Xi woke up so early was still rare, Jiang Mu couldn't help but ask.

"No, Aunt Mo Chuan went for a run early in the morning."

"When I woke up, I saw that he was not there, so I came out to look for him. He just happened to be back: after seeing the time, it was almost dawn and stopped sleeping." Chen Xi was a little embarrassed by Jiang's mother and explained.

Really, it is rare for me to get up early.

This group of people not only did not praise themselves, but also made fun of themselves.

Chen Xi felt wronged in her heart.

"Xi'er, if you haven't got enough sleep, you can go upstairs and sleep for a while."

"You are so busy every day, you must have enough sleep." Mother Jiang nodded to express her understanding, and when she sat down at the dining table, she told Chen Xi specifically.

"Yeah, I know auntie." Chen Xi put Jiang's father's breakfast in front of Jiang's father, then sat down and picked up the chopsticks to prepare for dinner.

A breakfast, although there was a reason Jiang's father was there.

Chen Xi didn't pay much attention to Jiang's father's attitude.

She is not that stupid. If she pays more attention to Jiang's father's attitude, this breakfast is destined to be worse.

"Daddy, Mommy: Good morning."

"Grandpa, grandma: Good morning."

"Sister Xiao Ruo, brother Xiao Nan: Good morning."

"Grandma Wang: Good morning." Jiang Yuechen just happened to see Chen Xi and Jiang Mochuan sitting at the table for dinner when they were going up and down the stairs, and they all said hello in a very good mood.

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