Song of Adolescence

Chapter 261: Tread the clouds and ride the wind

Lei Wujie looked at him like a madman: "Are you crazy?"

"It's just enough to swing the sword, just don't use your internal strength. Give me the sword." Xiao Se said firmly.

"To put it simply, that Tie Liuli is so powerful that it can shoot you to death with just a single flick." Lei Wujie said anxiously.

"Do you have a better way?" Xiao Se asked.

Lei Wujie frowned and shook his head gently.

Xiao Se walked over and took the heart sword from his hand, Tang Lian reached out and stopped him.

"Step aside."

Tang Lian sighed, took out the medicine bottle from her arms, and poured the red face tears she had just picked on the sword: "Don't force yourself, but a snake, think hard, there is always a way."

Tie Liuli's snake tail swept over again.

Xiao Se jumped and stepped on the snake's tail.

Sikong Qianluo frowned, and clenched the Silver Moon Gun in his hand.

The pace under Xiao Se's feet became strangely fast, and that Tayun took the wind to the extreme, stepping on the body of the snake and hurried towards the head of the snake.

Tie Liuli seemed to perceive someone stepping on it and danced frantically.

But Xiao Se's steps were extremely sensitive, leaping, landing, dodge, and then jumping again and landing. Has stood on top of the snake's head.

Mu Chunfeng was already stunned: "There is such a miraculous light skill in the world?"

"Die." Xiao Se waved his long sword and slammed at the red sarcoma. The long sword did not reach nearly three feet, and Tie Liuli's body stretched straight in an instant, and immediately began to dance wildly. Xiao Se stood on top of the snake's head and swayed left and right. He wanted to take the step of Treading the Clouds and Riding the Wind again, but after all he was physically exhausted, so he could only hold onto a piece of scale armor, so as not to be thrown off.

"No." Lei Wujie took a step forward.

Tang Lian was also ready to get up.

Even Mu Chunfeng had made plans.

But none of them was faster than that silver gun, and saw Sikong Qianluo grabbing the silver gun instantly. She hit the violently swinging snake tail with a single shot, and swept up with that huge force: "Shen, jump down!"

Xiao Se gritted his teeth and leaped in the direction of Sikong Qianluo.

"This picture..." Mu Chunfeng frowned slightly.

Lei Wujie scratched his head: "I always feel that the identities of the two are reversed."

Sikong Qianluo hugged Xiao Se in a hug, his robe flying up, it was really pretty. He just turned around and felt a disgusting stench coming from him, and saw Tie Liuli open that big mouth, and the big mouth of the blood basin was facing them.

"It's disgusting." Sikong Qianluo stretched out the Silver Moon Spear, leaning it against Tie Liuli's upper jaw, and then took advantage of the momentum to retreat back, holding the spear in one hand and Xiao Se in the other, and landed firmly beside everyone.

"Senior Sister, steady!" Lei Wujie exclaimed.

Sikong Qianluo hit the ground with a gun. What happened just now was only a short moment, but it was extremely thrilling. She was breathing heavily, her body was already sweating.

Because of the fragrance and sweat, the clothes clung to the skin.

Because of her gasping, her slightly plump **** undulate.

Tang Lian hurriedly put her head away, Lei Wujie's face blushed slightly, and she didn't dare to look any more. Mu Chunfeng still didn't understand how powerful Sagong Qianluo was, and couldn't help but look at it a few more times, but she finally claimed to be a gentleman. Look away.

But Sikong Qianluo still held a person in his arms.


In the past, Xiao Se was able to scold the princes in the court, and later also beat the master in the arena, and just now, when everyone was unable to do anything, he slashed Tie Liuli with a single sword. But at this moment, he was suddenly at a loss, his arm seemed to hit something.

It's a bit soft.

Well, he naturally knows what it is.

Sikong Qianluo finally eased his anger, and asked him, "Is it okay?"

Xiao Se nodded: "It's okay."

Sikong Qianluo let out a long sigh of relief, and finally let go of his heart.

Because a heart was let go, the normal emotions returned, and then she found out. I found that Xiao Se's arm had touched a place that shouldn't be touched.

"It's okay, what are you doing! Get out!" Sagong Qianluo threw Xiao Se to the ground.

"I'll see if that snake is dead or not." The Tie Liuli still swayed for a while after Sagong Qianluo retreated. Now that there is no movement, Tang Lian walked towards it.

"I'm going to draw my sword." Lei Wujie also walked forward.

Mu Chunfeng sighed, "I knew this, so I shouldn't have brought them here." He was talking about the two black-robed snakeheads, and he sent a message arrow toward the sky to signal Tian Mozhi to send someone over.

Tang Lian gently touched the scales of Tie Liuli's body, exclaiming: "A snake's scales can be so strong, how long has this snake lived?"

Lei Wujie drew his sword, saw the black-robed snake head corpse under the giant snake, and sighed: "They really shouldn't have come. This snake has exceeded their knowledge of snakes."

"They are from Xinan Town. They raised snakes for a living since they were young. In addition to helping me catch snakes, what's more important is that they want to take a look at the legendary Tie Liuli. Unexpectedly, my soul will return here. "Mu Chunfeng shook his head.

Tian Mozhi quickly arrived with people. The miasma on Tieliuli Island was too heavy. Several people transported the bodies of the two snakeheads to Golden Snake Island. They found a high place and buried the remaining few with tools. Scrape off the scales of Tie Liuli's body piece by piece, preparing to take the snake gall from it.

The others and Mu Chunfeng returned to the Jincuo, and Tian Mozhi had prepared a small boat and water for them for about seven days.

Mu Chunfeng sighed, "Do you really want to go to the sea? It is said that no one can come back."

"Yes, my master came back from there." Tang Lian looked into the distance and said slowly, "and he may be there now."

"When I go there, there is no nautical chart. How do you tell the position?" Mu Chunfeng asked.

Lei Wujie was stunned for a moment: "Just keep going east, still need to identify the direction?"

"The wind blows gently, you don't know if your boat turned. It's been going east, but where is east? Maybe you have gone for a day, but you have gone back a hundred miles." Mu Chunfeng shook his head.

"Then how do you distinguish the position?" Lei Wujie was puzzled.

"There is a compass on the boat, and someone has been to Three Snake Island, so there is a chart. Naturally there is no problem with this journey. But where you are going..." Mu Chunfeng frowned slightly.

Xiao Se whispered: "I once learned a little stargazing. I can argue the position."

Mu Chunfeng nodded, "Well, if you can stargaze, there will be no problem. In fact, Jin made the wrong number to prevent accidents and hired a stargazer."

"Your stargazing skills are not of much use."

A gentle voice sounded, everyone turned their heads, and they were stunned for an instant.

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