Song of Adolescence

Chapter 280: Return to Beili

The boat quickly walked into the mist.

When they came, they were far from seeing this fog. When they were on the island, they didn't see this fog, but they were just a few tens of feet away from the island and suddenly they were caught in the fog.

"This experience can be regarded as a surprise." After finally leaving the Penglai fairy island, Sikong Qianluo let out a long sigh, and his heart finally fell.

"It's not yet time to rest assured." Tang Lian rowed the boat vigorously, "Try to find a way to get Lei Wujie up for me. I'm rowing alone, I'm afraid I might not be able to catch up."

"But Lei Wujie forcibly broke through, and now he is fainted and wakes him up, isn't it inhumane?" Sikong Qianluo frowned slightly.

"If we can't get on the boat for humanity, we won't be able to return to Beili. Whatever the injury is healed, it's no use. Hurry up and pick this guy up for me. You see Xiao Se still has a few Penglai Dan, all for him Plug her mouth." Tang Lian estimated the time, very anxious in her heart, she was already a little frustrated.

"I'm coming." A lazy voice sounded.

The two turned their heads in surprise and saw that Xiao Se had opened his eyes.

Xiao Se didn't seem to be too different from usual, she still looked so lazy, but her eyes seemed to be different.

Become extremely clear, there is an unspeakable spirit.

This was seen by Tang Lian and Sikong Qianluo, but Xiao Se felt it more strongly. He felt a sense of unspeakable relaxation in his body, which was a long-lost feeling. His meridians have been damaged for many years, and his qi and blood can't run. This kind of enjoyment is long-lost, so he can't help but want to stand up and move around.

"But you have recovered from your severe injury..." Sagong Qianluo hesitated.

"It won't matter." Xiao Se walked forward and took the oars from Tang Lian, "Thank you for this way."

"Thank you." Tang Lian looked at Xiao Se incredulously, "You actually said thank you."

Xiao Se paddled the oars and shook his head: "In the heart of the big brother, what kind of person am I?"

"Arrogant, arrogant, stubborn, rude?" Tang Lian thought for a while.

Sikong Qianluo sighed: "Big brother, don't be too upright."

"It's okay." Xiao Se shrugged and continued to paddle the oars quickly.

They didn't know how long they had been out, and finally they had drawn out the mist, Xiao Se stopped the boat, looked at the starry sky, and waited for the stars that appeared only once every seven days.

"How long have we been paddling in the mist?" Sikong Qianluo puzzled.

"I don't know. I always feel that in that fog, time is different from the outside world." Tang Lian said lightly.

"Dongsheng Yaoguang, Xisheng Emperor." Xiao Se looked at the sky and muttered, "It seems that we have caught up, and it is exactly the seventh day before then."

"The emperor seems to be even more bleak." A tired voice sounded, and everyone looked at it and saw Ye Ruoyi also woke up.

"The seventh day?" Tang Lian frowned, "It was agreed with Mu Chunfeng that it was seven days, and now they can leave at any time."

"Well." Xiao Se shook his head, "I believe in Mu Chunfeng."

After half a day, they finally saw San Snake Island again. And beside the Three Snake Island, the huge cedar long ship was still leaning there, and the phoenix on it was hunting and dancing with a flying flag.

"They are still there." Sagong Qianluoke said.

But getting closer, Xiao Se frowned: "It seems something is wrong."

Getting closer, they finally saw the scene there.

On the cedar long ship, all the ship guards took up their bows and arrows, and the bowstrings were drawn into a full moon, facing the people under the ship.

Under the long cedar boat, Mu Chunfeng sat cross-legged, with the famous sword in front of him—Moving Qianshan.

Dozens of ordinary dressed boatmen stood opposite him, glaring at him one by one.

"What's wrong?" Tang Lian whispered.

"I don't know, go over and take a look." Xiao Se swept at them and walked towards them.

"Be careful." Sikong Qianlu anxiously, and immediately followed.

Tang Lian stretched out her hand to stop, but couldn't stop it, and there were two people on the boat who were lying there unable to move, so she had to speed up the boating: "A group of brash people will cheat the seniors."

Seeing Xiao Se and Sikong Qian landing, Mu Chunfeng looked overjoyed: "You are back!"

Xiao Se looked around, puzzled: "What's the matter?"

Mu Chunfeng hurriedly stepped forward, took his meridian, and after careful consideration, smiled: "It is really cured, there are such peerless people on the island. Brother Xiao, you will take me to see next time. Look!"

"Brother Mu, you are really in good spirits, you are all facing each other with swords, and are you still in the mood to care about any immortals?" Xiao Se looked at the nervous boatmen and the boat guards who were staring at this side.

"Oh. These boatmen hired from the island kept clamoring to leave, and even tried to grab the boat midway, they were all driven off by the boat guards of our Mu family. Shopkeeper Tian said that the chaos on the sea was unforgivable and he wanted to I shot them. I couldn’t bear it. After all, their errands were indeed finished, so I could only sit with them to prevent Shopkeeper Tian from releasing arrows, but I was sitting with them.” Mu Chunfeng scratched his head, “They When I come to kill me, I can only put Dong Qianshan in there to deter them. So it's the current situation, it's been a whole day and night."

"Since we are back, there is no need to make trouble," Sikong Qianluo said.

Mu Chunfeng nodded, "Yes, everyone. You can go home now. Don't fight, don't fight."

But the ship guards still did not put down their bows and arrows.

"Shopkeeper Tian," Mu Chunfeng said loudly.

Tian Mozhi got off the boat: "The son."

"Tie these people up, and when you get to the shore, let them loosen them." Mu Chunfeng said.

Tian Mozhi thought for a moment: "Yes. Come here!"

There was a commotion among the boatmen: "You were tied up, what should I do if we leave us off the boat halfway!"

"Shut up for me!" Mu Chunfeng pulled up Qianshan, with a rare anger, "You guys, I want to kill you, now let them put a bow and arrow, and then throw you all on the island. Snake. Bow and arrow can't kill you. I also hacked you to death with a single sword. There is so much nonsense. I don't think there is enough gold? One person will give ten taels when I get to the shore! Any comments! Is there any nonsense?"

The boatmen saw this young man angry for the first time, and they didn't speak there for a while.

"Tie me!" Mu Chunfeng shouted angrily.

"Yes." Tian Mozhi bowed his head.

Tang Lian also rowed a small boat to arrive, and Lei Wujie also woke up at this time.

He saw the surrounding scenes and was taken aback.

"Isn't it on Penglai Island? Why on Sansnake Island?"

"Where is Mo Yi? Brother Mu, meet again."

"In the end what happened?"

"who am I?"

"where am I?"

Lei Wujie looked confused.

"You should continue to sleep." Tang Lian slapped him again.

Jin made the wrong number, and the long sail was pulled up.

The exhausted Tang Lian and others all returned to the inner cabin, planning to sleep with him for a few days and nights. Only Xiao Se did not return to the cabin, Tian Mozhi walked past him, Xiao Se said meaningfully: "When I leave, I know that there are variables, and how these variables are depends on you."

"It's wrong, it's not me." Tian Mozhi said quietly, "It's the son."

"Mu Chunfeng?" Xiao Se whispered.

"The benevolence of the son is weak in my opinion. But the benevolence of the son is strong, and that is the Mingzhu." Tian Mozhi walked past Xiao Se, "Qingzhou Mu family, from now on will belong to the third son."

Xiao Se smiled and continued to walk towards the bow.

Mu Chunfeng stood there, looking at the family flag above her head: "I am going home."

Xiao Se walked to his side, nodded, and murmured, "I'm going home."

(Overseas fairy mountain chapter completes)

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