Song of Adolescence

Chapter 303: Lian Luo Xing Yi

"Although I saw such a magical wine for the first time, I know that if you drink another glass, you will definitely die." Su Zhan said quietly.

"But if I don't drink it, can I survive?" Tang Lian looked at Su Zhan.

Su Zhan was taken aback for a moment, and said faintly: "The road is heading towards the sky, go on each side."

Tang Lian said earnestly: "You have died, and you have abolished them."

"Skills are not as good as humans. As killers, we were killed if we couldn't kill people. There is nothing to complain about." Su Zhan said.

"As expected to be the killer of the Dark River." Tang Lian smiled, "What he said is really cold."

"So..." Su Zhan turned sideways, letting go.

Tang Lian sighed, raised the cup of Yaoguang, and drank it.

Seven starry night wine, all into the belly.

"But what is your dark river, can you negotiate terms with me in Xueyue City?"

Tang Lian's eyes were instantly bright as Beichen, and he felt that the tiredness he brought after the sixth cup of Kaiyang wine disappeared in an instant, and a powerful qi flowed away in his body!

"Do it!" Su Zhan's eyes were cold, and he struck forward with a short blade.

"Broken." Tang Lian stretched out a finger and said lightly.

The short blade in Su Zhan's hand broke in half.

"Stop!" Tang Lian held out another finger.

A hole immediately appeared in Su Zhan's chest. He lowered his head and watched the blood surging out of his chest, his eyes widened in disbelief: "This... this is impossible."

"Nothing is impossible." Tang Lian waved her hand, and Su Zhan flew out like a broken line, "Kill the wolf? Does it sound awe-inspiring?"

The remaining six assassins glanced at each other and immediately moved, and at the same time they swept outside the tea shop. Tang Lian only made one move, but they already knew that even if they made the shots at the same time, they would not be his opponent.

"Where are you going?" Tang Lian didn't know when he had already appeared at the door of the tea shop. He looked at the sky and said in a low voice, "The rain has stopped, and it's time to hit the road."

An emotion surged in the hearts of the six killers at the same time-fear. This kind of emotion is the kind of emotion that they like to see from their prey when they are hunters. That is the despair from the bottom of my heart, the despair that only appears after losing faith in all vitality. But this time, they are no longer hunters, but prey.

"Lianyue always said that the Tang Sect's best hidden weapon is not superior. The real hidden weapon is the world. I want to try it, but only today will I have this opportunity." Tang Lian hit the ground heavily. Step on, the fragments of the sword on the ground suddenly flew up, "Fall!"


"Lian'er, my parents are going to go far today. You are in Tangmen, take care of yourself."

"Daddy, where are you going?"

"A place far away, but in a year, we will be back."

"Lian'er got it." The quiet-faced young man bowed respectfully to his parents who went away.

Tang Lian was only six years old that year. After his parents left, he prepared three meals a day by himself according to the words of his parents and participated in the Tangmen Outer House class. He spent a year in a dull and difficult period. During this year, he was bullied by the older disciple in the outer room, and detained by the housekeeper in charge of the food, but he never cried once. But his parents still didn't come back, so another year passed.

Two years later, Tang Lian was sitting on the steps in front of Tangjiabao's door, looking into the distance under heavy snow like feathers.

From early morning to noon, from noon to dusk, from dusk to night. He kept slapping the snow on his body, rubbing his hands repeatedly so that it would not freeze, the lantern of Tangjiabao had been lit, illuminating the road in front of Tangjiabao.

But at the end of the road, those two figures never appeared.

He waited for one more year, but the result remained unchanged.

Tang Lian finally cried. He felt a wave of sadness spread from his heart, and knelt on the ground with his knees soft. He looked at the empty long street and cried: "Father, mother. Why are you still not? Come back? Lian'er can't hold it anymore."

"Your name is Tang Lian." A gentle voice rang in her ears. Tang Lian wiped away her tears and suddenly raised her head, but she was a strange figure. The man was wearing a black feather coat, without an umbrella, but the snow could not fall on him.

"Disciple Tang Lian." Although Tang Lian didn't know the other party, she could tell at a glance that the other party was a big man.

"Your parents won't come back again. You will live with me in the future." The man walked forward after saying this, but stopped after a few steps. Tang Lian didn't follow, still standing still in a daze. The man turned around, glanced at Tang Lian, and suddenly stretched out his hand: "My name is Tang Lianyue, and you will call me Master from now on."

Nine years later, it was still a snowy night.

Tang Lian lay in the snow, bleeding from her body, staining the snow with blood.

He wondered whether his father and mother were just like him at the moment, lying in a place no one knew, waiting quietly for death without anyone knowing.

"You are dying." A lazy voice suddenly sounded.

Tang Lian was shocked, but her limbs didn't have any strength, she couldn't even move them, and she couldn't see the face of the person who came.

"Would you like to drink a glass of wine to keep warm? Lying here in such a cold day, it must be frozen?" The man handed the jug to his mouth. Tang Lian inhaled slightly and smelled a strong smell. Wine aroma.

"Drink?" The man shook slightly again.

Tang Lian shook her head: "Don't drink."

"Why don't you drink it?" the man asked.

Tang Lian turned her head away: "If you are here to humiliate me, just die this heart."

"It's really the same as what Tang Lianyue said, it's a stone." The man sighed, and gently flicked the flask in his hand, and the wine in it poured into Tang Lian's mouth. Tang Lian felt the pain in her body suddenly dissipated slowly, and her body gradually recovered her strength.

The man lifted his head and took a sip, wiped his mouth, and smiled: "You will have one more master in the future. My name is Baili Dongjun."

"Baili Dongjun?" Tang Lian asked in surprise, "That Baili Dongjun!"

"Yes, it's the Dongjun Baili who is more powerful than Tang Lianyue."

Tang Lian walked slowly on the road, those past events flickering in his mind like a marquee. He walked to a hillside and saw the little Er in the tea shop sitting there foolishly. He seemed to be a little scared, and was sipping the wine one by one, shocked.

"Don't be afraid." Tang Lian sat down beside him and said softly.

Xiao Er suddenly recovered and looked at him: "My son!"

"Don't be afraid, it's all over. It's just that the tea shop has been destroyed, you better not go back." Tang Lian took out a silver ingot from her arms and put it in Xiao Er's hand, "You take this. Go, take it to your shopkeeper. Say sorry to him."

"My son, what's the matter with you..." Xiao Er took the silver ingot, calmly asked, and asked.

"It's nothing, just a little tired." Tang Lian looked ahead at a distance, "I want to sit for a while."

Xiao Er nodded tremblingly, and did not ask any more.

"Do you still have wine?" Tang Lian asked suddenly.

"There are... and some more." Xiao Er hurriedly handed the flask over.

Tang Lian took the jug and said, "Back then, I couldn't drink. Now I am a drunkard." After speaking, she raised her head and drank the remaining wine in the jug.

"Unexpectedly, the first sip of wine in my life was so peerless, but the last sip of wine was so rough."


"Master, Tang Lian can't see you again in this life." Tang Lian put down the flask and closed her eyes just like that.

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