Song of Adolescence

Chapter 321: Snow Moon City in White

This grand banquet finally started.

The maids in white gowns walked among the daughter-in-law platforms with delicate plates.

A row of embroidered flowers, a row of Lexian dried fruit fork bags, a row of golden fragrant medicine, a row of carved honey decoction, a row of savory and sour, and a row of preserved wax were brought up one by one, and they were soon filled There are many tables.

Zitong picked up the chopsticks and knocked on the vegetable that was carved into the shape of a flower in front of him, and curiously said, "Why are these dishes so beautiful?"

Qi Tianchen stretched out his chopsticks to pick up a carved flower, and said with a smile: "If you care about so much, just eat it."

Zitong put down his chopsticks and squinted his head: "I want to eat meat."

"Wait then." Qi Tianchen also put down his chopsticks.

At the next table, Hubu Shangshu Li Ruozhong asked Wu Jingcheng, Shangshu of the Ministry of War in a low voice: "When do you say he will invite us up?"

Wu Jingcheng shook his head: "What anxiously, there is Lan Yuehou, Dong Taishi, and two Highnesses ahead. Let's wait slowly."

From their point of view, Xiao Se's intention to create this castle in the air was already obvious, so that he could talk privately with many of them in the future. And what they talked about, what they traded, will become the biggest secret of this banquet.

Six Shangshu, Four Great Merchants, Qingzhou Mu Family, Da Shi, and Xiao Clan. All are eligible to be individually invited into that tower in the sky.

Mu Chunfeng smiled and looked at the four shopkeepers: "Have you ever tasted such exquisite dishes?"

Tian Mozhi coldly snorted: "The Qiulu that the son just sent out can eat such a feast for a year."

Mu Chunfeng said with a serious face: "What do you know, when I learn the art of magical medicine, this business will make a lot of money."

Tian Mozhi shook his head: "Business that cannot be calculated on the abacus is not a business."

Mu Chunfeng stomped his feet with anger: "Secular!"

"Prepare wine!" Tu Erye said loudly.

The wine was served, and the fifteen dishes were served by the maids at the same time. But people's eyes are not on those exquisite dishes...

There was a beautiful and flowery woman who did not know when she appeared in the field. She was wearing a red dress, and she was very conspicuous among the white clothes of the maidservants in the field. But the beauty on this woman has a sharp edge, which makes people afraid to approach it easily. She took the hip flask from a maidservant and whispered, "I'll go."

The handmaid met her gaze, she was slightly surprised, and hurriedly handed it over.

The woman took the hip flask, stretched her hand, grasped the long sling dropped from the pavilion, made a light leap, and landed on the pavilion steadily. The hip flask in his hand just shook slightly.

Jiujiu Dao asked in a low voice, "Do you have such a good and beautiful girl with kung fu?"

Erye Tu shook his head and said, "There are a few girls with such a kung fu, and none of them are so beautiful."

"In danger?" Jiujiudao's face was cold.

Tu Erye stretched out his hand and pressed him down: "Well. With their ability, no one in the court hurt them."

"Who!" The girl just opened the curtain and walked into the pavilion when she was shot into her throat.

Xiao Se and Lei Wujie saw this girl and said in surprise at the same time: "Tiannurui?"

It was Tiannvrui who had helped them in the Beauty Village that day, the secret stake of Xueyuecheng sent in Sangucheng, and the relationship with the big brother Tang Lian was indistinguishable.

"Jianzheng, why are there so many delicious dishes!" Zitong looked at the dishes, already a little dazzled.

"Eat less. You can't eat a third bite of a dish." Qi Tianchen put down his chopsticks, "otherwise the best dishes will be overwhelming in the end."

Master Dong looked at the tower in the sky and gently raised the wine glass. Lan Yuehou smiled and said, "Master Tai should have guessed it."

Taishi Dong nodded: "Back then, he was like a little pony that could not be domesticated. I saw him before and thought he had changed. But now it seems that the little pony has grown up."

Li Ruozhong murmured, "Why don't you see them invite people upstairs?"

Zhou De, Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry, looked gloomy, and said coldly: "Inviting us here is really just a meal. The price is too high."

The White King Xiao Chong and the Red King Xiao Yu sat at the same table.

Xiao Chong lightly sighed, "We haven't sat at the same table to eat for many years."

Xiao Yu still looked cynical: "Have we ever sat together to eat?"

Xiao Chong nodded: "Yes. At that time, only you and the sixth of the brothers would not laugh at me for being blind."

Xiao Yu nodded: "I remember this. I don't know if the person upstairs remembers it. If I remember, should we also invite us to have a drink?"

Xiao Chong shook his head: "We killed his friend. He will not drink with us."

Xiao Yu sighed, "It's really childish."

In the pavilion, Tiannvrui sat down with them, and Tiannvrui's face was calm: "Next, you will invite one of them to come up."

"Not one." Xiao Se raised his glass and shook his head.

"Not one?" Tiannürui puzzled.

"They thought I would invite them for this banquet, and then I would negotiate with them one by one, threatening them or bribing them. In the end, I got the support of the six and the apocalyptic merchants, but they too underestimated me." Xiao Se put down the glass. "I invited them here, just to tell them that I'm back. And they can choose to follow me, or they can choose to oppose me. I won't win over any of them. They make their own decisions."

Tiannvrui sneered: "You are the sixth prince. You are indeed qualified to do this. But if you think about who paved the way for you!"

"I understand what you're trying to say." Xiao Se stood up, "This is not when I am playing majestic, I must step by step and cherish those who pave the way for me."

"I won't forget about the big brother, don't worry." Xiao Se walked out of the pavilion, standing there looking down at everyone.

The fifteen snacks have been served. All the patience of everyone was exhausted. Except for the two of the Qintian Supervisor, none of the people in the field came to the royal banquet.

From dusk to moonrise, the real banquet should also begin

Xiao Se raised his glass: "I'll toast everyone!"

The audience was silent.

Sixteen white robes suddenly flew out from the sidelines.

With swords hung around their waists, their faces were all young handsome men without exception. They jumped out from the sidelines and landed steadily on the platform made of gold.

Snow Moon City in White!

Xiao Se was on the tower in the sky, and sixteen white clothes were on the Qianjin platform in the rear.

They raised their glasses together when Xiao Mo raised his glasses.

"To everyone!" Xiao Se shouted.

"To everyone!" Sixteen people drank with him.

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