Song of Adolescence

Chapter 336: See you in the old days


Dao Jiujiu's body was lying there quietly, covered with a white cloth.

Sitting next to him was a gloomy lonely lonely face, as well as five stunned stubborn eggs. The four of them grew up in poverty and grew up in the city of Apocalypse. When they were young, Jiujiu Dao listened to more storytelling and pulled them to call themselves the Four Young Masters of the Apocalypse. At that time, they were ridiculed and fisted because of this title, but the four were still alive. After he came down, he became the real "Four Young Masters".

Among the four people, the lonely one is the most stable, responsible for making big decisions. Hu Dan is the least courageous, but careful, the only family of the four was born and is responsible for the accounts. Wudidai looks good, but he is the youngest. He is in charge of a restaurant called Lanyuefang. In fact, going to this restaurant is one of the most famous black markets in Apocalypse, where there are countless unseen transactions. And Jiujiu Dao has always been the most adept at dealing with outsiders among this person, and also the most popular. The other three people, the eldest brother is dumb, cowardly, Wudada, being a woman, has a lot of inconveniences, most of the time they have to rely on Jiujiudao to run around alone.

But now, this person is lying inside.

Xiao Se and Lei Wujie walked in at this moment.

"Your Highness." Dugu stood up and greeted lonely.

Xiao Se walked to the corpse of Jiujiu Dao and picked up the white cloth.

"A knife was killed, pierced the heart." Dugu said alone.

Xiao Se frowned: "I've seen Jiu Ye's skill. It's really not strong if you fight alone, but it's not difficult to save your life."

"I've seen that Xiao Jiu's throwing knife was used, and the poisonous powder was sprinkled, and I checked the corpse. The last action before his death was the'swallow flying' standing up pose. He was about to escape. But the other party Faster than him, with only one stroke, quick and fierce." Dugu said lonely and calmly.

"Can I take a look?" Lei Wujie walked over, Xiao Se stepped aside, Lei Wujie leaned over and looked at the wound carefully, frowned, "I've seen this sword technique before. But... …impossible."

Hu Dan said anxiously: "Where have you seen this knife technique for killing Brother Lei? If you let me know who it is, I will definitely smash it into pieces!"

Lei Wujie examined the wound carefully, and looked up at Xiao Se: "Yes. It is him, but he is dead and killed by you."

Xiao Se thought for a moment: "Xie Qidao."

"Yes, it's his sword technique, which can be confirmed." Lei Wujie closed the white cloth and recovered Dao Jiujiu's body.

"But since this person named Xie Qidao is dead, why does he still appear in Tianqi?" Wu dumb asked.

Xiao Se looked at Dugu Lonely: "Where was Jiuye's body found?"

"There was a carriage parked at the door of Tianmingzhai in the morning, but no one came down from above. Some disciples were curious, so they went forward to check, and then saw Xiao Jiu's body lying in the carriage." Dugu said alone.

"The day before, where did Jiuye go?" Xiao Se then asked.

"Xiao Jiu went out and asked about that monk." Dugu said alone.

Xiao Se was taken aback for a moment, and sighed softly: "Brother Dugu, please give me a list. List all the places Jiuye might go that day, and we will help Jiuye get justice."

"The list is already listed, and we are about to check it." Dugu Lonely took out a list from his arms, "According to Xiao Jiu's past habits, he will personally ask about these places."

"You must not go." Xiao Se took the list and handed it to Lei Wujie, "The one who killed the Jiuye is the dark river."

"Underwater?" Dugu was lonely for a moment. Why did the world's No. 1 killer organization suddenly attack Nine-Nine Dao?

"Furthermore, the sword technique should have been passed on from Xie Qidao, the Patriarch of the Xie Family in the Underworld, and should not be inferior to him. Such a killer, even a master of the Xiaoyaotian realm can hardly deal with it. You must be careful these days. Desolately whispered.

After Dugu hesitated for a while, he nodded, "I wrote it down."

Xiao Se immediately took Lei Wujie out, and after walking to the gate of Tianmingzhai, Xiao Se whispered to Lei Wujie: "You stay here and keep an eye on them these days."

"Pay attention to what they are doing? Could it be that they killed the Jiuye?" Lei Wujie was puzzled.

"Idiot. Do you think that based on their friendship with Jiuye, they will really let this matter go, let us handle it?" Xiao Se said helplessly, "Although Dugu Lonely promised me, he will definitely find out the matter by himself. At that time, with their martial arts, according to the top killers who cannot deal with the dark river. Lei Wujie, you have to remember that since the dark river has also stepped into the apocalypse, many things will become different."

Lei Wujie nodded: "No matter how naive I am, I understand this truth."

"They are the assassins in the dark night. When they step into this apocalypse, everything will become chaotic. As long as they want, the city of apocalypse can be reduced to hell." Xiao Se said sternly.

"Dark River, is it really that scary?" Lei Wujie took a breath.

"There are laws in this world, but Dark River only talks about their laws." Xiao Se said lightly.

In Tianmingzhai, Hu Dan said anxiously: "Brother, we really don't care about this matter?"

Dugu Lonely sighed: "No matter?"

When Dugu Lonely met Jiujiu Dao for the first time, he was an eleven-year-old boy. At that time, Jiujiu Dao was nine years old. He asked Dugu Lonely: "What's your name?"

Dugu Lonely shook his head: "I have no name."

"Then I will pick one for you." Jiujiu Dao smiled, "I see you sit there alone every day, looking very lonely. How about I just call you Dugu Lonely? Such a name, put it In storytelling, he must be a majestic hero."

"Then what's your name?" Du Lonely gave him a cold look.

"My name is Jiujiu Dao, because from now on, there will be my name on the ninety-nine and eighty-one roads in Apocalypse City." Jiujiu Dao grinned, "I don't want to be a hero, I just want to be a well-known one. people."

The first time Hu Dan met Jiujiu Dao, it was the day his father died of illness. He was driven out of the house by the eldest son of his concubine. He was twelve years old that year, and he was walking in the cold wind hungry, and finally fainted. Jiujiu Dao and Dugu Lonely picked him up on the roadside. When he woke up, he found himself in a dilapidated but warm hut. Jiujiu Dao looked at him ill-intentionally: "He looks so good-looking, I don't know how much money can be sold to the officials in the building. "

Hu Dan was so scared that he cried.

Jiujiu Dao sighed and cursed with a smile: "I am so courageous, like an egg. What is your last name?"

"My name is Hu."

"You will be called Hudan from now on." Jiujiudao smiled.

"I am not Hu Dan, I am Hu Hanlin." Hu Dan wiped away tears and said.

Jiujiu Dao kicked him over with a kick: "Fuck!"

The day when Wudada became Wudada was indeed in a daze, but she looked so beautiful that she was in a daze, so that Jiujiudao didn't blink after watching all afternoon. Afterwards, he asked him helplessly: "What are you looking at?"

Jiujiu Dao smiled and said, "I'm watching you in a daze, or I'll change your name."

Wudida had been acquainted with Jiujiu Dao for many years, and said helplessly: "Why do you always like to give names to others? You listen to storytelling too much, right.

"You look so beautiful when you are in a daze, so I'll call you five in a daze from now on.

"Why five?"

"Because it says in the book, "The Ninth Five-Year". The storytelling says, "The Ninth Five-Year Plan, the flying dragon is in the sky. It's good to see the adults. It's very worthy." Jiujiudao looked intoxicated, "Five dumb, wait until you grow up , Okay if I marry you?"

If there were no nine or nine ways, there would certainly not be them today.

Dugu said in a solemn voice: "Our hatred, naturally we will avenge ourselves!"

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