Song of Adolescence

Chapter 366: Thunderstorm

Tai'an Temple.

Emperor Mingde finally woke up. He opened his eyes and saw Mu Chunfeng. He couldn't help but asked, "Doctor Hua, did she not come today?"

Mu Chunfeng was picking the lamp oil with a silver needle at this time, watching with full attention, he frowned slightly and asked Li Changqing: "Who changes the lamp oil every day?"

"They are all court ladies and eunuchs in the Tai'an Temple, but I can't remember who they are." Li Changqing replied.

Mu Chunfeng nodded: "Your Majesty needs a rest. The indoor candlelight should not be too bright. Don't light these lights in the future."

"Changqing, where is Huajin's genius doctor?" Emperor Mingde asked again.

Li Changqing found out that Emperor Mingde had awakened, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute: "According to your majesty, the genius doctor Huajin occasionally caught a cold yesterday, and was afraid of infecting his majesty to aggravate his condition, so he sent his apprentice Mu Chunfeng to come for treatment and go back to report to Minghua Then decide how to diagnose and treat."

"Spring breeze." Emperor Mingde called out.

Mu Chunfeng hurriedly saluted: "The spring breeze is here."

"Mr. Hua..." Emperor Mingde looked at Mu Chunfeng, his eyes full of concern, "Is it okay?"

Mu Chunfeng nodded and said: "Yesterday was originally very serious, but fortunately, a gentleman entered the Apocalypse today. Now it is no major problem. You can enter the palace in a few days."

Emperor Mingde coughed slightly, "That's good. Then... Where are Chong'er's eyes?"

"It has also been cured. It only takes a few days to rest, and His Royal Highness will be able to see the light again." Mu Chunfeng replied.

Emperor Mingde finally showed a bit of joy: "It's really... good news."

White Palace.

Wang Bai was covered with white cloth and sat on the couch. Not far from him, sitting there also covered with a white cloth is Ling Shaohan.

They are equally blindfolded, but they are facing a completely different future.

"Shao Han, you should tell me all this." Xiao Chong said slowly.

Ling Shaohan smiled: "If you really tell your Highness, then your Highness will definitely refuse. Shao Han is a counselor who is best at attacking the heart. Did your Highness forget?"

Xiao Chong shook his head: "But even if I have both eyes and you, I have lost my strongest arm."

"Now that His Highness regains the light, it's like getting double wings, so he can fly into the sky immediately. What if I lose my unusable pair of arms?" Ling Shaohan replied.

"So what was the situation on that day?" Xiao Chong asked.

Ling Shaohan smiled bitterly: "His Royal Highness forgot. I also fainted that day."

"On that day, the Assassins of Dark River sneaked into the White Palace. King Yong'an and Lan Yuehou sent people to help you. They couldn't do it for a while. But in the end, your most trusted brother Xiao Jingxian betrayed you, and together with Tian Waitian's sovereign Ye Anshi hurt Hua. Jin genius doctor, but fortunately your eyes have been healed. In the end they wanted to kill you, and we beat them back." Yan Zhantian walked in with his sword in his arms.

"Lao Jiu?" Xiao Chong sighed and did not continue to speak.

"I'm curious, why would King Yongan help you like this?" Yan Zhantian asked.

"He regards me as a brother. Although we have a controversy, he is open to it. The throne is the throne, and the brothers belong to the brothers. In this regard, I am inferior to him, and all the princes are inferior to him." Xiao Chong stood up, When he reached the door, he was different from the past, he could clearly feel the warm yellow of the sun instead of the pitch black.

Suddenly, there was a slow sound of footsteps, Yan Zhantian stepped away, and Xiao Chong whispered: "Second Master."

Father Jinyu stretched out his hand and gently brushed Xiao Chong’s eyes. He clearly felt the change in the other person’s expression. He couldn’t help but exclaimed: “There is such a miraculous eye-changing technique in the world, and Yaowanggu’s medical skills are really beyond. Human imagination."

"Second Master, I have a request." Xiao Chong said slowly.

"What request?" Duke Jinyu asked.

"The sixth one helped me this time, and this kindness needs to be paid back. It is not very convenient for me to be in the mansion these few days, and the master and father can't understand this apocalypse, so I trouble the second master." Xiao Chong said.

Father Jinyu stretched out his hand, and a butterfly fell on his finger. He smiled: "Whether the wind in the Apocalypse City is blowing, I really don't quite understand. You see it's still clear just now. Wanli, it's about to rain at this time."

The heavy rain suddenly poured down.

Many people who walked on the road were exposed to the shower, but there are some people in the world who will carry umbrellas with them.

An oil-paper umbrella blooms like a flower on the street, and a handsome man dressed in black with an indifferent look is walking slowly holding the umbrella. His black clothes and his expression always remind people of those who attended the funeral.

Many years ago, he always performed tasks with another friend. The rivers and lakes gave them nicknames, he was called the Umbrella Holder, and the other was called the mourner. The entire rivers and lakes were afraid to hear their names. Later, they seldom killed people with their own hands. One became a puppet, and the other became the most promising heir to the Su family. Later, the puppet became the head of the Su family, and the heir of the original Su family became the patriarch of the dark river.

But their cooperation is as good as always, just like when they killed people back then, one was responsible for investigating information and formulating tactics, and the other was responsible for swinging swords and killing people. Su Muyu doesn't like talking, and never asks more questions, but Su Changhe is very good at talking, thinking clearly before doing anything. But Su Muyu suddenly realized that he was wrong.

Some things, after all, still have to be asked clearly.

And people will change.

Su Muyu stopped and looked up at the rain falling from the sky.

Mu Yumo, dressed in purple, was sitting on the top of the attic, holding a wine glass and spinning it quietly, his expression on his face turned cloudy.

Su Muyu suddenly lowered his head.

The wine glass in Mu Yumo's hand finally stopped.

They looked at the end of the long street at the same time.

Su Changhe, dressed in black and wearing a silver mask, appeared there. He didn't have an umbrella, and the rain fell on his black robe.

"The mist is hazy, and the Yiren is in the mountains. Thousands of mountains are separated, and there are endless emotions." For no reason, Su Muyu suddenly remembered the song he heard in Nan'an City. Was sucked over by him.

All the people on the long street have ran away to avoid the rain.

Suddenly it became very quiet, and only the sound of rain hitting the bluestone slab was heard.

Su Muyu looked at the rising water sword in his hand, with supreme sword power on it, vaguely roaring dragons. Then he sighed heavily, sighed lightly with his fingers, the green dragon water sword turned into water drops and scattered all over the ground. He turned around, and his figure gradually disappeared at the end of the long street.

In the attic, the wine glass fell on the table.

The purple dress had also disappeared.

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