Shark Bay, one of the richest pirate bases in the Golden Sea, is passed on word of mouth among pirates.

all around the natural ring-shaped archipelago is the strongest and most perfect line of defense in Shark Bay, and the only entrance is surrounded by the bones of a giant sea monster that was killed here by Ancient Era. To get in and out of Shark Bay, you have to move slowly through the winding boat lanes among the skeletons. To break through this is tantamount to idiotic dreams. Any poor helmsman will only harm the sailors of a boat into sharks. Prey.

Over time, the name Shark Bay came into being.

Shark Bay is the territory of the pirates. There is no imperial taxation or legal restraint here. People abandoned by the empire and framed by bullies have found their own happy home here. Father is kind and filial. , Brothers and friends respectful, husband and wife obedient, friends have faith, it is a paradise in paradise!

At least, before going ashore, George almost believed the nonsense of these stinky pirates!

“Want to eat free food? Fuck! Stinking Insect-like stuff!”

With a roar and laughter filled with alcohol, the left foot just stepped onto the pier. George, saw a drunkard of five big and big three being kicked to the ground by the lean tavern Boss, the pitiful little money that the Boss had thrown in the air, and the wine glass that the drunk fell on the ground and refused to put it down. It was enough to make three words pop out of George’s mind–

Overlord Meal.

The eyes of the people around who don’t care, and even want to make up their feet in the past, make George even more convinced that this is the most real daily life in Shark Bay.

“Welcome to Shark Bay! First Mate Jojo! The moment your feet step on this land, you have officially become one of our pirates! hahahaha!”

It is said that sometimes when a sailor spends a long time at sea before landing, he will have the completely opposite experience of seasickness. George, who has his feet on the ground, is in this experience. He had no symptoms of seasickness at all, but at this time he felt that countless seafood that had been turned into soup had suddenly come alive in his stomach, and it was constantly churning up and down!

What’s worse, when George gritted his teeth to prevent these “seafood” from becoming noisy, the palm of Captain Dark’s slap on his back not only directly caused George I stumbled and let a mouthful of “multi-colored” “seafood” sprayed into the sea.

“Uh um…this is really serious… Mate Jojo, I think you should go to the trading area first, or if you spit on the bed of a flower girl in the pirate zone, then you can It’s just’famous’! Also, remember to follow the signs, don’t go wrong and touch the bed of the captain’s wife in the civilian area, when the time comes, even I can’t save you!”

Even if the culprit Captain Dark has long been accustomed to seeing corpses, mountains and corpses, he can’t help but a strategic withdrawal when he sees this situation. Captain Dark covered his mouth while disgustingly commanded George a few words, and then walked to the other direction of Shark Bay, which is the Pirate Zone.

“Is the trading area…they are here, so I happened to go shopping too!”

After finally vomiting all the brown bread from the trump card in his stomach, George After thinking about it, he still followed the advice of Captain Duck and walked towards the trading area following the guidance of the signs on the dock.

Indeed, George also wanted to buy a ship and leave earlier, but there was a delay just now. Black Blade has already followed Captain Dark to the pirate zone, so George is no longer anxious. At worst, wait for the ship to be fixed, and then look for it. A chance for a black blade to be single, one sap and one binding, is enough!

Back to Shark Bay, just like the rumors that George had already heard, there is no so-called leader to manage this place, and the whole area is extremely disordered and extremely chaotic. However, the pirates, civilians, and businessmen living here have also developed a lot of their own, customary peace models, or regional divisions—

pirate zones. , Trading area, civilian area.

Generally speaking, the pirate zone is a place for pirates to have fun. Smokehouses, taverns, prostitutes and gambling houses are almost five steps on the first floor, ten steps and one pavilion. As long as you have money, there are only There is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing you can’t play. After all, the pirates’ excellent ability to plunder wealth and their “wine and drunk” consumption views have really attracted many gold worshippers and speculators;

The civilian area is the place where the families of the pirates live. There are farmland, textile workshops and orchards planted in the back of the civilian area. The tropical climate of the Golden Sea also allows ordinary people in Shark Bay to live a rich and self-sufficient life. , But the average person who can settle under such favorable conditions in Shark Bay is by no means a true “ordinary person.”

Leave aside the elderly and children, women, especially beautiful women, are basically the wives and concubines raised here by the pirate captains who bought or snatched them. This is why Captain Duck wants The reason for warning George;

As a trading zone between the pirate zone and the civilian area, it is the most fish and dragons mixed in together place: in addition to local civilian traders, thieves’ unions, mercenaries Guilds, black merchants, exchanges… Almost all powerful forces will be mixed here, and almost everything that can be exchanged for money is moved here. Therefore, walking on such a street full of vendors, George is full of eyes. Jewelry with jewels, exquisite handicrafts, sharp weapons and armors, and…

The hunting group once wiped out by George and Rova!

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