Song Tan Jishi

Vol 311 Chapter 1230: 1230 New ranch worker [2-in-1]

Chapter 1230 1230. New pasture workers [two-in-one]

 Chen Xi got off the car and when he returned home, a tall figure rushed over:

 “Brother! Brother! I’m hungry!”

He had just stood still and before he could speak, he heard another roar coming from the kitchen next to him:

 “Hungry, hungry, hungry! I starve to death every day like a ghost reincarnated! I just ate two big bowls at noon, and now I’m hungry again! I have really committed a sin, giving birth to such a thing like you—”

Chen Xi looked ugly.

"Mom, didn't I give you food expenses? Give Chen Chi as much as he wants to eat. Don't let him starve when I'm not at home."

 “Who’s hungry? Who’s hungry?!”

 Someone from the kitchen quickly rushed out with a spatula, and when he saw him, he yelled:

"Now that you have two dollars in your hand, you don't take your parents seriously, right? Did he grow so big in vain? Can he grow up by drinking dew?!"

“Isn’t it me, the mother-in-law feeding him? Why didn’t he get enough? He starved to death like a pig every day and was reincarnated! You said he didn’t get enough when he didn’t get enough?”

 Chen Chi saw the mother and son quarreling. He was standing there with his tall body slightly curled up, his head lowered, and his movements were particularly skillful.

When Chen Xi saw this, he felt sad again.

 But he had no other choice.

 Because the person in front of them is the biological mother of their two brothers.

This is true for biological parents, let alone expecting others to do so.

 Their family was originally just the epitome of every farm family in the mountain village, but it happened that his younger brother Chen Chi had a fever when he was born, and he was an imbecile when he woke up.

He can only speak simple words, and he still doesn't know how to make phone calls. The only good thing is that his temper is not arrogant. On the contrary, under the constant beating and scolding from his parents, he has become more and more timid and obedient.

Chen Xi stayed in the army for so long and chose to take the money and go home when he was discharged because he was worried about his younger brother.

But when he came back with the money, his parents were indifferent to him. When he asked Chen Chi, he hesitated.

The next day, he set up a table in the village to invite him to drink. After asking around several times, he heard that Chen Chi had been sent by his mother to work for a contractor from the same village.

To be fair, they were all from the same village, so the foreman did not beat or scold them casually.


When Chen Xi looked over, his silly brother was carrying a heavy sack of bricks and cement from the 7th floor of the staircase in the old community, walking down step by step in the summer.

His shoulders were swollen, his face and body were all dark, his vest was in tatters, and his lips were bloodless. When he saw him, he still giggled.

 Ask what you had for lunch? Just say two big steamed buns.

 Chen Xi felt sour in his heart.

Because Chen Chi had such a physique, since he was a child, even if he ate leftover rice and soup every day at home, he still grew taller day by day.

He believed Chen Chi when his mother said he ate two bowls at a meal, but two bowls of stale rice plus a little vegetable soup or rice soaked in plain water for a long time, can this be called eating?

As for wages, the cost of carrying construction waste and furniture is not low. The contractor can even receive a charitable subsidy from the government for re-employment of disabled people.

 But Chen Chi’s salary was only 2,000 yuan, which was all given to his parents.

Chen Xi took a deep breath, went home and asked what was going on? He was obviously sending money home every month... Among other things, it was enough to provide Chen Chi with food and clothing.

 But as soon as he said this, his parents were the first to explode.

 Just like today—

“Feed and clothe him?! What you are thinking is simple. Why don’t we two adults just stay at home and keep an eye on him?”

“You don’t need to keep an eye on Chen Chi! He is only seven or eight years old and can stay at home alone. He can play with him all afternoon if you give him a piece of mud—”

"You said you don't need to keep an eye on him, so you don't need to keep an eye on him! Then why aren't you at home with him? Oh, you have a bright future and are making money. I have given birth to him and raised him for so many years. Do you still have to take care of him now?"

"I'm telling you, Chen Xi, don't think that you have stiff wings just because you have money! I am your mother-in-law, and your father is also your biological father. Look at that fool from the next village. His family sent him to the factory. …”

 "Chen Chi, should I send it to you?!"

Her voice was so loud that all the neighbors came to watch. Someone next to me muttered: "Didn't you want to send it but failed? People said it was unnecessary to check..."

Chen Xi pursed his lips.

Because he has a criminal record, he now even carries Chen Chi's ID card with him, and then warned his parents that they would call the police if they couldn't find him... and then they stopped.

Looking at Chen Chi again, she saw him huddled behind her. Even though she couldn't block him with his tall body, she still carefully held the corner of his clothes.

Chen Xi stretched out his hand to wipe his face, and simply pulled him out again: "Come live with me in the city, I'll find a job-"

Before he finished speaking, his mother sneered again:

“Do you think it’s so easy to find a job for a fool? He can play in the mud all afternoon in the countryside, but in the city you want to lock him up for a whole day without moving anything?”


Chen Xi finally couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly:

"Chen Chi was born to you, is he your biological son? I don't want you to take care of him at home every day, but you can at least give him a decent meal, right?"

"Chen Chi's clothes, shoes and socks are either leftovers or bought by me. You haven't spent any money on them. He doesn't stay at home for nothing every day. He digs mountains and builds houses, cuts down trees and clears vegetable fields... He doesn't always go there. ?"

“You’re not even willing to cook a serious meal for him!”

 “I’m taking him away now, and you say such sarcastic words again…”

He has a tough temper, and Chen Ma’s temper is even tougher than him. At this moment, he threw the spatula on the ground and sat down on the ground -

“Oh my God, what evil have I done? Raising two sons is worse than having no descendants…”

As soon as the howling started, the neighbors who joined in the fun became a little confused again.

Chen Xi has been tortured to the point of numbness by this familiar picture.

Looking at Chen Chi again, he looked at himself with red eyes and carefully let go of his hand at this moment.

 Because every result requires compromise.

Chen Xi suddenly closed his eyes and grabbed his arm with his backhand: "Let's go! Brother, I will take you away!"

The mother’s yelling came from behind—

"Don't stop him! Let him go! I don't see how he can take care of this fool by himself! Sooner or later he has to come back and beg me - you don't even believe it, my own mother, how can you trust others?!"

Chen Xi paused and strode forward again.


Cars in the village are not always available. Chen Xi walked to the road and called the private car in the village. At this moment, he was carrying his simple luggage and worrying about how to accommodate his younger brother.

 After all, even if a thousand of what his mother said were unreasonable, one sentence was true.

 That means Chen Chi is really worried about being alone in a rented house in Fangcheng.

 After all, although he was obedient, the house in the city was too small and there were too many electrical appliances. After pondering for a while, he turned on his phone again and started searching for self-care teaching for imbecile children.

Chen Xi had taught Chen Chi seriously when he was still in school, so he knew how to brush his teeth, go to the toilet and get dressed.

 But otherwise he is very clumsy. Even if he makes a phone call, he doesn’t dare to touch the phone after a long time of teaching...

Now that I have taken him to a rental house, do I really have to let him watch TV every day?

 At this moment, the cell phone rang—

  【Chen Yuan】


Hang up the phone, Chen Xi was in a daze on the roadside. He didn't react until the private car he had invited stopped in front of him.

The driver is also from the village. When he saw the two brothers, he sighed and asked, "Where are we going?"

Chen Xi looked hesitant, then looked at Chen Chi who was obedient and obedient, gritted his teeth and said, "Train station."

The driver was stunned for a moment, and then advised:

"Chen Xi, aren't you planning to find a job in the city these days? Don't be angry! No matter how bad your mother is to Chen Chi, she is still her mother! She won't see him die..."

"You take him to work in other places by yourself, you have to work, and you have to take care of him. In the end, you can't do anything well. If you are not familiar with the outside world, Chen Chi will easily get into trouble when he goes out like this... This is terrible How can you take care of it?"

  "You! Your mother and your parents are cruel. But after all, they are also your biological parents..."

Chen Chi didn't understand, but he knew that what he was talking about was related to him, so he squeezed the corners of Chen Xi's clothes harder and said stupidly:

 “Brother, I’m hungry…”

"I know." Chen Xi rummaged through his backpack, took out a braised egg, opened it and handed it over: "Eat it first, and I'll buy you something to eat near the station later."

The aroma of the braised eggs was so strong that Chen Chi's stomach immediately rumbled loudly. After taking it, he took a big bite and his eyes lit up with shock from the taste.

Chen Xi smiled with difficulty, found another water glass and handed it over: "Eat slowly."

Then he raised his head and said solemnly: "It's okay, uncle, please go to the train station. My friend introduced me to a job - no," he hesitated, and there was a voice in his heart that kept reminding him to seize this opportunity. , so he gritted his teeth:

 “Go to the high-speed rail station.”


Chen Chi had never been to a high-speed rail station, and he held Chen Xi's clothes obediently all the way, not daring to move a step.

While waiting for the ticket check, he watched the people around him eating and chatting. His eyes went back and forth and he couldn't see enough.

Even if someone passed by him carrying instant noodles, he would stare and sniff, looking all the way past.

Seeing this made Chen Xi feel sour in his heart, so he simply took him to buy a bucket of instant noodles.

"I'll teach you. First pinch this place and tear off the cover - gently, don't tear it off completely - there are several small bags inside, take them out, tear them open... Yes! Pour them in... Yes, tight Then use hot water…”

His voice was delicate, and Chen Chi next to him also widened his eyes and followed suit awkwardly, which made people passing by take a second look.

But Chen Xi and Chen Chi have long been accustomed to this kind of gaze. Now they just hold the bowl of instant noodles like a treasure and ask expectantly:

 “Can I just cover it? It smells so good!”

 “It’s going to take a while.”

 “How long do you have to wait?”

"One hundred..." Chen Xi originally wanted Chen Chi to count to 100, but thinking that the other party had never learned numbers other than 10, he sighed again:

 “Count from 1 to 10, count slowly. Count 10 times.”

After 10 times, the instant noodles are still edible even if they are not completely cooked.

As expected, Chen Chi returned to his seat with instant noodles in his hands. He was staring at the bowl and counting them one by one seriously. He looked particularly well-behaved.

 Chen Xi took a deep breath and took out his phone, looked at the location and video posted above, and clicked on it again.

The familiar voice of Chen Yuan came from inside, full of sincerity and urgency.

"Chen Xi, bring your brother over and give it a try. Boss Song is a very nice person. He said he could observe it."

“Even if it doesn’t work, we will subsidize your round-trip ticket, and food and accommodation will be arranged here.”

“And there are no complicated interpersonal relationships at the ranch. Even if your brother is a little clumsy and not very skilled, as long as he is strong enough to move, it’s still good.”

 In the video, the familiar voice also carries a sense of ease and joy:

 “You will know when you come here, you will not regret it here.”

"To put it another way, if your brother can really adapt here and be proficient in it, you don't have to worry too much about him if you want to develop other paths in the future."

 Chen Yuan and the others found a new job, and Chen Xi knew it.

After all, they both have the surname Chen, and they were very close when they first trained together.

And now that the other party is so sincere, his heart is also jumping up and down——

Is it really that good there?

 Or, can he and Chen Chi really be accommodated?


After all, Yuncheng is not a developed city. The high-speed rail changed trains again, and the two brothers finally arrived at the station at about 5 o'clock in the morning.

He followed the guide given by Chen Yuan, made an appointment with his bleary-eyed brother in a car, and then arrived at Yunqiao Village, Lao Song's house, at seven o'clock.

As soon as Song Tan picked up his rice bowl, he heard someone at the door ask:

“Excuse me, is this Mr. Song’s house?”

The family looked outside the yard, and Qiaoqiao was the first to walk over: "Yes! Who are you looking for?"

His eyes were clear when he spoke, and his voice was refreshing. There was no hint of mental problems at all.

At least Chen Xi didn’t notice it. At this moment, he only said nervously: "Chen Yuan introduced me here, saying that he was recruiting workers here..."

"Oh!" Song Tan reacted, a little surprised: "So fast! I thought it would take two days to come."

 She put down the bowl: "You haven't had breakfast, have you? I'll take you to the mountain canteen first. If you have anything to do, we'll talk about it after dinner."

Wulan and others also reacted, and even Qiaoqiao looked over in surprise and raised his hands at this moment: "I want to go too, I want to go too! I heard that there is a brother like me who is coming this time! "

Song Tan laughed. Nowadays, all personnel appointments at home have to be communicated with Qiao Qiao. He just has a young mentality, but he doesn't understand everything.

So he simply picked up the bowl again: "Okay, then, please Qiao Qiao. Can you eat later, take these two brothers to the mountain canteen to meet Captain Chen, and then arrange a place for them to eat and rest. ?”

  “I’m sure I can!”

Qiaoqiao took the job solemnly: "I can also give them wages and jobs!"

"Okay!" Song Tan also nodded solemnly, seeing that Qiao Qiao had already picked up the key and started the car, his attitude was also very sincere: "Then leave it to our Qiao Qiao."

 Chen Xi looked at Song Tan, then at Qiao Qiao, then at Chen Chi, and finally realized something...

 Here it comes! Good night! 6.6 Supplement: If you take leave tonight, there is a high chance that you won’t be able to catch up and won’t struggle.

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