
Chapter 10 - Trinquile

As Kothar and Simon drew closer to the Academy, the emerald slopes of the foothils were marred with the marks of civilization. Columns of smoke in the air from remote farms, the empty eyed stare of sheep and cows, dirt tracks which soon gave way to paved roads.

For even though mages could draw water from the air and coax fruits from the ground, there was no such thing as steak magic and a thriving hub such as Trinquile was perfect for a farmer to peddle their wares.

The pair now walked on a paved road, their travel worn and dirt stained clothes blending in with many of the travelers who came seeking magic from afar. There was a smorgasbord of individuals from all parts of Balin and beyond. Dour faced swordsmen escorting gaudy merchants, a young solider with a missing eye, nobles and their entourage, mysterious foreigners in deep black cloaks, Kothar marveled at them all.

"Where do you hail from?" A portly merchant approached Kothar. Simon stepped between Kothar and the merchant.

"My son and I are travelling scholars, we hope to to sell some scrolls to the lord mages at the Academy." Simon stared at the merchant, who was licking his pale lips and fiddling with the gold button of his felt coat.

"Of course, of course. Do stop by my store, you cannot miss it, it's the red building on the lakefront. I may broker you a decent profit." He handed Simon a cream colored card and waddled off.

"You may be strong for your age but that man would have had you unconscious in a bag in seconds. His trade is Novice Mages." Simon warned Kothar as he tore up the card and threw it on the wayside.

Soon the tips of sparkling towers peeked over the horizon, crafted in gleaming marble with mana crystals shining brightly in their sockets. The pair crested the last of the rolling hills revealing Trinquile in all its glory. Trinquile lake gleamed at the center of the valley, reflecting the low white marble walls that enclosed the sheer towers of the Academy.

The Academy itself was mostly constructed of the same ivory marble as the walls, but each mage's tower was distinct from the others, a mark of the different mages that lived there. Some towers had cascading waterfalls from their walls, other were blooming with life, with vines, bushes and even trees reaching out from the walls.

There were towers that were encircled with cloud, with lightning striking large metal rods at their peak, other towers with great balls of flame ensconced in large iron cages. There was a striking tower of dark red stone, with magma flowing down the walls.

Finally, Kothar spotted a tower of deep black marble, with purple lines of energy criss crossing the tower, at its peak was a large rift, a tear in space the pulsed and warped the air around it. There were far more towers further in the academy, all as magnificent as the last. The main structure of the Academy was a long double story building with two large wings, directly in front of the massive wrought iron gates which flickered with runes. Kothar shook his head, bombarded with announcements from Silane.

[Detecting novel energy circuit. Initiating analysis. Estimated processing time: 300 years]

[Detecting novel energy circuit. Initiating analysis. Estimated processing time: 70 years]


[Silane, record all novel energy circuits and only notify me if an analysis is complete.]

Kothar sighed as Silane did not respond, he wondering when he would have enough mana to be able to converse with Silane again, she had been closer to him than his own thoughts for many years, and he looked forward to the chance that he might be able to converse with her again.

A small city surrounded the lake and Academy, the streets were spotless, well lit with mana crystals, magic carriages whizzed through the streets. Kothar gazed at the multitude of shops catering to a mages every need. Stores selling runic equipment, staffs and wands, raw materials and even exotic beasts.

"Jotun has a store selling his goods here, most of these stores are owned by mages at the academy some even by students." Simon cut through the daze that Kothar had been lulled into from all the new sights throughout Trinquile.

"Should you need maintenance for your sword, drop by his store."

The pair made their way towards the Academy, not keeping a straight path but weaving through the streets taking in the sights. Eventually the pair arrived at the wrought iron gates, where they were met by a middle aged battle mage, wearing a leather coat that was riveted all over with metal plates.

Runes moved over the surface of the plates and the coat alike, and he wore a heavy dull black gauntlet over his right hand. On his breast was a badge depicting the coat of arms of Trinquile academy, a great serpent rising above the waves. The man raised his gauntlet, his palm facing toward them.

"Halt, state your business."

"This young man is Kothar, he was tested in Balin, by the battlemage Krieg." The Gatekeeper drew out a ledger from one of the many lockets in his coat, flipping through the pages until he came to what he was looking for.

"Ah yes, Kothar of Balin, a young man who shows much promise." The man raised his gauntlet, and the massive gates inched open.

"Apologies, sir guardian, but only students may enter the Academy, may I suggest finding some accommodation in the city." The gatekeeper said as he stopped Simon from stepping into the gates.

"No issue, now that my charge is here I shall be on my way." Simon turned to Kothar.

"I shall return in a few months, your parents may have need of me. If you need something send word through Jotun's shop." He embraced Kothar, patting his curly brown locks.

"Thank you Uncle.." Kothar turned to the now open gates and stepped into the Academy.

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