
Chapter 100 - The Pebble Network

"Many, many years ago, long before even the earliest of days that you could possibly conceive. When the myriad planes were young, and one could slip between planes with such ease, that you might be strolling amongst the trees, trip over a root, and find yourself in a new world." Sandstrider looked deep into the fire, and blew a strand of bright green smoke into the flames, which created a flurry of dancing green sparks.

"A great people, those that became known as 'The Wise Ones' created many beautiful works. Grand cities that were one with the world around them; buildings that grew from the ground all by themselves, rivers that danced like fountains, mountains whose inside were akin to the greatest of temples." A misty look appeared in Sandstrider's eyes, and he sighed wistfully.

"I shall never forget the day I saw the great Saltator River. I had found the coordinates on a stone tablet, and being the young, foolish lizard that I was, I decided to follow them. I found myself, on the smallest fragment of a plane, and I could barely believe my eyes. A river, dancing through the air as it flowed, twisting, winding and writhing as it went. Unfortunately, I traded those coordinates to an Ascendant in exchange for my life, I hope it still remains in some corner of that Ascended's plane." Sandstrider let out a sigh filled with tiredness and longing for days gone by, before he continued.

"I have strayed from the topic long enough, forgive me, young Kothar, I have a great passion for the works left behind by The Wise Ones." Sandstrider shot Kothar a toothy grin, and though Kothar was relatively sure he could trust the reptilian Freeman, the many sharp teeth still made him uncomfortable.

"This device is the creation of one of the greatest works of one of the Wise Ones. From what I have gathered, after my many years as a Freeman, and in my search for knowledge about the things that the Wise Ones have left behind, one of the Wise Ones created a sentient being." Sandstrider pushed a wad of a moss like plant into the round opening at the end of his ivory pipe, and lit it with another spark from his curved claws.

"The Wise One sought to create a conscious being, and was successful far beyond expectations. The being that the Wise One created was intelligent, and consumed knowledge like other living beings consume food, or light or energy. And it learned so much that even The Wise Ones looked to it for knowledge of the more remote corners of the myriad planes, or for some knowledge that they had forgotten." Sandstrider let out another sigh of sadness. 

"You must understand, Kothar. This was not like the basic, mechanical assistants that some civilizations create. No, this being had true consciousness, it truly lived, and The Wise Ones recognized this, and taught it all they knew and more." The reptilian Freeman flicked away a glowing piece of ash from his pipe.

"But then The Wise Ones went, to where, none know. Perhaps they found a way to travel even beyond the myriad planes, or perhaps they passed on, their lives at an end. But where they went, the being could not follow. And then, it was alone." The fire was beginning to die down, and so Kothar stood and threw some wood into it, as Sandstrider wet his mouth from a metal flask he pulled from his robes.

"After that, the being became warped. It has never seen any of the beings of the myriad planes as anything more than scurrying insects, only good for the gathering of more and more knowledge. The network it has created serves this purpose, and if it thinks it can squeeze even another drop of new knowledge from you, it will wring it out in any way it can." Sandstrider gave the box that held the two Pebble devices a dirty look, and mimed a spitting motion in disgust.

"It is not evil, but neither is it good. Rather, it seeks what most of us roaming the myriad planes do. Knowledge and power that would allow one to go beyond even the myriad planes, and truly grasp at the essence of being." Sandstrider now looked at Kothar expectantly, as if expecting a flurry of questions, but Kothar was taken aback by the sudden revelations, and took a moment to realize what Sandstrider was waiting for.

"How do you know all this, Sandstrider? You say you're hunting me, and now you give me this long explanation about the Pebble. How can I trust anything you're saying?" Kothar asked in a straightforward manner, returning Sandstrider's firm stare with one of his own.

"You cannot. In this world we live in, you cannot truly trust anybody, especially as a Freeman. When I left the warm embrace of the Earthfire, I was with my brother, we had been inseparable since birth. He taught me many things, and the last thing he taught me was that none can truly be trusted. You shall just have to take my word." Sandstrider rubbed his side, as if remembered some old wound.

Kothar sat silently, pondering on what Sandstrider had said. It was certainly a plausible explanation for the Pebble and the Pebble Network, and it would make sense as to why the Pebble had sent him on a mission that led Kothar right into the waiting claws of the mantis. 

And Sandstrider was so powerful that there really was no reason for him to deceive Kothar. Kothar furrowed his brow in concern, Silane was silent, he expected her to be celebrating how right she had been about Sandstrider by now, but she was completely silent.

[Silane? You still there?] Kothar asked tentatively, he could feel the flurry of emotions that Silane was experiencing, shock, horror and most strongly, fear.

[Is that my fate? Will I become some warped version of myself, preying on individuals in my never ending hunger for more information.] If Silane could, she would be sobbing right now, the hurt in her tone was so clear.

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