
Chapter 123 - Serena

Serena's dwelling was as different from the other leaders as Boson's was, but in a completely different way.

Her tent was made up of a light gray fabric that brought to mind the web of an enormous spider. Outside her tent was a small cook fire, over which a pot hung, and a few cloth and wood seats had been placed and a few of Serena's archers sat around the fire, with the odd gray cat that was always following Serena winding its way between their feet.

The archers looked up to see who was approaching, and all immediately stood to attention and saluted.

"Grand Marshal, Sir!" They all echoed, before filing off to their own tents, they knew it would be rude to be in earshot of a conversation between commanding officers.

"Grand Marshal." Serena said coolly as she emerged from the tent, the hood of her cloak was down, a rare sight, and her raven black hair hung in a loose braid down her back.

"Serena, we will be leaving in a week, prepare yourself and your soldiers." Tam met Serena's glare with a relaxed expression, even though she was doing her best to glare a hole through his head.

"Yes Sir!" Serena quickly saluted, then stood at attention, her stance was respectful, but the expression on her face was anything but. Her dark, almost black, eyes stared at Tam viciously and her face had a hostile expression.

Tam knew he couldn't change her mind, she had been upset ever since he had sent the young Tribes people and noble's soldiers all over Kalun. As he walked away from her tent, Tam remembered the fierce argument that they had.

"Tam, you're throwing all of these soldiers to the wolves. They're barely of age, and you want to lead them on conquest of an entire kingdom." They had been riding from the plains directly to Kalun, and Serena had marched, furious, to Tam's command tent.

"Let me put it simply, we need better, more competent soldiers, and this is the best and fastest way we get them. The only reason any of us are as accomplished as we are is because we fought in the war against the Southern Tribes. And as for Kalun, that hole is barely a kingdom, and they knew what would come their way if they failed to conquer Ursten." Tam said coldly, sitting at his desk, his hand on the hilt of his sword, defending his position on the surface, but internally deep in thought about what he had done.

"You're throwing the lives of all these young people away on some empty and lofty goal you've set. What's happened to you, Tam. You were always the one who backed Rotan up in keeping Ursten peaceful and allowing it to prosper without violence. And now you're a warmonger!" Serena was almost yelling by now, she had never expected that the warrior who she had fought alongside for so many years would suddenly shift his attitude.

"We defended against the invasion, and even Phintus is a smoking ruin. Wasn't that enough?" She added on, sounding more and more exasperated as she spoke.

"No. It isn't enough. It cannot be enough. We let Kalun lie to us for years, we let them cheat our merchants and go under our noses. And in return, they plotted to conquer our nation. This is their fate." Tam's voice grew serious, and his voice contained the sheer anger he felt towards Kalun.

"They were the ones who struck the first blow, and now you ask me not to see the fight through. Spare me your empty mercy, Serena, for it would only lead to more innocent countryside folk falling to a foreign army." Tam's words were dismissive and harsh, and a pained expression appeared on Serena's face; she had never expected Tam to be so abrupt.

"I know you plan more than this, Tam. This won't end here, will it? You'll drag this nation and its people, and you'll drag the Tribes also, into this empty dream you have of uniting the Isle, so you can go and become more powerful on the mainland." Serena's voice dropped to almost a whisper, but it matched Tam's hard tone.

"You're lucky on two counts, Serena. Speaking of such things openly would have earned you an execution, but you can thank our long friendship, and you can thank the runic formations around my tent. Otherwise, your head would be rolling along the ground." Tam growled out, he had never expected such disrespect from one of his most trusted Lieutenants.

"My apologies, Grand Marshal Tam." Serena immediately fell to one knee and bowed her head. She had forgotten her duty as a member of the army in her frustration and anger with Tam.

"No matter how much I disagree with your actions and decisions, I will endeavor to carry out all your commands to the best of my ability, you have my word." Serena continued, then raised her head.

"I know you will, you've always been a true asset on the battlefield, and your defense against Phintus was commendable. Go now, you are dismissed." Tam commanded, and Serena nodded and marched out of the tent, head held high.

It was a few moments before Tam realized what Serena had done in protest, rather than saluting him, she had bowed, as one would do to a king.

It was clear, though she had been the one to report Simon's initial misgivings about his actions to him, she was the only one who still believed that he truly had wrested the power of Ursten from Rotan, and had made her stance clear.

Was she right? Serena wasn't alone in thinking that Tam had wrested power of Ursten from Rotan, all of the nobles thought so too, and it was no wonder that they were all so eager to serve him as Grand Marshal. 

Rotan grit his teeth in frustration and slammed his fist down on the table in front of him, to clear his head.

No! He was in the right, and if entire nations had to burn for Ursten to be safe, he would gladly pay that price.

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