
Chapter 130 - A Dark Request(2)

"Hahahaha, all of you are the same. Claiming to be royals, to be above these rest of those you have convinced to grow the crops that fill your bellies, and those that guard you with their very lives. But you are more treacherous and low than any of them. Let me guess, you want him to die because he has grown too powerful?" Krieg cackled and mocked Rotan, shaking his head in disbelief.

"And why would I agree to be your personal assassin? I'm sure you realize that the pittances you could offer me are not much better than trash. If you want this man to be dead so badly, then go on and send an assassin after his head. I'm sure you could easily afford to do so." Krieg continued to mock Rotan, he could not believe the audacity of this foolish King.

"I want him to die because he has taken everything from me. I have worked tirelessly for the people of this nation, to improve their lives in every way I could. And they have never supported me, but all it took was a single week of violence, and the entire Kingdom now sings the praises of Tam, the Last Hawk." Rotan's voice cracked with emotion, and his raw frustration was clear.

"I can offer you as much Magemetal as you desire, far more than you could even imagine. You have seen the walls of my keep, there was much Magesteel recovered in the shaping of the stones." Rotan crossed his arms, he knew that even the most powerful Mage would turn their head at the mention of the precious metal.

Krieg's face immediately became thoughtful, truly a large amount of Magemetal would be most helpful to his research and to his building of devices, and it would serve him well as a bartering chip with the other Mages.

He could continue to milk this foolish King for as long as he wanted, for more and more in the future. The fool had told him everything he needed to know if the Mages hat the Academy had been made aware of this in the past, then Ursten as a Kingdom would not still be standing.

"Alright, tell me more about this Tam. Then, we can discuss my reward." Krieg asked with a refined expression, but internally he was salivating over the thought of having all the Magemetal he could dream of.

"He is the most powerful Warrior that Ursten has known in recent times, he is perhaps one of the few individuals alive today, who can hold a candle to those who were lost in the great war with the Southern Tribes." Once again, the enormity of what he was doing came crashing down on Rotan, but he was too far gone. If he tried to back out now, he knew the Mage would likely kill him where he sat, he had not expected such savagery from such a kindly looking old man.

"Ah, yes. That incident. If not for that, then perhaps you would not be cowering where you sit right now. The balance of power was truly set askew, I remember those days well." Krieg chuckled internal at Rotan;s forlorn expression, he wondered how Rotan would react if he found out that the Academy had been responsible for the deaths of many of the injured individuals in the aftermath of battles, it had been simple to guide the Trinquile trained Mages to do what was best for the future of Mages.

"I think you should take caution when you try to battle him, his strength has skyrocketed since the death of his late wife, he must at the very least be able to match a newly Advanced Mage." Rotan continued to provide Krieg with information, though he desperately wanted to stand up to the Mage who continued to belittle him. However, Krieg was right, without power of his own, or someone powerful backing him, Rotan could only sit there and listen to Krieg's mockery.

"I think he won't be much trouble, and of course, I'll test the waters. Now tell me, about this student of mine who I supposedly attacked? Where might he be?" Krieg's expression turned ominous,, and a savage grin was now plastered on to his face.

"Well, it's funny you ask about him. Your target is actually his father, but I could not begin to tell you where he might be." Rotan grew more and more nervous, this was not what he had expected in the slightest. It seems that Krieg was growing more and more interested in Kothar, but Rotan had no intention of any harm coming to him. He thought that there might have been a minor disagreement between them, but from Krieg's expression, it seemed as though the Mage would do whatever he could to track him down.

"I want to know about this student, or I won't be carrying out your petty plot. Tell me now." Krieg grew more and more furious, how could this simpleton think that he could even pretend to deceive him.

"I swear, I have no idea where he could have gone. My best guess is that he would be hiding, where he would be, though, I couldn't say." Rotan knew that the disguise he had used when he came to visit him meant that Kothar had likely gone to see his father, but he was not willing to give Kothar up, he had not fallen so low.

Krieg frowned, and the vicious appearance on his face grew more and more severe, to the extent that he looked like a demon seated across from Rotan.

"I see, keep your  scraps of Magemetal, you fool." Krieg spat, and a jagged purple lance formed in his fist, as he lunged toward the weakened Rotan. 

Rotan didn't even have a chance to protest, when the lance of spatial energy plunged into his chest, and disappeared. A fist size hole had been put through his torso, and now blood began to drip down into it, as the wheezing and gasping King fell to his knees.

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