
Chapter 14 - Fidour Mountains

Kothar had settled into a familiar routine of mana gathering to begin his day, then heading to any class that interested him that was available. He would enjoy meal times with Fred, Rudy, Janus and Luis. Most days would end with him on the library, searching for ways to improve the efficiency of his spells or methods to integrate magic into his planned augmentations.

[Energy levels 0.75%. 1% required to restore basic AI functionality]

Kothar smiled, soon enough he would once again have the company and assistance of Silane, he was eager to share the new experiences of this world with her. Standing up from the soft cushion he had been seated on, he headed toward the bathroom, this would be the last time he would have the opportunity to wash up for a few weeks.

Now that he had gotten a good grasp of what was offered in the lessons at the Academy, Kothar realized that he would not be able to break through to Novice mage just by listening to old mages droning on about mana pathways and elemental synergies, no, he would hone himself in combat, as he had always done.

Slinging his familiar travel back over his shoulder, Kothar strapped on his sword belt, the Skysteel blade on his left hip, and the blade his father had gifted him on his right. He was ready to head into the Fidour Mountains, albeit not deep within but far enough that he could meet the low level beasts that would offer him some kind of challenge.

"Hey, Kothar, don't tell me you've given up on becoming a battlemage already?" Fred's squeaky voice sounded out across the plaza in front of the Academy gates. Fred had his arms full with packages and paper bags from the many bakeries and eateries of Trinquile.

Once a student had been admitted to the Academy they were free to come and go as they pleased, the magical gates recognized them and opened and shut of their own accord, Of course, the gatekeeper still kept a watchful eye on the comings and going of students, keeping an eye out for any contraband or stowaways.

"Heading out to get some real battle experience, you might have to try it sometime, might lead to a breakthrough." Kothar grinned as he teased Fred back, the pair of them and the others had settled into an easy camaraderie over the past couple weeks.

"Hahaha, a few weeks without this." Fred shook the many parcels at Kothar, picking one up and tossing it at him.

"For when you miss the taste of civilization."

"This'll go great with some wild rabbit." Kothar quipped back as he headed out the gates, patting Fred on the shoulder as he passed him.

Kothar drew his dark cloak tightly around himself, now that he was well within the foothills of the mountains, the chill was setting in. Glacial streams trickled and tinkled throughout the hills, water would be no problem on this adventure.

Kothar had spotted many of the heavily furred residents of the foothills, huge shaggy Yak, scrawny goats and many many rabbits. Kothar would be eating well. Soon enough he would be well into the habitat of the Fidour wolf, and while he was apprehensive of any encounter, he was also eager to see how his speed matched up against one.

As night fell, Kothar found a sheltered alcove, with a mossy floor and a large rocky overhang he knew he would be relatively safe from any predators prowling about. He decided to forgo a fire, for the beasts in the foothills were familiar with fire, and knew that a small isolated one, meant an easy meal.

If Kothar had lit a fire, he would have seen the long crack that ran all along one side of the alcove, and had he investigated further, he would have seen the small cave that it opened into. Within the caves were many pale blue coils, with small puffs of white rising from them on occasion.

The night grew darker and one of the coils began to unravel and slithered out toward the crack. It sensed heat, and where there was heat, there was food, and this Frost Snake was hungry.

In his sleep, Kothar dreamt that he was back in the Janul forest, he was perched in a tree, watching for rabbits. Feeling something slowly winding across his waist, he looked down, how odd, one of the vines had begun to wind itself around him, it wound its way around his body, and reaching his neck wound itself tightly about it.

Suddenly, the vine tightened, no longer moving lazily but with purpose, struggling to breathe Kothar gripped at the ice cold vine. Ice cold vine? Kothar woke up with a start, finding himself face to face with the yellow eyes of a Frost Snake.. Seeing him awake, the snake let out a hiss and it sped toward him jaws open wide, letting out a burst of ice crystals as its pointed fangs dripped with venom.

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