
Chapter 145 - Domains

"I'm sure you've experienced what it is like to be on the receiving end of someone's domain before. It is that invisible pressure that those who are more powerful can put out, sometimes defeating enemies without making even a single move. This is merely an extension of the 'awareness' that you use when drawing in and manipulating your mana. Understand so far?" Tam looked at Kothar, it had taken Tam years to even gain a shred of understanding on this topic, so he expected to see Kothar with a dazed look on his face, instead Kothar nodded eagerly.

"Of course, you displayed the barest hint of this, when you first joined up with the Nighthawks, though the unit was nameless then." Tam smiled, it was at that point that he decided that it was time for Kothar to learn about domains.

"This 'awareness', it allows you to manipulate and control mana, it is honed through experience, as you train for years on end. Now, Kothar, think about this, what would happen if I were to try and manipulate the mana within your body, would your 'awareness' be sufficient to stop me?" Tam asked, a serious expression on his face.

"No, I don't think so." Kothar answered, a chill running down his spine, the magnitude of the pressure he had felt from Arteries and Krieg began to sink in, no wonder Anteris had been so shocked at his resistance to the pressure.

"As this awareness grows, it will allow you to carry out greater and greater feats, and only through the growth of this awareness is it possible to progress as you grow, otherwise one would spend their entire lives drawing in the same amount of mana as they did when they were novices." Tam smiled again at how easily Kothar seemed to be taking everything in, however this was not the case, the fact was that Silane had recorded everything Tam had said, word for word, and Kothar would be spending much time trying to pick apart what Tam had said.

"There are many more intricacies to manipulating and using one's domain but even I am still learning about these, and teaching you about these would only needlessly complicate things for you. Don't bite off more than you can chew, alright." Tam gave Kothar a gentle smile.

"I'll keep that in mind, Father." Kothar smiled back, he truly treasured the new family he had gained in this new world.

"Alright, dismissed soldier." Tam returned to being a commander of a vast army as he handed Kothar his helmet, so that his son would once again be disguised.

Kothar saluted, and walked out into the corridor, where he found Docara and Pony waiting for him.

"You got yourself a special assignment already?" Pony grumbled at Kothar, a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"No, just discussing a possible assignment. Don't worry Pony, I think Docara's more than enough competition for you." Kothar said in a light hearted tone, attempting to diffuse the brewing tension. It seemed to work, as both Pony and Docara began to laugh.

[So Silane, what do you think? Care to explain how exactly this domain thing works?] Kothar asked the AI, who had been uncharacteristically quiet.

[No, I can't. At first, understanding mana was alright, it was analogous to my experience with electricity, especially when it came to rune constructs. But this talk of 'awareness' and pressure, i can't even begin to understand it.] Silane's voice was shaky, as an AI she had always either been able to carry out simulations or seek new information to understand a topic, but this was something where it seemed neither of those things would be helpful.

[Hmmm, I think it's something that you have to experience. Why don't you try manipulating some pure mana? Since you were able to control the mana converted by the Mana Storage Unit well enough."] Kothar's had been wondering for a while about the potential of Silane also being able to manipulate mana, that might mean an additional core to draw on, as well the ability to simultaneously cast more spells and more easily cast difficult spells.

[Don't think you can hide how eager you are. Yes, I think I'll try that. It'll give me something to do while you spend a third of your time sleeping. Fortunately, that's one thing I haven't been cursed with after being reincarnated.] Silane teased Kothar, she spent most of the time Kothar was asleep running simulations or brainstorming new ideas for weapons.

"Hey Rufus! Hey! You still with us?" Docara's raised voice pulled Kothar away from his conversation with Silane.

"Seemed like you were in your own little world for a while there. I'll fill you in on the plan again, then. Just make sure you're listening this time." Doacara shook his head, but laid off on teasing Rufus too much, he knew that whatever the Grand Marshal had discussed with him must have been extremely important, no wonder the poor fool was so lost in his thoughts.

"We'll be taking a ship, and stopping by one of the Multas' villages, just making our presence known, just as many of the other units will be doing. Unlike the rest of them, we won't be taking an extended holiday like they are. We'll only be staying a week, just enough time for you to get your rest, relaxation and whatever else you might want." Docara's tone was lighthearted, and prompted a chuckle from Pony, as they walked to the many canoes that were pulled up on the beach outside the outpost.

"After we get some well deserved rest, we won't be sticking around, instead, we'll be the scouting party for the whole army, and try to carry out the same miracle that we did with this place." Docara continued, and then put an arm around Kothar's shoulder.

"And lucky, lucky you Rufus, since you're so perceptive, you'll continue being our scout. So you'll be the scout for the scouting party for this entire army." Docara burst into laughter at his joke and was joined by a wheezing cackle from Pony.

"Thanks, Father." Kothar said quietly, under his breath. It seemed as if Tam's parenting style hadn't changed in the slightest.

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