
Chapter 148 - Coordinates

"To think… That such creatures exist, and the graceful way they move through the water, I simply have no words. Master Xerev, this is a great reward indeed. Thank you." Exuga, with tears in his eyes, knelt at the edge of the pool, eyes wide, filled with wonder. As his shadow fell over the water, the fish sped towards it.

"Then you will be even happier to know that I'll allow you to become intimately acquainted with them." Xerev's hand was still on Exuga's shoulder, and he had fallen into a half crouch next to Exuga, smiling as he saw the fish approach.

"How so? I'm practically inside the pool with how close I am, is there some kind of way for me to go underneath the water and look at the fish?" Exuga was simply overwhelmed with all the new sights he had seen, and he didn't even notice the cruel smile that flickered over Xerev's face.

"Yes, just like this." Xerev said softly, and sliced his elbow towards Ex Exuga temple, knocking him unconscious easily. In one smooth motion, he grasped his limp body below the armpits, and threw him into the pool.

Exuga splashed into the still waters. And Xerev walked off, without a backwards glance. The cold water of the pool woke Exuga, and he began to flounder in the water, slowly sinking below the surface.

"This isn't funny, Master, Xer. elp!" His words grew shorter and shorter as he barely kept his head above water, then, the waters around him began to froth up violently.

Then, the first fish bit Exuga, and he let out a bloodcurdling scream as it tore away a chunk of flesh/

The screams grew in volume but grew shorter and shorter as Exuga struggled to stay on the surface, and within mere moments, the garden was once again filled with peace and quiet. 

Xerev looked back toward the pool, and smiled, a red flower now bloomed in the center of the waters, slowly spreading out onward the edges. 

Xerev casually strolled out the garden, nodding at the guards as he left, and now made his way towards the very center of the First Quadrant. It was time for him to meet with his dear leader.

Xerev returned to his quarters, which were now clear of his earlier guests, and then took out his finest ceremonial clothing. A long coat, embroidered with silver inscriptions that sung praises of the Supreme Ruler of the Aemos. He washed his face and hair and took great care to tailor every aspect of his appearance to perfection. Not that Xurha cared in the slightest how Xerev looked, all he wanted were results.

But others did care, and they would talk about how he presented himself to the highest authority of the Aemos. 

After a half hour of painstaking preparation, Xerev was ready. He had shaved his face, and his angular features were now clear to be seen; he had also applied the jagged patterns that were traditionally worn when meeting with the Supreme Leader, applying the black paste under his eyes. His long hair was held back by an onyx hair clasp, and he looked every bit the famous frontier explorer that he was. 

His ability to gather information on new planes all on his own, and return alive, was the only reason he was still able to live in the First Quadrant, anyone else who was such a disgrace to the customs of the Aemos, and so visibly in violation of the rules that allowed the Aemos to function, would have been executed long ago. 

That didn't stop Xurha from taking any opportunity to torment him, and Xerev shivered as he prepared to leave his quarters. He took a deep breath and composed himself, before pushing his door open and striding toward the throne room. 

Xerev, deep in thought, navigating the corridors on the way to the throne room automatically, psyching himself to face the single most terrifying individual that he had ever meet, and that was saying something, for Xerev had been face to face with many Ascended, on his adventures through the myriad planes. 

The corridors grew in height, soon forming into tall arches that towered high above Xerev, with only the bottom section of the corridors lit, which gave the effect of an endlessly dark ceiling. 

Xerev turned into the large corridor that funneled into the throne room, and strode confidently onwards.

He strode confidently into the enormous chamber, and the enormous figure seated on the throne didn't even twitch. 

The throne was even darker than the Fourth Quadrant, though most associated the amount of light their residence received with status, all these notions disappeared when in the presence of the Supreme Ruler. 

Xerev walked to the foot of the throne, suppressing the urge to hunch over in the enormous pressure that weighed down on him as he grew closer and closer. 

"Your Supremacy, I bring promising news." Xerev bowed down deeply, one knee touching the ground, and his head parallel to the stone floor.

"Xerev, if this is some ploy for you to go and engage in whatever degenerate activities you chose to on some far off plane, I will have your head. I care not for your past achievements." Xurha's voice rumbled out of the deep darkness that cloaked the dais that his enormous throne was placed on. Only his thick scarred fingers were visible, clutching the stone arms of the throne, the rest of his body hidden by the gloom., only his glowing red eyes shining out from the dark. 

"I have found the coordinates of the plane, your Supremacy. The Freeman mission has concluded, and I received an intercepted communication today." Xerev couldn't hold back the wide grin that spread across his face, and he waited for the sure praise that was to follow.

"You bumbling fool!" Xurha's voice thundered out, and shook the very earth around them, pieces of the ceiling fragmented and rained down all around Xerev, who shrunk down into a ball, shielding his head from the sharp shards of rock.

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