
Chapter 160 - The Storm Generals

"General Regis! Are they not vassal states for a reason, so that they may govern themselves and resolve their own petty disputes. If they were truly a part of the Empire, then one could justify defending them. But I have heard of the stirring of a great power forming in the North, and I think this has all the makings of a trap." Simon addressed the General, standing tall, though Regis towered over him. Regis was a middle aged man, but his eyes looked as though he had year after year of suffering, and his hair and eyes were a pale gay color. 

"Piatt, you have always been one to give wise counsel, even though you spend your days digging around dusty ruins and unearthing moldy skeletons, which is why you are even given the chance to attend this court. But know your place, I did not become a General so that a bookish little worm like you could insult my intelligence." Regis' voice grew stern, and the surrounding air began to crackle with energy, and the gathered Officials began to murmur. Regis was far taller than Simon, and he currently wore a leather breastplate over a dark-colored tunic combined with a pair of leather sandals. A large broadsword was strapped to his back, the enormous handle sticking out over his shoulder. A small short cape hung loosely at his back, and his bare arms and legs were covered in scars. 

Many myths surrounded Regis himself, known as the Burning Storm General, both for his attitude and for his dual Lightning and Flame affinities. He had foregone the Mage training that he could have learned, rather training as a warrior, and honing himself in the Arena. 

"My aim was not to insult you, Sir! I only implore the gathered court to consider all possibilities before dispatching the bulk of the Empire's forces to the north." Simon responded, his voice still clear and calm in the face of the General's intimidation.

"You have some spine, Piatt. But I stand by my position, we cannot allow this unrest to ignite into a full scale war, if all the states that have had men assassinated, chose to start a battle, then the north will devolve into a storm of lawlessness." Regis simmered down, and his eyes which had been filled with sparks of red and blue now returned to their pale gray color. He crossed his enormous arms, as wide around as Simon's legs, and looked the scholar up and down. He had gained some respect for this tiny man.

"Regis! Why do you bully the poor scholar so? Let him speak his mind instead of unleashing your hotheadedness on any who question you. No wonder so many of your men have come asking to come under my command." In contrast to Regis hoarse voice, this person spoke smoothly, though with a similar deep tone as Regis. The Officials moved aside as an extremely tall man, taller even than the mountainous Regis, walked out to the open space at the center of the court.

"Nevus! If you don't have anything to say about the unrest then I refuse to speak with you." Regis frowned, and the air around him began to crackle again, as his thunderous brows began to brown. He stared daggers at the slender, tall man dressed in voluminous green robes who walked out toward him.

This was Regis' counterpart in the Imperial army, the Galestorm, Nevus. His beginnings were a mystery, and he had suddenly appeared, rising through the ranks of the army meteorically. He was rumored to have three elemental affinities, and it was said that he had fused all three of his cores together, which had given him command over the very weather itself.

"Come now, Regis. Aren't we friends, or at the very least, comrades?" Nevus smiled at Regis, his long black hair formed into a braid, and his features delicate, and if not for his broad shoulders and deep voice, one might mistake him for a woman.

By now, Simon had retreated into the mass of gathered Officials, he had no interest in being caught in between an argument between the two most powerful figures of the Imperial Army.

Regis only glared silently back at Nevus, he knew that the man liked to enrage him, he seemed to take a sick pleasure in irritating others, picking at their soft spots. 

"I think that our good scholar Piatt made a good point, why should we concern ourselves into the petty disputes of those vassal states. Yes, I would like to find another rebellion to squash, but the disputes between our vassal states should be below us. The Empire rules those states, it is not a mother intervening in a fight between children, so long as they pay their dues, they can do as they wish." Nevus smirked at Regis, and the air around the hot headed general began to crackle once again, while a gust of wind began to swirl around Nevus. The sun shining into the room dimmed, as clouds began to gather around outside, beginning to cover the sky above.

The gathered countries began to sweat, surely the two generals would not start fighting outright before the Emperor, but it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for the two of them, each of them were just as mad as the other.

A turquoise glow began to surround Nevus as he stepped closer to Regis, his lean frame towered over the already tall man. 

The red and blue sparks swirling around Regis coalesced into a purplish aura, and he began to exert his pressure around him, which Nevus answered in turn.

A few of the weaker Officials groaned out and fell over, passing out from the pressure of the generals, untrained, their own control of their mana not even able to resist the edges of the generals'.

Regis' face twisted into a fierce snarl, as the two grew closer and closer, while Nevus' grin grew wider and wider, he couldn't believe his luck, would he be able to get Regis to fight him in the Imperial Court itself?

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