
Chapter 173 - Wolves In The Flock

The pandemonium and fear within Aznur grew further and further, as more and more ships appeared on the horizon, it seemed that there truly was an enormous fleet on its way to invade the capital.

It had become common knowledge that the Storm Generals had rode north to suppress the unrest and war amongst the vassal states. This information had been spread by agents of the Empire, since it was important to reassure their population that something was being done.

But unfortunately, the news that had been spread to raise morale ended up having the opposite effect, and without the Storm General's to protect them, the people of Aznur were well and truly scared.

As more and more black ships crept over the horizon, forming a black line in the distance, out of range of any preemptive attacks from the anti siege weaponry of Aznur, the Imperial Court was astir. Ther officials yelled at each other and their voices grew more and more hoarse. The fear and confusion in the room was palpable, and all the while, the Emperor sat silently, watching his courtiers run about and screech at each other like a bunch of chickens.

"Enough. This is a time for my people to band together, and yet I see you all here, trying to pin the blame for this matter on one another. I am the one who is responsible, Scholar Piatt, and Tomas, I owe you an apology." The Emperor stood from his throne, still a vague silhouette, even though the dark clouds outside had grown so thick it made the noon appear no different from a dark evening. 

"Your Imperial Majesty! I could not! An apology from yourself is unbecoming from a man of your stature!" Tomas protested, while Simon graciously bowed and disappeared back into the throng of officials.

"You presume to tell me what a man of my station can and cannot do?" There was chilling bite to the usually soft tone of the Emperor, and instantly, even the slightest of murmurs died down in the court, and they all stared at the center of the room, sure that Tomas would receive some great punishment from the Emperor.

"No, sire, please, I spoke out of turn. Forgive my ignorance, please!" Tomas fell to his knees and begged the Emperor, who then ignored Tomas and nodded to one of the many guards dotted about the room, all dressed in red and gold surcoat, with the emblem of  blazing golden sun on the front. 

Tomas yelled in protest, until one guard stuffed a dirty rag into his mouth, and then he grunted and squealed in fear as he was dragged away, presumably to some dungeon.

"Let us get back to the matter at hand. It seems that we have some unruly visitors. Christoff! Send word to the Storm Generals! Spare no expense, I want them back here as soon as they possibly can return. Captain Jeremiah, escort me to the docks, I wish to get a better look at these invaders." As the Emperor called out his orders, those commands scrambled to fulfill them, Christoff striding out of the court, trailed by a gaggle of hopeful officials, keen to help Christoff and claim some fragment of the glory he might receive from the Emperor.

An elderly yet stout man, in full plate armor, only lacking a helmet, now stood before the Emperor, at attention, saluting as the Emperor rose from his throne.

"Captain Jeremiah, shall we go." The Emperor said softly, and the Captain squinted his eyes as he looked at the Emperor.

"Sire, that thing, It makes it hard to see around you." Captain Jeremiah pointed at the orb of pure light that floated behind the Emperor, which gave him the constant silhouette, as it shone brightly from behind him.

"Ah, how could I forget." The Emperor snapped his fingers as he and Jeremiah left the Imperial Court, and the orb of light disappeared into thin air.

As the Emperor was making his way to the docks, and the fleet was forming up off of the coast of Aznur.

Word of the ships had spread quickly throughout the capital, and each and everyone of the people had created some plan of escaping the sure war that would come.

The legends of the wall were so common that every person was certain what the wall would save them, even in the face of certain death. And so, a great number of the people of Aznur flocked toward the inner city, desperate to get within the outer wall.

Amongst this throng of people, were a number of individuals, they had foregone their distinctive masks, and wore deep clocks and rags about heri faces in the fashion that many beggars did.

This was the moment the Nighthawks had been waiting for.

The streets were packed from side to side with individuals trying to make their way into the city, and the Nighthawks easily slipped between the crowd, growing closer and closer to the open gates.

The guards on the outer wall had been ready for any threats to the wall itself, coming from outside the city or even within, but what they hadn't been ready for was the sudden influx of all the people of Aznur, desperate to find a p-ace within the shining outer wall.

Kothar was amongst the throng of people, he watched, impressed, as the other Nighthawks seamlessly slid in between the crowd, easily slipping through the wide open gates.

The gates should have been shut as soon as the ships were sighted, but the Empire had been caught unprepared, and only the cruelest of commanders would shut their gates on a horde of people, driven by fear, all anxious to secure their lives and the lives of their families.

But as the guards ushered in all who tried to enter the walls, they were unaware of the wolves within the flock of sheep that flooded through the gates.

Kothar emulated his comrades, and he too easily slipped though and found himself within the inner city, trying his best not to shoot looks of admiration at the fine architecture of the wall, since he had to play the part of a common citizen of Aznur.

It was done, the Nighthawks were inside the city.

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