
Chapter 186 - Aemos

Far from the cluster of planes that included Eclat and Atla, there is a plane formed entirely of crystal, with great shining spires of multicolored rock reaching up toward the sky. 

Even the beasts of the plane are formed of crystal, small insects scurrying around like jewels with limbs, birds that shine and sparkle in the light of the pale white light of the dim star, swooping down to catch those very same insects.

Great herds of horned beasts of darker colored crystal, stampeding across the sweeping plains, reflecting in the mirror-like surface.

And even larger and more fantastical creatures, ferocious predators, with teeth harder than the finest diamond, that shone even more spectacularly than the finest gemstones, stalking the mirrored plains.

On this plane, all of a sudden, an impossibly loud noise rang out, the sound was distorted and strange, and the vibration that emanated out from the sky above made all the creatures freeze in their steps, as they all looked above.

A great dark void had opened within the very fabric of space, in the skies above. The enormous portal blotted out the light below out, and many creatures fled for cover, while those with the slightest amount of intelligence remained still, staring up above, taken in by the strange sight they were witnessing.

Slowly, an enormous wedge shape emerged from the tear in space, far larger than even the tallest spire on this plane, hundreds of meters in height, covered all over with strange inscriptions, black against the gray surface, forming semicircular and circular shapes, that were linked by networks of right angled lines.

As the enormous object moved out of the enormous portal, it revealed itself for what it truly was, a great ship, far far longer than it was wide, most of its size coming from its great height and length, forming an odd rectangular shape.

Once the massive ship had emerged out of the portal, it was followed by countless other smaller craft, these were also mostly cuboid, all right angles, covered with the same inscriptions that the larger ship was.

The name of the ship was Aemos, its name taken from the race of great interplanar warriors that crewed its decks.

High in the Aemos, in a room in which the walls were covered with thousands of small cubes that spun along rods to show different sides of the cubes, all colored differently, the cubes spinning to form an image of the sight outside the enormous vessel.

"So, Xerev. You are certain that the beings of this plane will be enough to recoup the amount of energy we will use to propel the fleet across all these planes. The resources we use can easily be recouped by the conquest of the minor targets enroute, but even your measly little life won't be enough to pay for what a dry plane will cost us." A hulking figure spoke, a thin crown covered inscriptions on his brow, his eyes glowing with a dull red light.

"Your supremacy, I'm more than certain that the plane will be more energy dense than many of our richest conquests. The only possible issue I can predict is, that such a plane is sure to have a resident Ascended." Xerev knelt in a bow in one corner, back in his orange jumpsuit, covered in an endless amount of pockets. 

"Xerev. Are you insinuating that I would have a problem defeating some unknown Ascended, who languishes within a single plane? Watch your mouth, Xerev, or you'll see my fist." Xurha growled, closing his armored hand with a series of clanking noises, his glowing red eyes staring daggers at Xerev.

"Of course not, your Supremacy. I was only presenting the possible hindrances that could be present in your upcoming conquest." Xerev replied smoothly, still in a deep bow, but glancing up at Xurha from time to time, who was now distracted by the images on the walls.

"Enough of your useless utterances. I want you out there, while we're preparing for the next jump. Take your scouts with you." Xurha growled, then turned away from Xerev completely, ignoring him as he quickly scuttled out of the high, arched doorway.


While the Aemos plundered the crystal plane, Tam sat within a massive auction hall in the Outer City, like most of the buildings in Aznur, it was completely empty.

After hours of hearing Anteris let loose his rage onto the wall that divided the Inner City from the Outer, the vast majority of the citizens had fled Aznur, streaming north toward the other cities of the Empire.

Tam let them flee, for he knew that the fleeing people would clog up the roads leading to Aznur, and would serve to delay the Storm generals, who would surely return.

The wood paneled floor of the auction hall was now occupied by Tam's usual large map table, except now it was occupied with a map of Aznur and its surroundings.

The peninsula, colored a deep green, jutted out into a pale blue ocean, with the various buildings of the city picked out in a dark gray, the roads in brown.

A bone white ring showed Anzur's great wall, and within it, the palace was also drawn in with the same bone white color.

"What now, General?" Boson mumbled, leaning on his axe, a sad expression on his face, his short forehead wrinkled in a frown. He had been in a poor mood since his clash with Graffius, though no one, even Anteris, held him responsible.

"Now, we let Anteris continue his one man war against that dome. But as for the rest of us, we should prepare for when the real Imperial Army arrives. As they surely will, for expecting that they would not would be stupidity, rather than optimism." Tam said as he stared at the map, deep in thought, one hand on the hilt of his sword.

"I think, within a few hours, and enough men. We can turn the streets of Aznur into a fine set of makeshift fortifications." Tam traced his finger in a rough semicircle, bisecting the peninsula toward the north.

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