
Chapter 195 - Meteor Slash

The shining blue light in the sky grew brighter and brighter, the shape of the hawk becoming clearer and clearer as Tam dove down. He accelerated to speed that even he had never before attained, but even as he dove down, he channeled all his mana, in preparation for the most powerful slash he had ever struck.

Even as he dove down, the crowds of civilians fleeing Aznur looked back and pointed in wonder at what they thought was a falling meteor,

His sword facing forward, ready to slash, Tam hurtled toward the great wall of Aznur, the monument that had stood for eons, a testament to the might of the Empire.

"I'd love to let you all watch, but the force of the impact might cause you all to lose your lives!" Anteris yelled, and with a swing of his halberd erected a wall of flame between the amassed Ursten forces and the wall.

The shining blue hawk swooped down over the gathered army and slammed into the wall, and the shining dome that covered the Inner City once again materialized as Tam's sword flashed moments before he slammed into the wall, an enormous slash of blue mana cleaving into the wall, with all of Tam's momentum behind it.


A bone shaking shockwave spread out from the point of impact, even though it was dulled by Anteris' wall of flame, many of the vanguard of the Ursten forces were sent flying off their horses, the horses rearing up in fear, and the men yelling in surprise.

All those gathered before the wall watched, waiting for the flames to subside so that they could see what had happened.

But even before the flames faded away, the shining dome that rose high up into the sky, crisscrossed with runic patterns, flickered for a moment. 

The runic enchantments that held the wall together were so powerful because they were all linked together, and functioned as a mighty chain that protected the city within,

But Anteris' repeated blows and Tam's mighty attack had broken one link of that chain completely, and so, starting from where Tam had struck, the dome began to disappear, fading away, as each rune linked to the first that had been destroyed disappeared in a chain reaction.

The wall of flame faded away, and the shining white wall of Aznur was revealed once again. The once perfect structure, admired by all who saw it, was now marred, an ugly scar within the wall, blasted wide open. 

Within the massive cleft that now split the wall completely from top to bottom, a long figure, covered in a shining blue light, stood.

The Last Hawk. Tam.

Cheers rose up amongst the Ursten forces, as the men and women saw that even the mightiest of fortifications on the Isle could not stand up to their leader.

Then, Tam's sword rose into the air, and all fell silent.

"Forward!"He yelled, his voice thundering across the main street, along which the Ursten forces were gathered.

Anteris was the first to move, urging his horse forward, a wordless battle cry coming from his mouth as he charged into the breach.

The heavy cavalry followed, charging into the Inner City.


Kothar and Docara had watched in shock, from the moment when the flare had shot up into the sky and the gates had failed to open, to when Tam had slammed down into the wall, cleaving the wall apart.

[He only continues to surprise me, no wonder he was so confident in waging war against the Empire.] Silane broke the silence for Kothar, as he watched in awe as his father single handedly brought down the great wall of Aznur. Even as the wall fell, Kothar remembered the tales he had heard of it from Simon, whispers of the great wall that defended the great capital of the Empire that lay to the south.

And to think that in a matter of ten years, he would watch as his own father broke down that very wall. "That's our General Tam, for you. He always pulls victory into reach with his own two hands!" Docara exclaimed triumphantly, and the other Nighthawks gathered around them began to cheer. 

[It truly is impressive, Silane, but at my peak as Commander of the Sentinels, I brought down the mightiest of fortifications with a single blast from my plasma cannon. I still haven't tested my plasma blade against the magic of this world, but to reach the level of power I need I'll need to surpass my father.] Kothar replied, his tone serious and tinged with a hint of sadness, as thoughts of his home were brought to the surface of his mind.

[Of course Kothar, but for now, let us agree that Tam is one of the, no, the most impressive warriors we have seen on Eclat. And besides, with him as your father, I'm sure you'll soon be capable of similar feats.] Silane could feel Kothar's thoughts turning to his final memories of his home, and she steered the conversation in a lighter direction.

Kothar and the Nighthawks watched the Ursten forces charge into the Inner City, virtually unopposed, the Imperial forces not even considering that the wall could be breached.

But even as Anteris and Tam led their forces within, a bright light shone from the top of the wall, as the Empire shot into the air, ready to defend his city.

The Emperor flew into combat, knowing that he would be risking his life taking on both of the Advanced Level fighters of the Ursten forces, but he had no other choice.

But if the Emperor had looked to the north as he flew up for even a moment, he would have seen the sliver of hope that approached for the Imperials.

A massive bank of storm clouds, rapidly approaching the capital. 

The Storm Generals had returned, and at their back rode the elite of the Imperial Army, every single one of them filled with fury, ready to defend their home.

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