
Chapter 200 - The Imperial Elites(2)

"Looks like we'll be needed." Kothar commented to Docara, as they watched the Imperial Elites charge toward the layers upon layers of Ursten forces.

"Sure, but I know the General, he'll have something up his sleeve for sure. It's not like him to be on the back foot for long." Docara said as he watched Tam and Nevus darting around the towers of the Imperial Palace, lightning bolts striking down at every moment, gusts of wind knocking Tam off course, but his speed allowed him to quickly recover.

"I guess we'll see soon enough.'' Kothar said, a little skeptical, he admired his father for sure, but he didn't blindly worship him in the same way many of the Nighthawks and Tam's personal guard seemed to. 

If he had learned anything in his years as Commander of the Sentinels, it was that every leader was fallible, and everyone, with no exceptions, made mistakes.

[I'm prone to agree with Docara, Tam's not the type of Commander to leave things to chance.] Silane said, picking up on Kothar's skeptical thoughts.

[Well, I hope for the sake of all these soldiers, and for us, that you and Docara are right. It looks to me like Anteris won't be able to hold off for too long, and then my father will be fighting two of those monsters.] Kothar's was surprised at the sheer power of the two Storm generals, especially Nevus, with his ability to summon an entire Thunderstorm over the battlefield.

Silane was silent, she knew Kothar was right, but even as she had slowly become familiar with emotions, so too had she become familiar with hope, and she hoped that she was right.

The Imperial Elites collided with the front line of the main force below, tribes people fighting alongside noblemen and their soldiers. 

Unfortunately for the Ursten forces, unlike Boson and his personal shock troops, the main force weren't able to put much resistance against the Imperial Elites, and their formation quickly crumbled under the force of their charge.

But at the very rear, returning from invading the breach in the great wall of Aznur, Tam's personal guard, as well as Anteris' had formed up.

If any group of soldiers could match the Imperial Elites in terms of experience and competence, it would be Tam's personal guard.

They had followed their commander across years upon years of battles, fighting against all kinds of armies, in all kinds of climates, managing to grasp victory almost every single time.

The main body had fallen apart, a single campaign against the already weakened Kalun not enough to allow the mish mash of tribesmen and noblemen's soldiers to work effectively together.

Kothar watched as the formation crumbled, what was Tam thinking, taking these relatively inexperienced men, and taking on the empire, relying only on the absence of their most powerful fighters.

"Prepare yourselves! We'll strike once they make contact with the General's personal guard! Everyone, take caution, these lads aren't cannon fodder, they're the Imperial's finest!" Docara called out to the Nighthawks, he didn't bother with trying to organize formations, or a unified strategy.

The fighting styles and strengths of the Nighthawks were far too varied for that, each one of them a one unit killing machine.

The anguished screams of the young tribes people and Ursten soldiers filled the battlefield, soldiers falling left and right, their formation forgotten as the Imperial Elites completely crushed them, spilling out into the small gap between the main Ursten forces and Tam's personal guard, who had returned from invading the Inner City.

"Charge!" Tam's personal guard seized the initiative from the Imperial Elites, charging forward, their weapons rising and falling amongst the Imperial Elites, who, for the first time during the battle, were taken by surprise.

"Let's go lads! Every man for himself!" Docara yelled out, surrounding his legs in the miniature whirlwinds that he used, leaping off the roof that they had been stationed on.

[Kothar, you can't hold back when it comes to this! Every single of these soldiers is powerful in their own right!] Silane yelled out, knowing that Kothar was still worried about revealing his identity.

[You're completely right, Silane. Trying to hide my identity can wait in a life and death situation.] Kothar said, as he drew his sword, casting a full strength Lightning Aura spell as he charged toward the edge of the roof, following the other Nighthawks.

As he fell in midair, Kothar utilized the Spatial Necklace, opening a portal in the midst of the rear of the Imperial Elites, and opening one below him as he fell.

Carried by his momentum as he fell, Kothar shot out of the portal, flying toward an Imperial Elite, who was wielding an enormous sword with a slightly curved edge and flat end.

The man wore the red and gold plate that all the Imperial soldiers wore, and his back was to Kothar as he yelled out a battle cry urging on his comrades up ahead.

But to Kothar's surprise, the Imperial Elite detected a disturbance in the mana behind himself from Kothar's portal opening, and spun around striking out with his sword, operating by reflex alone.

Kothar's eyes widened in surprise as the enormous cleaver-like blade came slamming down toward him, and he struck out with his Lightning Mana infused blade, expecting his extremely sharp blade to carve the Elite's blade apart, shocking him in the process..

But even after seeing the Imperial Elites in action, and Silane's warning, Kothar had underestimated the Elite he was facing.

Mere instants before their blades collided, the Imperial Elite's shot out a slash, every single one of the Elite's was more than capable of using Force Emission almost instantaneously.

The slash slammed into Kothar's blade, and the force of it sent him flying back toward his portal, slightly off center from the portal's opening.

[Kothar! Close it now!] Silane yelled out. She knew, as Kothar did, that anything that hit the edge of a portal was sliced clean off.

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