
Chapter 202 - Surrounded

The remaining Imperial Elite, who had fought countless campaigns for the Empire, always at the most intense portion of the battlefield, along with his fellow Elites, who had rarely even considered retreating, stepped back.

The demon that had appeared on the battlefield was outside the realm of logic that the Elite knew, and so, even though the two Advanced Rank fighters in the air did not phase him, the Elite was afraid.

But he was no coward.

"Soldiers of the Empire! With me now! We must eliminate the demon with the glowing sword! Our victory depends upon it!" The Imperial Elite yelled out, his voice booming out, more than loud enough to be heard over the rumbling thunder, clashing blades and screams of the wounded.

"Rufus! Get out of here, I'll take care of this one!" Docara called out to Kothar, after seeing him take out the Elites one after the other, he had realized Kothar's value as a Nighthawk./

They couldn't lose him now.

"No need to worry, Docara. I can hold my own!" Kothar yelled back, he was ready to take on whatever the Imperial Elites threw at him, his Mana Storage Unit was full, and he knew that he could keep his Plasma Blade up indefinitely. The Imperial Elites would have no chance..

[Kothar, are you sure about this? You can still portal out right now. But if they close in, your maximum range will be  blocked by their bodies.] Silane warned, for unless one's domain was far more powerful, it would be impossible for them to cause a spell to appear within another person's body, which was where their domain was strongest.

[Don't worry, Silane. I'm sure of this.] Kothar reply was calm and confident, she hadn't heard him like this ever since they'd been reincarnated, Kothar's mind had so often been clouded by his new found emotions. But right now, in the midst of battle, where he was most at home, Kothar was absolutely sure.

The remaining Imperial Elite, who had now backed away so that almost ten meters separated him and Kothar, had momentarily relaxed, as far as he knew, Kothar's Plasma Blade had a fixed distance.

But that was not the case, Kothar pointed his Plasma Blade at the last of the Imperial elite's that had surrounded Docara, and sent a surge of converted Lighting Mana to it, which caused the one and a half meter long blade to suddenly extend, stabbing right through the Elite's midsection.

"Urk." The Elite grunted in surprise, his eyes wide open as the glowing white blade creating a burning hole in his stomach.

But his warning was not in vain, there were only about thirty Nighthawks that had been waiting to attack the rear of the Elites, and the vast majority of those at the rear had been suppressing those Nighthawks in large groups.

However, once they had heard the warning, they immediately left their comrades to deal with the Nighthawks attacking them on their own, all of them honing in on the source of the yells, seeing the two masked individuals, one with the glowing sword, their obvious target, and another with a hawk mask, wielding a pair of curved swords, a pair of whirlwinds spinning around his feet.

"Docara, please, flee. If you're nearby I won't be able to use this weapon to its full potential." Kothar murmured to Docara.

Docara immediately sped away, using his Wind Element Mana to its full potential, the whirlwinds around his legs spinning so fast that they kicked up enormous columns of dust behind him.

Docara didn't question Kothar, he had seen enough already. 

As Docara sped away, the Imperial Elites closing in on Kothar didn't even pretend to care about him fleeing, all of their eyes were locked in on Kothar.

Their years of fighting alongside one another meant that they also trusted each other unconditionally, and so they all took the fallen Elite's warning to heart.

Kothar, while he was still able to, opened dozens of tiny portals in the few meters of empty space that remained around him.

This was far safer than opening larger portals, which the Imperials might be able to use against him, but these tiny portals were so difficult to even see the correct angle, that even Kothar himself was only able to use them thanks to Silane's assistance.

This time, Kothar had more than mere moments to prepare an attack, and so, he cast a Storm field over the area, as well as charging up a Bolt Barrage.




The sound of the bolts rang out again and again, as Kothar, guided by Silane, sent bolt after bolt into the countless portal all around him.

The bolts shot out at all kinds of odd angles, striking the approaching Imperial Elites one after the other.

Bolts of lightning also came striking down from above, thanks to the Storm Field that Kothar had summoned.

With the Elites on the defensive, and unable to advance until they were certain of the location of all the tiny portals, Kothar was able to begin his next spell. 

He let his Plasma Blade subside for the time being, stretching both his arms out in front of him.

A pinpoint of darkness appeared between his outstretched palms, and purple energy began to swirl all around it. It grew wider and wider, forming a disk of swirling purple energy, Kothar, thanks to his increased strength and the Spatial Necklace, didn't struggle at all to hold it.

Instead, he sent it spinning toward the gathered Imperial Soldiers, who yelled out in fear, scrambling to get out of its way.

But they were packed too tightly to get far, and the disk made an ear-splitting screeching noise as it tore through an entire row of Imperial Elites, completely tearing them to shreds.

The fragments of the Imperials were dragged through the air behind the Void Disk, and then disappeared into the air along with the disk, as it shrunk back into a point of darkness before disappearing.

But all of this, the Bolt Barrage, the Storm Field, the countless tiny portals all around him, and even the Void Disk, were all to buy time for Kothar's next attack.

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